Black Lagoon Wiki
Caribbean Bar

The Caribbean Bar in the manga, with the sign misspelled as "Caribian Bar"

The Caribbean Bar (カリビアン・バー Karibian Bā) is a bar in Roanapur that pays protection fees to Hotel Moscow. It is located on Bulan Street.


Bloodsport Fairy tale[]

When Hänsel and Gretel were hired by Verrocchio to kill Balalaika, they killed several gangsters of Hotel Moscow as well as killing members of other crime syndicates. After killing six Hotel Moscow members, the two children decided to target two more Russians, Sakharov and Menshov. Sometime after midnight in the early morning, they went to the Caribbean Bar. Inside, they showed a Bougainvillea Trade Company business card to the bartender and claimed that they had a meeting with the Russians, so he advised them to go to the back of the bar. While Gretel guided Hänsel to a table nearby, Sakharov and Menshov soon arrived on a collection run to pick up the collection fee. As the two men asked the bartender how the night was, the two children giggled and walked up to them, eerily asking them if they wanted to play. Seeing Hänsel's devilish grin, Menshov warned Sakharov that the twins were the murderers. Before he could pull out his pistol, Sakharov had his right hand cut off by Hänsel, terrifying the bartender and the bar's patrons.

Gretel's Weapon

Softly declaring that they needed to call upon angels for everyone, Gretel removed her cloth cover to reveal a machine gun underneath. Though the customers tried to run away, Gretel began shooting everyone while Hänsel swung his axe onto Sakharov's head, killing him. Scared, Menshov ran out of the bar, but Gretel quickly turned around and shot him in the knees, immobilizing him. Hänsel proposed bringing the Russian man back to their hideout to "play" with him, an idea which pleased Gretel. The young girl asked her brother to carry Menshov into the car and then continued shooting at the bar to ensure that everyone inside was dead. After the massacre, only one waiter barely survived the slaughter and gave his testimony of the murders to the Roanapur City Police, who cordoned off the crime scene. That afternoon, Balalaika visited Watsap outside the destroyed bar. The police chief recalled the waiter's testimony in addition to mentioning that the murderers were non-anglophone Caucasian children who used a few Romance-language phrases, clues which allowed Balalaika to eventually deduce Hänsel and Gretel's identities.[1] It is unknown if the Caribbean Bar is currently operational.

