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Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things is the tenth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on June 19, 2020.


At the front gate of the Roanapur Public Cemetery, Frederica Sawyer looks at the place and enters. A bunny-masked girl, Bunny the Undertaker, spots and recognizes her and dashes past the numerous gravestones, and she joyfully hugs Sawyer to welcome her. Bunny asks Sawyer if she is visiting the cemetery to exhume a corpse or fill up a grave, adding that she will gladly help Sawyer do anything. Jumping up and down in excitement, she also tells Sawyer that she has some tea prepared. Pulling out her picnic basket, Sawyer pulls out her stitched teddy bear and presents it to Bunny, who notices that the bear's button is the one that she gave to Sawyer last time and also notices the cloth of the blouse of a woman whose husband shot her with a rifle. Seeing that Sawyer is allowing her to keep the teddy bear, Bunny thanks Sawyer and tells her that she greatly adores her. Asking if the bear has a name, Sawyer shakes her head, so Bunny decides to name the bear Belial.

Remembering what she was doing before, Bunny asks her if she wants to stop by at her tea party, and Sawyer smilingly agrees. At a long table with an angel statue at the end, four corpses sit upright dressed in Sunday best clothing. Bringing the teddy bear doll to the table, Bunny states that she finally has a family of four and that she has been missing a child for a while, pointing to the child corpse that "moved in" a week ago. Making the lifeless boy hold the bear, Bunny points to the child's flaxen hair, saying that the bear and the child are like brothers. When Sawyer nods that she likes the setup, Bunny cheers and says she will prepare the tea. Pouring tea for her and sitting down with Sawyer, Bunny comments that Buddhists are boring since they burn corpses, adding that the people in the country of Thailand allegedly do not even build graves. Commenting on the variety in the cemetery, Bunny states that the people buried there are from various places all over the world, remarking that any religion is basically welcome.

Trying the sandwich under her bunny mask, Bunny finds Sawyer's food delicious, saying that the bunny mask makes her feel hot but she does not want anyone seeing her face. To Sawyer's right, she is surprised to see four men holding a woman at gunpoint with a bag over her head. The four men mock the two women's tea party, telling them that they are in the way of the former's affairs. As one of the men states that their witnessing is not a problem, Sawyer suddenly charges at them with her chainsaw, but the leader with glasses shoots her left thigh as a threat, injuring her. The leader mocks her chainsaw as a weapon, and a dark-haired man walks up to Bunny, scaring her. As the bald man restrains Bunny from behind, the dark-haired man takes off her bunny mask to reveal that she is a girl with blonde hair in two ponytails, mockingly complimenting her pretty face. Crying, Bunny repeats to herself that her face has been seen, stopping her crying to make a wrathful expression and saying that she cannot let it go. As the men are confused by her sudden change in emotion, Bunny swings her shovel at the dark-haired man, decapitating him and shocking the other three men. Telling the men that they cannot leave alive for seeing her face, Bunny says that she will bury the grave robbers.

Scared, the leader tells his muscular subordinate to shoot them, but as he prepares his pistol, Sawyer chops off his right forearm with her chainsaw, making him fall on the ground in deep pain. As the two men and two women face off, the tied-up bagged woman is confused as to what is happening. Bunny and Sawyer team up, and Sawyer chops off the bald man's arm before he can shoot at her, whereas Bunny jumps at the leader with her shovel, terrifying him. Later after killing the men, Sawyer and Bunny sit on the ground, with Bunny crying and apologizing to Sawyer for letting her see her "ugly face." To cheer up Bunny, Sawyer gives her a stitched bunny mask that only covers the eyes and hair. Bunny tries on the mask and likes it, happily saying that she can easily eat with the mesh mask, thanking Sawyer for her gift. As Bunny hugs Sawyer, the two notice the tied-up woman awkwardly standing, so Bunny cuts two holes into her burlap sack for eye holes. Nicknaming the woman The Undertaker No. 2, Bunny begins digging a hole while No. 2 awkwardly holds a shovel.


  • The chapter title is a reference to the 1972 comedic horror film Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things.
  • The teddy bear that Sawyer gives to Bunny is the same stuffed bear that Sawyer presented to Dutch in the previous chapter.
  • The inscription that reads, "The soul that pines for eternity shall outspan death. You dweller of the Twilight void come, Dunwich." on the gravestone at the beginning is a reference to the 1980 supernatural horror film City of the Living Dead.