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Balkan crisis Part 4 is the eleventh chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Eda Initial Stage. It was originally released on February 17, 2023.


Sternly waiting for an answer from Tobias, Eda has requested that he give Nadja and her mother asylum to the United States. He replies that he will owe her one, and she in turn agrees to pay him back after it is all over, so he accepts her request. As Tobias orders his men to quickly clean up their presence and exfiltrate the area, the two Bosnian women are overwhelmed with joy, with the mother grabbing Eda's hand and thanking her. Turning away from them, the CIA agent merely remarks that they should leave the area too. Suddenly, the mother is immediately shot in the head while Nadja is shot in the heart, shocking Eda. Ducking to the ground for cover, Tobias and the agents warn Eda to take cover, but she continues to stand and look at the dead women in disbelief. In the forest, the mother's husband laughs after having killed them both, mocking the agents for thinking that the mujahideen had left. Seeing the direction that the enemy is in, the male agents begin shooting at them as the husband's guard pulls him away to their car.

Hearing the agents say that the mujahideen are heading towards the village, Eda begins to run to one of the cars, confusing Tobias. He shouts at her not to do anything rash, reminding her that their job is done. Despite this, the infuriated Eda starts the car and speeds off, much to Tobias's profane frustration. Getting close to the village's edge, Eda repeatedly curses the men for murdering the two women. The mujahideen drive through the streets without concern for the civilians throughout, with two of them shooting at Eda as she chases them. Though her car sustains damage, she still pursues them, whereas their back tire becomes flat, slowing them down. Refusing to let them get away, Eda sped her car up and rammed their rear bumper, but both cars crashed on their sides down a gentle hill. Quickly getting up, one man asks his accomplice if he is all right and tries to get him to walk. Behind them, the Serbian Christian woman walks up to the white-shirted man and cuts through his heart and left shoulder. When the other man attempts to retaliate, she quickly thrusts her sword through his chest, felling him. Shocked, the husband looks at her and attempts to run away. Before she can follow him, Eda orders her to stay put, pointing her gun at her.

Although Eda claims that the man is hers to kill, the Serbian woman stabs the man's left knee and smugly challenges the CIA agent. Dodging Eda's first shot, the woman swings her sword up but misses her pistol. Restraining the woman's arm, Eda shoots at her again and only grazes her head, knocking off her head covering. When the woman pulls out her own pistol, Eda swiftly disarms her, shouting that she will not fall for the same trick again. She headbutts the Serbian woman, wrestling her to the ground and knocking her down. Nearby, the husband tries to crawl away but is confronted by Eda. Glaring at her with contempt, he retorts that the two Bosnian women belonged to him, causing Eda to reply that they actually belonged to the United States once they were under her protection. Pointing her pistol at him, she insults him as a thieving scumbag, but he smirks and proclaims that divine justice will fall upon her and destroy her protection. Tired of his talking, Eda smirks in turn and shoots him in the head at point-blank range, killing him instantly. She remains silent for a few seconds until the Serbian woman comes by and asks her if the mother and daughter are dead. When Eda solemnly confirms, she also realizes that she is the "collaborator" who took down the guard and is the same person that the mother spoke of.

Commenting that the CIA's mess resulted in three months of tracking being done in vain, the collaborator elaborates that she is on a mission to stop "a rich Saudi man" and his group that call themselves al-Qaeda. Though slightly surprised, Eda asks her if she is part of the Republika Srpska or the Serbian government. Slyly smiling, the collaborator only suggests that she try finding out on her own, then departing and bidding the agent goodbye. The next day, Eda sits in the backseat of Rashida's car on her way to leave Bosnia as the latter recalls that Tobias was so angry that he ordered her to return to the United States. She also concludes that because of Eda's violent pursuit, the locals increased security in their towns and became extremely wary of foreigners. As Rashida expresses confusion at her motivations, Eda becomes suspicious and orders her to stop the car. Pushing the brakes, she wonders what is wrong and immediately sees Eda pointing her gun at her. Declaring that she finally connected the dots, the agent accuses the interpreter of being linked to the Serbian woman, but Rashida denies knowing what she speaks about.

Warning her not to play dumb, Eda reminds her that she was crossed at every step and states that she, the collaborator, and the mother are all linked since all three know about the CIA and their presence. She knows that Rashida's group of Serbian women wants to get rid of the extremists out of the country, but she clarifies that the CIA is not their ally merely because of their shared objective. Expressing her bafflement, Eda wonders why a Bosnian like Rashida desired to link up with Serbia, a country that was hostile to her own, in order to get rid of Bosnia-aligned extremists. Though Rashida nervously smiles and claims that Eda is crazy, the agent presses her pistol against her neck, asserting that she is in a bad mood due to the lack of answers. Sweating profusely, the interpreter confesses that she is half-Serb and half-Bosnian, specifying that there are a few people like her throughout the region. Rashida additionally comments that having two nationalities is no longer allowed ever since the collapse of Yugoslavia. Saying that her people can only rebuild in the condition of peace, she proclaims that she cannot let foreigners, especially the extremists who want to rekindle war, have their way with Bosnia's future.

Answering that she understands, Eda nonetheless sarcastically thanks Rashida for using the CIA for her own benefit. Scared that Eda is going to shoot her, Rashida is confused when she does not hear anything. Turning on her gun's safety, Eda smokes a cigarette and says that she has no power anymore and that it will be a problem for Tobias if Rashida were to suddenly disappear. Admitting that she still has a grudge, she claims to feel too exhausted to pull the trigger. While Rashida is still shocked, Eda looks outside the car window and thinks about the sun's brightness.
