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Bloodsport Fairy tale Part 3, also called Chapter 13, is the fourteenth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in May 2003.


At Verrocchio's headquarters, he angrily wonders why the twins have showed up, and the two children smile and casually joke that they will kill him and his men. Although they pull out their guns, Hänsel and Gretel pull out their weapons quicker and start killing the men. Outside the building, several Hong Kong Triad gangsters have surrounded the place to confront the Italians. Looking up, Mister Chang warns Cho to duck, and seconds later a body suddenly crashes through the window and lands on Chang's car. Claiming that they are now on a manhunt, Chang orders his men to contact Hotel Moscow since having their debt will be useful. Elsewhere in Roanapur, Eda uses a payphone to call Revy at the Lagoon Company office and informs her about the fighting with the Verrocchio family. Preparing to leave, the pirate asks where to meet up, with the nun telling her to come to the room that Joey rented at Palcana Square.

Learning of the situation, Balalaika begins to mobilize her Vysotniki and tells Boris and her men that their slain comrades Menshov and Sakharov will be avenged with their Kalashnikov rifles. Back at Verrocchio's office, Cho relays to Chang that Hotel Moscow has advised them to leave the area immediately. Sensing danger, the Triad boss asks for Cho's guns. Upon wielding the two pistols, Gretel exits the building and shoots at the gangsters with her M1918A2 BAR. Taking cover, Chang shoots back at them and avoids being hit. Laughing, the girl compliments his firearm skills but says that she and her brother cannot stay any longer. At Palcana Square, Joey listens to his radio and hears from the police that the Verrocchio family was involved in the recent firefight. Trying to look out the window, Revy struggles to keep her position and berates Tommy for pushing her and having bad breath. The bounty hunters recall that the twins used a black sedan of Japanese make to travel around town, so they wait to spot one on the street.

Hanging back, Eda discreetly calls for Revy and notes that it is strange that Hotel Moscow has not kicked anyone out since they have the biggest grudge against the twins. Agreeing, the pirate assesses that the children only want to kill Balalaika and therefore are likely using a diversion to aid their plan. Joking that Revy catches on quick for someone who lacks intelligence, Eda asks her where she thinks the children would go. Replying that going through the Chalquam market and down on Satanam Street, Revy retorts that she does not remember Eda being any smarter than her. Outside the Italians' office, Chang calls Balalaika remarks that he would have brought better gunmen with him had he known the children were in the building. He also informs her that he diverted Chief Watsap for her so that he would not find the twins, joking that she can thank him later however she sees fit. Keeping it in mind, Balalaika clarifies that her plans are on track. On the street, the bounty hunters see a black sedan that matches the description of the twins' car, so they all begin to shoot at the speeding vehicle despite not confirming the twins being inside. Successfully destroying the car and flipping it over, they all wonder if they managed to kill the twins.


  • This is the first chapter where Rock does not make an appearance.