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Bachelor Party is the fifty-fifth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on March 19, 2024.


In pain from his left eye being wounded, a blond gangster curses Sawyer the Cleaner for injuring him and continuously shoots at her. Rhetorically asking her if she knows who he is, the man claims that he was nicknamed "King" in college for being an unrivaled quarterback. Having greatly wounded Sawyer, he insults her as a mere goth woman and again curses her, throwing his pistol at her and calling her a loser. Bleeding profusely, she collapses on the floor while the gangster exclaims that he will never forgive her. Taking the duffel bag of money with him, he leaves the scene and assesses that it will last him a long time. Soon, Sawyer's friends arrive on the scene and are relieved that she is alive. Three months later, the blond man meets up with his brother on a beach and congratulates him on his engagement, remarking that they will have a lot of fun at night.

After sunset, the brothers commence the bachelor party by being served by several women dressed in erotic clothing. As the blond man snorts a line of cocaine, his dark-haired brother praises him for acting like an "invincible quarterback" who rode alone into a criminal district and won big. Humbling himself, the quarterback claims that he should be thanking his brother instead for his excellent planning skills because he only scores with the help of his trusty "running back." Relaxing, the quarterback emphasizes that their bachelor party will be great fun and jokes that he will get away with as many things as he can in the lawless corner of Southeast Asia. Laughing, the running back recalls that their party in the "foreign land" will last a full week. Looking at the women, the excited quarterback shouts that he will not be leaving until they get their money's worth for the sexual intercourse. Being hugged by one of the hired women, the running back jokes that he is uncertain if he will make it to his own wedding alive. Recommending that he cannot enjoy himself sober, the quarterback assures him that they have plenty of alcohol, so he orders the women to serve them drinks and offers the supply to them too.

After they receive their alcohol, the running back asks how his brother's left eye has been. The latter answers that he will survive because he would not let a goth woman kill him, recalling that he gave her quite the beatdown. Hearing that the enemy is a cleaner, the worried running back wonders if an organization will be after him. Confidently declaring that they are okay, the quarterback comments that their money is enough to pay up to the right people to buy guards and prostitutes. At that point, one of the quarterback's henchmen informs him that a present has arrived, pleasing him. The present is unwrapped and the brothers see that it is a chainsaw, surprising the running back, who deems it to be a problem. Frustrated, the quarterback asserts his certainty that he killed the goth woman, thinking that it must be the work of a business rival. Ordering his men to get rid of the present, he also advises his men to put more security at the door. Telling everyone to lighten up since the party is just getting started, the quarterback asks his brother not to worry, adding that he will not let anyone get in their way.

One woman dressed in a sexy nurse outfit lifts the chainsaw from its box, confusing the quarterback. He warns her to put it down, but she ignores him and examines the chainsaw, annoying him. The quarterback asks who she thinks she is and yells at her as she powers up the chainsaw. Grinning at the man, she charges him and kicks her leg in front of his chest before he can pull out his pistol. As he looks up, he notices her throat scar and realizes in disbelief that she is actually Sawyer. The cleaner thrusts her chainsaw into the man's arm and begins to cut him apart, shocking his brother. Preparing a syringe, Jessica reveals that she is disguised as well and claims the running back is rude for looking away. She then asks Sawyer if she wants to finish him off too and admits that she wants to go home soon. After the massacre, Sawyer exits the beach house and begins to take off her wig, her eye contacts and lipstick with a smile.


  • When this chapter was first released, the title had a typo in it and was accidentally spelled as "Bachelon Party" instead of "Bachelor Party."[1]

