Chain Reaction is the forty-fifth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on May 19, 2023.
In a speeding police car, Sawyer the Cleaner sits handcuffed in the backseat with a bloody and unconscious man. Driving the car, the anxious, panicking RCPD officer sweats and laughs, shouting that he is lucky to have picked her up. Telling Sawyer that he will free her if she cooperates a little bit, he explains that he wants her to "clean up" the man in the back. As his entire face continues to sweat, the officer claims that it was an accident and never meant for his gun to go off, adding that the victim is a high-ranking member of the crime syndicate which he is working with. Saying that he will be killed if it is discovered, he frantically yells to Sawyer that she has to leave no trace behind like the accident never happened. Sawyer continues making a tired face, but the cop angrily pleads with her to help him, proclaiming that he cannot make things worse than he already has.
At that point, he looks ahead and sees a cat, surprising him. When he swerves the car to avoid hitting the animal, the victim's bloody body flies toward Sawyer, spilling some blood onto her. The car crashes into a tree, and to the officer's worry, a fellow police car arrives at the scene seconds later. The other officer asks him if he is all right, which the terrified cop nervously affirms and states that he was trying to avoid the cat. Relieved, the patrolling cop remarks that he wanted to make sure he is okay. Remembering something, the cop informs the driver that a leader from the syndicate they are working with had asked him about the driver sometime before noon. Panicking, the driver asks if it was Elio, but the cop answers that it was actually Marco looking for him, commenting that he is always getting into trouble. When he advises the driver to talk to them later, the cop notices people in the backseat, wondering if he is transporting someone. Panicking even more, the driver responds that it is a couple who are quarreling.
Looking through the window, he sees the bored Sawyer with the unconscious Marco on her lap. Although he has a stern, disbelieving face for a second, the cop yells that he looks so bloody. Joking that he wished he could have been there to see the "lovers' quarrel", the cop strongly advises the driver to take him to a hospital before he dies. Hesitating, the driver agrees to do so and drives off. The cop waves goodbye and jokes that he should avoid any other cats, and at that point, Elio drives by and stops, asking the cop if he has seen Marco anywhere. Continuing to panic, the officer asks himself what he will do, turning his head to the bored Sawyer for any ideas. Suddenly, he gets the idea to go to the sea, so he yells it out and declares that they should also go to the beach and drink some beer. At a cliff off the road next to the sea, the officer drags Marco's body out of the backseat and lays it against the car, and he lets Sawyer out of the car as well. He calls for her help, prompting her to smile and shake her wrists and hips as a reminder that she needs her handcuffs unlocked.
Smiling nervously, the officer prepares to unlock her handcuffs when he hears a car speeding toward them. Getting up, he anxiously wonders who it could be. At that moment, his sweaty hand drops the key, much to Sawyer's shock as the key bounces on the ground and falls down the cliffside into the sea. Parking and stepping out of his car, Elio smugly greets the officer and recognizes the body as Marco's, recalling that he has not seen him since that morning. Holding his hands up, the nervous officer retorts that it is not what it looks like and wants to explain himself. Looking at the fatally injured Marco, Elio laughs that the "bastard" has been in his way for a long time and will get promoted if Marco disappears. He jokes that he came by to thank the officer, confusing him. Clarifying that he is grateful, Elio points his pistol at the officer and gleefully says that he will take his troubles with him to the afterlife. Seeing Sawyer nearby, he orders her to line up against the officer, so she nonchalantly kneels down next to him. With his finger on the trigger, Elio sarcastically bids goodbye to the officer. Although he shoots the officer in the head, Elio is also shot in the head a millisecond later, shocking Sawyer.
Kneeling on the ground and lowering his pistol, Marco gets up, though still bleeding rapidly. Addressing the cleaner, he jokes that her lap served as a good knee pillow for him. Marco then immediately shoots the handcuffs' chain, freeing her of her shackles. He states that he will let her clean up the mess including himself, so she points to the police car. Sawyer puts him and Elio in the backseat with the dead cop in the front seat. At the cliff, she pushes the police car down the cliff side, submerging the three men into the sea. Exhaustingly walking to the roadside, she gives a thumbs up to hitch a ride.