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Bloodsport Fairy tale Part 4, also called Chapter 14, is the fifteenth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in June 2003.


Ceasing their attack, the bounty hunters wonder if they have killed the twin murderers. From the black sedan, the corpse of a young, Thai orphan girl falls out, shocking the hunters since the targets were supposed to be Caucasian children. Running through Roanapur's alleyways, Hänsel and Gretel are thankful that their plan to use a local orphan as a decoy has worked. Elsewhere, Boris informs his captain Balalaika that the twins are going onto the specific path as planned. As Balalaika orders him to lure the twins to her via Hamipong Street, they hear a gunshot from an area where their troops are not stationed at yet, so Boris calls the units for a report.

Having fired the warning shot, Eda points her pistol at the twins and orders them not to move. Unfazed, Gretel walks up her and asks how much the bounty on their heads is worth. Stepping back and asserting her threat, Eda yells that the bounty is currently $80,000. Pulling out the money that she stole from Verrocchio, Gretel offers to give $100,000 to Eda, who still rejects her offer. The child then begins tossing money into the air and offering $150,000, shocking Eda. Looking up, Eda asks Revy what they should do. Preparing her dual Cutlass pistols, Revy says that they will take the bounty and the extra money. As the women begin shooting at the children, a truck of Balalaika's soldiers stops near the alley and begins shooting. Surprised, Eda angrily tells them to stop, but Revy yells at her to get out of the way since they are Balalaika's men.

Reporting back to Balalaika, Jodorowsky relays to Balalaika that the two people interfering in their operation are the Chinese woman from the Lagoon Company and the nun from the Rip-Off Church, so Balalaika responds that he can kill them if necessary since they are not their concern. Wanting to confuse the Russians, Hänsel suggests to Gretel that they split up, so the two exchange a kiss and split paths. Hearing that the two targets have split up, Balalaika orders them to follow the one target but to keep an eye on the other target, specifying that they need to demoralize the enemy and then lure them in. Wishing her luck, Boris bids goodbye and advises her to be careful. Leaving the area, Eda and Revy insult each other since they blame the other for trying to join the bounty hunt in vain, but they realize that fighting each other will solve nothing.

Wanting to return home, Revy tells Eda to inform her if anything happens, surprising Eda since she does not want to go home alone. Rejecting her request, Revy leaves, causing Eda to flip her off. Suddenly, Gretel appears behind Eda and points her machine gun at the nun, disarming her of her other weapons and ordering Eda to find a getaway party for herself and her brother. Annoyed, Eda asks Gretel why she continues killing knowing that Balalaika has the upper hand, making the young child laugh. Smiling, Gretel replies that they kill simply because they want to and do not need any other reason. The next morning, Balalaika continues sitting at the fountain and senses the young boy's presence, telling him to come out. Commending her men's efficiency, Hänsel mocks Balalaika's older age and remarks that the man whom he captured had kept shouting her name until he spit up blood upon dying.

Balalaika accepts his memory of the event, and Hänsel pulls out his axe and says that she will have to die. Not fazed, Balalaika remarks that he will be the one to die instead, giving him a chance to apologize for mocking her. When the boy laughs at the order, Balalaika yells at him to kneel, and a sniper shoots Hänsel in the right knee, shocking him. Looking at his bleeding knee, Hänsel tries to swing his axe but his left hand gets blown apart by another bullet. As the boy notices the snipers in various directions, Balalaika mocks him for not noticing that he was being lured into a trap the entire time. Crying and rejecting her framing, Hänsel proclaims that he will not die since he can extend his life by killing people, nonchalantly interesting Balalaika.

Responding that she is not barbaric like him, Balalaika tells the boy that she will just watch him die despite what he did to her comrades, adding that she dedicates the moment to Sakharov and Menshov. Hearing the boy's cries, she orders him to stop making a fool of himself. Once Hänsel lets out all his tears and finally dies, Balalaika radios to Boris to inform the Triad that Hotel Moscow is finished on their end. Feeling tense, Boris states that he and his men were on edge the entire time. Knowing that Gretel is still alive, Balalaika apologizes and advises him to continue the search for the remaining child while she returns to the office with a guard escort, commenting to herself that she is likely tired due to her age.
