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Amber Whinberry (アンバー・ウィンベリー Anbā Winberī) is a CIA field agent and Eda's senior partner in the spinoff series Eda Initial Stage.


Amber is a young woman with dark-green hair[1] styled into a neck-length messy bob cut. She commonly wears a cross pendant necklace, an opened, cream-colored, waist-length lapeled jacket over a black long-sleeved V-neck top, black skinny jeans, and laced black shoes. She carries a pistol for a weapon.


Amber is a person who likes to avoid confrontation. She also has a penchant for drinking alcohol frequently, earning her the nickname "Drunken Amber" (ドランケン・アンバー Doranken Anbā) by fellow agents. Like any field agent, she is trained in firearms and combat and is adept at pulling through tense situations. In constantly changing situations, she tends to brush off others' concerns and prefers to move on instead of worrying about arising problems.

Eda Initial Stage history[]

Amber is divorced with one ex-husband, and she has a daughter who is approximately six years old.[2] As a CIA agent, she has been rumored to have created many mistakes as a result of her drunkenness and one incident placing her on administrative leave, with her worst incident supposedly taking place on the verge of one of the CIA's puppet governments in Central America being overthrown.[3]


After Eda's awry mission in a Central American country resulted in her reporting officer Ruggles being killed, she returned to the United States. At the same time, Amber returned to CIA duty due to being suspended from the job,[4] and she was assigned to be Eda's partner. After Eda was pinned down while putting up a good fight in combat training, Amber looked over her and introduced herself. When Eda finished taking a shower, Amber informed her that their next assignment was for domestic espionage under the CIA's National Resources division. Going to Miami, the two were to speak to an informant, Percy, regarding local drug deals.

At night, while they stopped at a bar, Eda and Amber were hassled by several men and they grabbed the women, although Amber chose not to fight after another man, Glenn, intervened and beat up the men with Eda. The next day, when they arrived at the motel, Amber was drunk asleep, irritating Eda. Unknown to Eda, who had gone to the motel room and was surrounded by a few armed plain-clothes police officers who interrogated Percy, Amber had pretended to be drunk so that Eda would enter first. Coming to her aid, she stood outside the motel room and rang the doorbell. When Stokes opened the door and warned Amber to leave, the agent sprayed him with a chemical and knocked him out, then pulling out her pistol and ordering the men to surrender.[5]

As she assessed the room, Cutter slowly pulled out his pistol, prompting Eda to warn Amber. The latter immediately jumped out the window and took cover as Eda stunned the man behind her. Amber fired back at Cutter, allowing Eda to pull out her gun and fire at the cops as well. She then covered for her partner in order to ensure Percy's escape, and in the chaos, Eda shot and killed Hancock. Although the two women escaped the scene with Percy, Amber checked on the informant and saw that he had been shot and quickly bled to death in the car's backseat. Nonetheless, she heard him mutter some final words pertaining to a clue that was related to his information. Going to a random location at night, Amber and Eda buried Percy's body and at least knew that he was in contact with a woman named Rona Hunt at Club Social. Listening to the radio, Amber learned that the men they clashed with were police officers of the Metro-Dade Police Department, who relayed to the public that the two women killed a police officer and framed the incident as a botched drug raid. From then on, the agents realized that they were essentially investigating police corruption.

The next morning, they went to Club Social and asked for Hunt. Although Amber assured Hunt that they were not cops, the escort still wanted payment for her information concerning the key that Percy had. Once getting the money, Hunt confirmed that the key was to a locker near a train station somewhere. As she agreed to write down the approximate address, a couple of MDPD cars stopped outside the bar and a few cops, including Glenn, went inside demanding to see Rona. Hearing them, Amber and her partner quickly ran to the back exit. To ensure their escape, she tossed a homemade explosive behind her, stunning the pursuing officer. While she quickly entered the car, Eda turned around to see that the officer pursuing was the same man, Glenn, from the bar. Taking advantage of his surprise, the two women quickly fled.[4]

Eda Initial Stage chapter 5

Amber finding and opening up Percy's storage locker.

Going to the storage locker, Amber opened the storage door and brought Percy's bag of belongings to the van, where Eda and Amber saw that there were money and drugs inside the bag. Frustrated, Amber complained that none of the items were valuable, reminding Eda that the only thing valuable in their line of work was information. Afterward, calling the local Miami cops at their police station, she told Sommers, the police chief, that they would return the drugs and money in return for all the documents that Percy had inside the motel, so the police chief agreed and asked where they would meet. As the chief and his assistant drove in a car on the way, Amber used the van to block their path, forcing their car to stop as she walked to the window wearing a gas mask and sprayed knockout gas inside their vehicle. Commandeering their van, she drove the unconscious chief to a small field while Eda followed her. Checking the envelope's contents, Amber discovered that the documents had little info written on them. Annoyed, she threw the envelope at the disarmed chief, who calmly explained that Percy was not the type of person who wrote detailed information.

When Amber demanded that the chief bring them to Percy's place, Eda argued with her about the state of their mission, and Amber responded that they had to get the blame off themselves, adding that they could use the chief as leverage against his fellow officers for more information. Surprised at their words, the chief asked if they were truly CIA agents, but the agent nonchalantly replied that it was best that he did not know. Subsequently, the two agents were guided to Percy's house, where the chief sat with tied hands on the couch while Amber and Eda searched the furniture for important info. Examining a small drawer with a thump, Amber discovered a ledger with a list of Percy's partners, lightening up her mood, so she returned the bag of money and drugs to the chief.

As the two women exited the house after promising to return the chief to his police station, several bullets hit close to them, forcing them back inside the residence. Outside, Glenn kept his rifle's sights on the house since he wanted revenge on the agents for Eda killing his brother Hancock during the motel firefight. Preparing her pistol, Eda went to the back of the house to catch him and Cutter off guard, surprising Amber. During the brief fight, Eda and Glenn had each other at gunpoint, prompting Amber to plead with them to deescalate because she already compensated the chief. Despite this, Glenn wanted to continue the fight since he only cared about his dead brother, and Eda pulled out a hidden revolver and killed him, shocking Amber and ending the police's drug operation. As they waited for backup while the chief and Cutter accepted defeat, Amber jokingly asked Eda how much longer she thought that she would live by lethal means, ticking her off.[6]

Wandering Old Case Officer[]

Eda's handler Richard Ravencroft ordered her and Amber on behalf of Chesterton to privately track down and find a missing ex-case officer named Harold Meyer in the United States. As Eda drove, Amber recalled how those at the top in the CIA had to pay off the cops and make up for the two officers whom they killed. On the way, Amber wondered what trouble Chesterton was worried about regarding Meyer, and the two women recalled Meyer's history as an ex-DDR official who defected to the U.S.A. and became a counter-espionage agent. Talking about her personal life, Amber confided in Eda that she decreased her drinking since she was going to see her young daughter soon and needed to look presentable. Amber then giddily showed Eda a photo of her child, annoying the latter agent who remarked that she had no desire to have children.

Arriving at Meyer's house, the two women found nothing there of note except Meyer's family photos. Checking the nearby dumpster, Amber smugly showed Eda the thrown-away newspaper articles that the old man had discarded. The agents then drove to the town of Lansdale, Pennsylvania because it was mentioned in the newspaper article about the ex-CIA agent Jeremy Stainton. They went into a neighborhood and Amber spotted Meyer walking on the street, urging Eda to back up the car. Leaning toward the driver window, she informed the old man that the agency sent them to find him, but he silently responded by pulling out his firearm and shot multiple rounds at them, forcing the women to flee. Whereas Eda confirmed that she was all right after crashing into a streetlight pole, Amber revealed that she had been shot in the right shoulder.[2]

After her wound was treated, Amber wore an arm sling. Sometime later in a large building, Amber and Eda spoke with Stainton, who was going to attend a charity meeting for disabled children as supposed atonement for his actions during his CIA time. Eating at a restaurant after speaking with Stainton, Eda asked Amber if she believed Stainton's guilt. Sipping her drink, Amber answered that her experience had taught her to never trust any active or retired agent. In the hotel as Eda took a bath, Amber checked her shoulder bandages and then told the relaxed Eda to review the paper archives that the former brought with since she already finished briefing herself. That next day, they attended the charity event to keep watch of Stainton as he gave a speech. While standing in the back, Eda clarified that she did not read the case files and archives on Meyer that Amber offered, annoying the latter woman. Eda tried to calm her by guessing that Stainton recruited Meyer as an alleged ex-Nazi to recruit scientists after the war, but Amber told her that her guess was dead wrong.

Subsequently, Amber explained that Stainton had participated in Project Bluebird (later renamed Project Artichoke and then MKUltra) brainwashing operations during his time in Frankfurt in West Germany. After Stainton had finished the speech, Meyer suddenly appeared in the back area and pointed his gun at Stainton. As Meyer reminded Stainton of his past actions at a mansion, Amber and Eda had rushed to find him and at that point burst into the room, causing Meyer to point his gun at Stainton's head. Recognizing the women, Meyer calmly explained that his parents and sister fled to West Germany and were put into military custody at Camp King, the same place where some MKUltra experiments occurred. Once joining the CIA, Meyer examined the Project Bluebird files and found out that his family had been used as guinea pigs in the tortuous experiments, haunting him for years.

As he yelled in anger, Amber threw a smoke grenade to block Meyer's vision while she and Eda quickly charged at and disarmed him. Although Amber criticized his late revenge, Meyer warned her that she should watch herself lest she fell into the same trouble and torture. Afterward, Meyer was put into police custody for criminal trespassing, and Amber remarked that Meyer would probably be put in a detention center but in good care since he was a former CIA agent after all. Seeing them, Stainton thanked the two agents and said that the United States had acted in such ways due to their paranoia about the USSR. Once he left, Amber remembered their damaged car and how she and Eda would have to personally pay for repairs since they were not on an official mission, dismaying them.[7]

A Savage Place[]

Eda Initial Stage chapter 12

When Eda returned to the United States after her previous mission in the Balkans, Amber spoke with Ravencroft in his office. She claimed that Eda's chaotic behavior was because he put her under Tobias's command. Replying that it was too late to point fingers, Ravencroft remarked that he only acquired his own job with Chesterton's influence. Smiling, Amber rhetorically asked if they did anything wrong, reminding him that they had been successful in all of their previous missions. He reminded her in turn that she and Eda left scorched paths behind them, joking that it was mainly why he found it hard to make a decision. Sighing, he declared that he would give them a short time to allow himself to think about his final decision. Hearing that she would be assigned as Eda's caretaker, Amber joked that she liked the idea, asking if she would receive a bonus. He jokingly commented that she was getting greedy, but she clarified that she simply needed money to pay for child support in order to see her daughter. Ravencroft recalled that the CIA would become just another government agency if they did not make a move soon, reminding himself that the Soviet Union no longer existed.

Accordingly, Amber wanted to calm Eda on their vacation, so she chose the outdoors as their destination and headed to Lakeside in the Deep South. On the trip, Eda drove Amber around once more. In spite of Amber's recommendation intending to be for relaxation, Eda was still angry about the deaths of a Bosnian mother and her daughter. Noticing her high speed, Amber advised her to slow down because she did not want a police officer pulling them over, but the latter retorted that she did not care. Annoyed with Eda's attitude, she reminded her that she had not had a vacation in a while but still invited her. Seeing a Mercedes-Benz in front of her, Eda sped past it and flipped them off because she thought they were showing off. Turning her head, Amber noticed the car following them due to Eda's obscene gesture. The Benz then immediately rear-ended their vehicle, knocking their heads forward. Improvising an escape, Eda drove off the road down a steep incline and up the adjacent hill. When the Benz tried to follow her, the car crashed into the hill because of its suspension, causing Eda to taunt them as she drove off.

Stopping at a diner, the two women sat down. Being berated by Amber for her mean behavior, the blond agent rebuffed the notion that it was her fault, but Amber retorted that she started it and had even told her to stop. In a sour mood, Eda ordered her to be quiet, muttering that she wished she never took on Amber's offer and insulted the town that they were in. She also grumbled about regretting not going to Las Vegas. Again annoyed by her irate attitude, Amber reminded her that she invited her because she thought that Eda wanted to get over her awry mission. When Amber claimed that nature was the perfect place to calm one's mind, Eda angrily denied being emotionally hurt and asked her who told her that nature calmed people. Smirking, Amber in turn asked her why she did not decline the vacation in the first place, pointing out that she was clearly not over her wounds because she kept talking about her mission.

Eda became silent but angry at her comment, and to their surprise, several men blocked their path and rhetorically asked if the Jeep outside was theirs. Glaring at Eda, one man informed her that he and his friends were from the Mercedes-Benz that she made fun of. Ordering her to get up, he threatened that he would make her pay for insulting the Enos family. Immediately, Eda threw hot coffee in his face and insulted him as a wannabe gangster, warning the other men that she was willing to fight all of them. In response, another man grabbed her by the shirt, but she elbowed him in the face. Deciding not to stop her, Amber continued sitting and drinking her beverage when another gangster grabbed her jacket and claimed that she was involved too. Unfazed, she pepper sprayed the man and insulted his bad breath. Heading outside, Eda kicked the first attacker to the ground and sarcastically asked him if he was still going to give her payback. Looking up, she was dismayed to see several men with guns, and leading them, Needham asserted that she was done messing with his group. Amber ran out and tried to help her, but she was immediately restrained by another man.

Eda turned around and yelled for her, but one of the men kicked her in the head for looking away, disorienting her. Suddenly, a car drove through the crowd of men and its driver, Burt Gummer, began shooting at the Enos family gangsters. The prepper then ordered Eda to get in the car. As he drove away, Amber came outside after pepper spraying the thugs who restrained her. Seeing the car drive off, she shouted for Eda, who was taken to the prepper's cabin.[1] Worried about her colleague's disappearance, Amber went to the local sheriff's office to report the incident. Speaking to Sheriff Archer, she relayed to him that she encountered dangerous men and then an old man suddenly appeared with a machine gun, comparing the town's atmosphere to Chicago in the 1920s. The sheriff politely advised her to calm down, but Amber argued that she could not be calm because she just witnessed her friend being abducted. Nonchalantly informing her that he knew who abducted her friend, Archer stated that the culprit, Burt Gummer, was a prepper who lived in the nearby suburban woodlands. He elaborated that Gummer's family had owned the forest in the area for generations, adding that in recent times, the Enos family took notice of the area. Amber asked if there was oil on the land, which Archer denied and explained that the Enos family wanted to clear out the forest and build a large resort with leisure facilities. As a result, the two parties continued to conflict over the land for 10 years, making Amber note that a resort would become a missed business opportunity over a decade.

Confirming, the sheriff said that the conflict was likely ongoing because the Enos family felt that they could not back down after spending their wealth. Archer then recalled Gummer's false belief that the Enos family tortured and killed his daughter Angela and fed pieces of her corpses to crocodiles, intriguing Amber. He clarified that, in reality, Angela and Enos II were secretly dating, though Enos II was unaware of the former's true intentions. Amber asked if that was really true, to which the sheriff affirmed that Angela was a clever woman who convinced Enos to take $500,000 from his crime syndicate. Upon receiving the money, Angela disappeared, leaving Enos all alone. After his daughter's disappearance, Gummer went even more insane and went on a rampage day after day, becoming subsequently banned from all the stores in town. In similar mental deterioration, Enos, who was in despair after being abandoned by his ex-love, tried to commit suicide by diving with his car off a cliff into a canyon. Although the young man survived, he had severe burns across his body and was paralyzed from the waist down. Taking in the story, Amber demanded that the sheriff take her to Gummer's house since they knew where Eda was. Archer was hesitant to do so and, after thinking silently for a few seconds, called for the deputy sheriff Crocker. Introducing him to Amber, the sheriff ordered Crocker to guide the woman to Gummer's house, reasoning that he was very busy with all of his work.

Subsequently, the two began to head to Gummer's house, with the deputy sheriff remarking to Amber that the sheriff did not want to move a step from his chair to help them. He also told her that the sheriff had no intention of solving the feud between the Enos family and Gummer, causing Amber to guess that the sheriff might be taking bribes from the Enos family. Crocker responded that if the sheriff were a clever man, then he would not give it a second look. As he drove, he continued insulting the sheriff for lacking the guts to intervene, additionally lambasting him for being a paper pusher. Suddenly remembering something, Crocker interrupted Amber's assessment of the sheriff and yelled out that the sheriff's position in town had been passed down through generations of the Archer family. Stating that the "bean sprout" was only sheriff due to his familial relation, the irate deputy sheriff shouted that a sheriff needed neither a bloodline nor an intelligent brain but rather, the skill to push criminals into a corner with or without a fight. Crocker resumed monologuing that he would kill Gummer and bring order to the town with an iron fist, making the tired Amber remark that he talked too much.[8]

Eda Initial Stage chapter 14

Amber warning Crocker to stop the car due to the booby traps.

As the two arrived at the border of the property, Amber realized that there were traps ahead, so she yelled at the deputy sheriff to stop the car. He tried to talk but she warned him to shut up. Subsequently, she and Crocker walked into the forest, and they soon heard a few explosions throughout the property as the Enos family began their attack on Gummer's cabin. Baffled at the situation, he wondered from where Gummer even acquired explosives. Though Amber criticized him for his poor situational assessment, he asked her how she knew about the traps. She merely answered that it was her main job, also stating that Gummer was a jerk for setting up the explosives. Standing next to a tree, Amber suggested to the deputy sheriff that they go on foot. Hearing a beep from his car radio, Crocker asked her to wait a second. As the siege continued, Amber hid behind some bushes with Crocker, who warned her that they might be blown up by the explosive traps too if they stayed put. Nevertheless, Amber replied that charging into a shack that was being attacked by gangsters was not a good idea either.

They then walked to another part of the forest, and as they walked toward a particular spot, Gummer suddenly emerged from his escape tunnel right in front of them, startling them. Shocked at seeing him, Crocker pulled out his revolver to shoot, causing Amber to plead with him to hold his fire since Eda was with the prepper. Realizing that Eda was wearing a cheerleader uniform, Amber burst into laughter, angering Eda enough to threaten to shoot her. Nonetheless, Amber continued rolling on the ground in laughter, jokingly demanding that Eda stop making her laugh so hard. Pointing her pistol at her, Eda sternly asked if she should make her stop by taking away her ability to breathe. At the same time, as Gummer explained to Crocker that Eda was supposedly his resurrected daughter, they were interrupted by the remaining mercenaries shooting at them. Grabbing the giggling Amber, Eda ran for cover and chastised her for giving away their position. Out of nowhere, behind her, a female assassin attempted to stab her, but Eda dodged her attacked and headlocked her onto the ground.[9]

Taking cover behind a tree, Eda tossed a pistol to Amber, who caught it and began firing it until she ran out of bullets a second later. The latter took cover when the mercenaries fired back upon hearing her run out, causing Eda to insult her for not hitting a single enemy. She retorted to Eda that she could not be good with a gun in their current situation, but the blond woman warned her to take care of it since it was her last one. As Eda wrestled with the assassin and two gunmen fired at Amber, the latter suddenly got the idea to trigger one of the tripwires laid down throughout the forest property. Pulling one of the wires, she covered her head as one of the bombs exploded beneath the men, with the force of the explosion tossing the assassin off of Eda. Quickly, Eda grabbed her rifle took down the assassin with one quick shot to the heart.

Seeing that the assassin was down for good, she stood up but heard a man speaking, immediately pointing her gun in that direction. Smirking, the lone newsboy-capped gunman remarked that her rifle was out of bullets already. Realizing that he was correct, Eda tossed the rifle onto the ground. The gunman joked that it went against his principles to shoot someone unarmed, so Amber tossed her pistol to her partner. Staring down the gunman, Eda rhetorically asked him if he would regret that principle. In the standoff, eager to duel, he began to pull out his revolver, but Eda had already aimed her pistol at him and shot him once, felling him before the draw. Coming to her, Amber cheered for Eda's win, but the frustrated latter casually pointed her empty pistol at Amber's neck, criticizing her for giving her a gun with only one bullet left. Though Amber tried to explain that it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, Eda angrily asks her how careless she is with guns. Arguing about the blame, the two women rammed heads and growled at each other until Eda suddenly fell to the ground, collapsing on her back. Shocked, Amber asked her if she was okay and if she got shot. Eda only muttered that she was very tired. Amber listened to Eda claim that everyone in the Deep South were irredeemable idiots.

Thinking that the U.S. was full of such people, she confessed that she could not comprehend why the mother and daughter from Bosnia wanted to come to such a place. Realizing what her friend was experiencing, Amber responded that she was clearly shell-shocked. She specified that it was not because the two women were dead but rather, she witnessed first-hand that there were things that her own organization could not control. The silence and reflection were interrupted by Gummer roaring with victorious laughter nearby. Hearing Amber assess that Gummer would not get better, Eda reasoned that he was like that because his daughter was killed, but Amber rejected the story, confusing her. She informed Eda that Angela stole a lot of money from the Enos family and ditched town, deeming it to be a smart move. Seeing her friend's perplexed state, Amber wondered if she genuinely believed him, joking that she pitied her for believing his version of the story. Infuriated, she stood up, prompting Amber to warn her not to bother him anymore since they were done. In spite of the plea, Eda demanded to know why Gummer lied to her, but the delighted prepper completely ignored her anger and praised her firearm skills.[10]

The Spy Who Came in from Cold[]

Although Amber was not physically present in this arc, Eda mentioned that she was sober as of late. Conversing with the blond agent, a male CIA agent claimed to her that one could not count the number of mistakes on both hands that Amber had made throughout her service. He also recalled to Eda that Amber's worst incident took place when their hard-earned puppet government in Central America was on the verge of being overthrown, and he also remembered the incident that led to Amber being placed on administrative leave.[3]

Little King of The South[]

When Eda and her group were in trouble of being captured by Peruvian intelligence officers during President Duarte's self-coup, she phoned in the CIA furiously demanding for backup. Learning of the news as well as Enrique Gasol's significance of being leverage against the Peruvian president, Ravencroft approved of a mission to send Amber with a special helicopter team to rescue her group. At Peru's eastern border, the military blocked off the road and forced Eda's group to surrender. Before the soldiers could detain them, the CIA helicopter fired a couple of missiles at them, killing the soldiers. As the helicopter descended, Amber extended her hand out to Eda and Jaden, urging them to hurry up.

Smirking, Amber asked her if she missed her, but the stern Eda merely answered that she did not expect her. As the two women exchanged sarcastic remarks, Jaden and Enrique attempted to help Mayte into the helicopter. Before the helicopter could ascend, Víbora, who was tasked with disposing of the CIA agents and their associates, suddenly appeared and jumped at them, latching onto Mayte and trying to drag her down. Acting fast, Eda attempted to shoot the hunter, but the large man grabbed the gun's barrel and pushed her back, also pushing Amber to the floor. Warning everyone to cover their eyes, Amber deployed a flash bang and successfully blinded Víbora, allowing the others to simultaneously shoot at him, knocking him out of the helicopter.

Later that day as the helicopter traveled across the country, everyone rested while Amber and Eda smoked cigarettes and exchanged gratitude for their respective work. Looking at the two children, Amber asked if Enrique was the trump card she had heard about. Irked, the boy asked what they wanted to use him for, causing Amber to claim he was a "cocky brat." Even more annoyed, Enrique guessed that they seemed to be doing what they always did as CIA agents, but she cut him off and rhetorically asked why he was jumping to conclusions about his "savior." Noticing that he was confused, the impatient Amber claimed that he and Mayte had no position to be in their helicopter and would be dead without their help. Eda advised her not to be so uptight, but the latter asserted that the CIA did not owe the children a single thing, adding that they were supposed to make all of the country's troubles "disappear," including him.

Amber continued that Eda told her the idea of using Enrique along with the request for help, recalling that she was told Enrique was still valuable as an intermediary to the opposition coalition. When she said that he would be handed over to President Duarte if he refused, Jaden realized in disbelief that they came for ulterior reasons, assessing that the CIA would not send in a team just to rescue two rookie agents. Insulting him for not realizing it earlier, Amber nonchalantly told him that the children's knowledge could be used by the CIA as blackmail. However, Eda reframed the plan as a "proposal" that would ultimately benefit the CIA. She also reasoned that they were desperate and thus had to call for help, reminding Amber that her proposal had essentially been accepted since she did come for her in the end. Amber clarified that she could thank Ravencroft for the mission's approval, but Eda sighed and muttered that she just wanted to finish their job.

After Eda helped Alcock force President Duarte to agree to the U.S.'s conditions to stay in power in exchange for ending his repression of the populace, she and Jaden reconvened with Amber at Enrique's place. As they sat around and ate pizza, Amber concluded that their job was settled albeit not perfect. She relayed to them that the ambassador was pleased that they could observe the rift in the relationship between President Duarte and the military, stating that it would be hard for them to carry out civilian control. Additionally, Eda pointed out that he would likely be under scrutiny from both sides and would have to put up with it as the price of life. With a defeated look, Enrique sighed and suddenly wondered where Mayte was. When the adults admitted they thought she was in the bathroom, the boy became worried and ran out of the residence, frantically calling for Mayte. Minutes later, when Eda saw Mayte argue with Enrique, she pulled a gun on the child in response to Mayte pulled out her gun on Enrique.

At the doorway, the confused Amber watched the situation deescalate and witnessed Enrique futilely chase after Mayte, who decided to travel on her own and get revenge for her slain family members. Later that night, Amber smoked on the balcony with Eda and commented that it could not be helped since they and the children lived in different worlds. Smiling, she also joked she was surprised about Eda's dedication to the children, rhetorically asking if she did not learn her lesson in Bosnia. Comparing the debacle to a car accident, Eda believed that she became involved due to a bad turn of events and happened to be on the same wavelength as the children, thus why she could not get rid of her feelings. As Amber continued resting against the railing, Eda professed that she still had a long way to go.[11]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 12: A Savage Place Part 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 06: Wandering Old Case Officer Part 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 17: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 2
  4. 4.0 4.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 04: MIAMI VICE Part 2
  5. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 03: MIAMI VICE Part 1
  6. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 05: MIAMI VICE Part 3
  7. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 07: Wandering Old Case Officer Part 2
  8. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 13: A Savage Place Part 2
  9. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 14: A Savage Place Part 3
  10. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 15: A Savage Place Part 4
  11. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 29: Little King of The South Part 9