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Basket Case, originally titled Quiet Room, is the ninth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on May 19, 2020.


On the second floor of the Lagoon Company dry dock, Dutch talks on the phone with someone, telling them that his cargo is four containers of refrigerated corpses. Pausing, he remarks that he has no complaints if the price is right. Although having no problems, Dutch states that all of his employees are out at the moment and is staying at the dock until the shipment arrives, adding that he is not alone since the "lovely young lady" Sawyer the Cleaner is with him to be in charge of the work. Hanging up the phone, Dutch sits on one of the couches and smokes a cigarette, relaxing himself. Sawyer, blushing from nervousness, moves up from her couch to sit next to Dutch. Calmly puffing out smoke, Dutch tells Sawyer that he does not mind if she wants to stay with him to kill time, assuring her that she does not have to stay there. Placing her chainsaw on the coffee table and pulling out her tool kit, Sawyer pulls out a scalpel and scissors. As she examines her tools, Dutch's stomach grumbles and he remarks that he should have eaten something first, asking Sawyer if she wants to order some delivery.

Sawyer pulls out a basket, and Dutch says that he has not seen any product samples, but Sawyer gives him a sly smile and opens the basket, grabbing Dutch's attention. Inside the basket, various kitchenware and dining utensils are shown. Dutch comments that he can go for a picnic, seeing that Sawyer has scones, shortbread, and a thermos of tea. Having a cup poured for him, he tries a sip, thinking the tea could be Fortnum & Mason, admitting to Sawyer that it seems like a waste to put it in a thermos but nevertheless compliments the taste. Also commenting that he never expected an English person like herself to put tea in thermos, Dutch asks if the sandwiches are handmade, and Sawyer smiles. Choosing one of the sandwiches, he tries a bite, and his face lights up and states that the bread and butter is delicious, making Sawyer's face light up in turn.

Later after finishing the meal, Dutch smokes another cigarette and lays back, confessing that he is genuinely impressed and surprised since her food is homey and he is always eating greasy food. From the basket, Sawyer pulls out a teddy bear covered in stitches and piercings, hugging it happily. Proudly showing it to Dutch, he only puffs some smoke in response, making Sawyer look down gloomily and putting her head down. Seeing her anguish, Dutch merely replies that they should act businesslike, reminding her that the dock was once set on fire during her attack. Scratching his neck, he tries to cheer her up by saying that he can forget about the incident since her tea was delicious. Seeing that Sawyer is still sad and hugging her bear, Dutch gives up and sits back down to light another cigarette. Looking at his watch, Dutch sees that the pirates are late and hopes that they arrive soon. Hearing a crash outside the dock, Dutch looks out the blinds and sees the car, sighing since there are four containers of frozen corpses scattered over the place.

Angrily exiting the car, Revy calls for Dutch and warns Rock not to throw up. Curious, Sawyer listens to the yelling. Revy then yells to Dutch that other groups want to steal the corpses' organs, and Dutch himself awkwardly faces away from the window. Looking at Sawyer, Dutch receives confirmation from her that she is unaware of the unknown group. As Revy continues yelling in anger about the whole ordeal, she then shoots the arriving gangsters who attempt to steal the corpses. Displeased, Dutch mutters that Revy needs to calm down lest she increase the number of corpses to the collection. Looking back at Sawyer, he reminds her that disposal will be her responsibility, and she holds her fingers up to negotiate the work. Surprised at her offer of 70/30 wherein he gets the bigger half of work, Dutch remarks that the profit is a joke, but acknowledges the job of "cleaning" is certainly different from his own end. Relaying to her he understands, Dutch states that compensation balance is important while lighting yet another cigarette, joking that he at least does not have to do 80 percent.


  • This chapter was originally titled "Quiet Room" in its initial release,[1] but the re-release of the chapter in the second volume changed the title to "Basket Case" instead.
  • The chapter title is a reference to the 1982 horror film Basket Case.

