Black Lagoon Wiki

Chaka (チャカ) was one of several enforcers of the Washimine Group who fancied himself a "Wild West" gunman and was fluent in Japanese and English.


Chaka was a young adult man of Japanese descent with tan skin and a slim build. He had shaggy, neck-length blonde hair, a thin mustache and a thin chin beard, as well as several silver piercings, including two eyebrow piercings on his left eyebrow, a nostril ring in the right nostril, a single bottom lip labret, several ear piercings on both ears, including a cross earring on his left ear, and finger rings on his right pinky finger and middle finger. He often wore a violet-colored suit with a black dress shirt underneath, violet pants, a cross necklace, and black shoes. He used a Ruger Blackhawk revolver for a weapon.


Arrogant, cruel, and sadistic, Chaka was often seen as an idiot by his peers due to his short-sighted ways and hair-trigger temper. Furthermore, he had a complete disregard for human life and only served his own interests, betraying people and injuring or killing anyone that got in his way.


He was in charge of a strip bar that the Washimine Group owned.

Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise[]

At a second meeting between Tsugio Bandō and Balalaika, Chaka unintentionally interrupted the tense meeting by answering his cell phone, berating his girlfriend Rumi for calling at an inopportune time. Rejecting her offer to buy him some expensive Prada clothing, he threatened to assault her the next time they met. Angered at his interruption, Yoshida and Shigeru Itō yelled at him, ordering him to silence his phone and be quiet. Going to the back of the room, Chaka smoked a cigarette and asked Taka about the foreign woman, Revy, on the opposite side of the room. Taka refused to say anything at first because Chaka's previous actions resulted in Fujishima being arrested and imprisoned, but the latter assured him that he would behave. When Taka explained that Revy was the gunslinging bodyguard of the Russians' translator, Chaka was immediately and joyfully surprised, prompting the former to advise him to quiet down and not mess with their guests.[1]

When Revy and Rock left the room as the meeting adjourned, Chaka tried to flirt with Revy, but she coldly responded that she only spoke English. Accordingly, he began speaking English to appeal to her and asked her about Roanapur, bragging that he had killed about 10 people in his life. Not impressed, she blew a cloud of cigarette smoke into his face, telling him that his cologne stank as he coughed. When Rock interrupted to tell Revy that they needed to leave, Chaka slammed his foot against the wall and sternly retorted that he was having a conversation with her. Not concerned, Rock repeated his request to Revy, but Chaka became angered and punched Rock in the stomach, beginning to kick him on the ground to provoke Revy into using her Cutlass pistols. Exiting the meeting room, Bandō and Yoshida saw the beating, so Yoshida restrained Chaka before the latter could fully pull out his revolver and yelled at him. Smiling, Chaka merely claimed that he was just roughhousing with the guest. Apologizing to Rock, Bandō assured him that Chaka would be severely reprimanded, and Revy predicted that she would face him again in the future.[2]

Chaka gang

Chaka and his new gang

Shortly after Yukio Washimine became the boss of the Washimine Group, Chaka planned on abducting Yukio with the help of a street gang since he knew that the Washimine Group would continue to decline in power. When Yukio arrived at her house with Yoshida, Chaka greeted the two at the door, confusing them. As they followed him inside, the two were surrounded by Chaka and his new gang. When Yoshida yelled at Chaka and criticized him for disrespecting Yukio, Chaka shot him in the chest, terrifying Yukio to run away after Chaka sadistically shot several more bullets into his body. When Hanada beat up Yukio for bumping into him, Chaka in turn beat him with a vase since he did not want Yukio dead yet. Afterward, Chaka and his men abducted Yukio and took her to a sports plaza that night, playing a strip game using Yukio's clothing and utilizing a bowling match for scores. When Chaka got a strike, he jokingly asked Okazaki which piece of clothing they would disrobe from Yukio.[3]

As the game continued, some of Chaka's men thought about leaving the group since they had no direction and no plan for what to do with Yukio. Overhearing them, Chaka threw a bowling ball at one of the men, loudly warning everyone that he would kill anyone who tried to flee the group. When Yukio refused to cry or look at Chaka, he grabbed her by her uniform coat and tried to demoralize her by saying that he could sell her to a violent, perverted man who would force her to be his sexual slave.[4] Soon, Revy and Ginji Matsuzaki showed up to rescue Yukio, pleasing Chaka. Taunting Revy, he asked her if she finally wanted to have sexual intercourse with him, angering her. Subsequently, Revy and Ginji began attacking the street gangsters, and Chaka grabbed Yukio by the hair. Noticing that some of his men were taking cover and refusing to fight, he shot a bullet near them as a warning to coerce the men to fight back. Exiting the bowling alley into another part of the sports plaza, he taunted the two to chase him and shot back at Ginji to cover his own escape.

As Chaka ran away down some stairs, he slipped on some cleaning fluid and was immediately baffled until he saw Rock swinging a bowling pin at him, knocking him unconscious. After regaining consciousness and losing Yukio, Chaka told his remaining three men to continue fighting, but when one man criticized him for leaving their men behind, Chaka shot him dead. Terrified, the other two criminals dropped their guns and tried to run, but Chaka casually shot them as well. Behind him, Revy smilingly remarked that he truly was scum for killing his own men. Smiling back, Chaka grabbed an empty aluminum can and challenged her to a quick-draw showdown. Deviously glaring at her, he proclaimed that they would draw when the can hit the ground once counting down from 10. To his confusion, she refused and charged forward to kick him in the face onto the ground, walking away and telling him that she would let Ginji deal with him. Insulted, the bleeding Chaka angrily followed Revy into an adjacent room where Ginji stood next to the swimming pool.

Trying to infuriate Ginji even more, Chaka falsely claimed that he shot Yukio, but Ginji was unfazed and prepared to draw his katana, advising Chaka to draw his gun when he wished. Angry and annoyed, the tense Chaka waited a few seconds and fired a bullet at Ginji, who cut it into two pieces. Consequently, the swordsman cut Chaka's revolver into pieces and severed both his hands from his body, then knocking him into the pool to drown him by pushing his head into the water with the katana's handle. As he began to drown and bled from his flailing arms, the panicking Chaka cursed Ginji and died.[5]


  • Chaka's name is a Japanese slang word for a handgun.
  • In a top 10 worst character contest released in the May/June 2008 issue of Monthly Sunday Gene-X, Chaka ranked 1st with 688 votes.[6]
  • In a popularity contest during the 10th manga collection release, Chaka ranked 26th with 34 votes.[7]
  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Chaka ranked 29th with 70 votes.[8]

