Black Lagoon Wiki
Codename Paradise, Status MIA
Codename Paradise Status MIA
Episode 29, OVA 5
Title Codename Paradise, Status MIA
Release Date June 22, 2011
Manga Chapters El Baile de la muerte Part 27
El Baile de la muerte Part 28
El Baile de la muerte Part 29
El Baile de la muerte Part 30
El Baile de la muerte Part 31
El Baile de la muerte Part 32
El Baile de la muerte Part 33
Episode guide
Oversaturation Kill Box

Codename Paradise, Status MIA is the twenty-ninth and last episode of the Black Lagoon anime and the fifth and last episode of the Roberta's Blood Trail OVA. It was originally released on June 22, 2011.


After the Black Lagoon makes it to the Golden Triangle, Roberta arrives and attacks the Americans, which leads to a final showdown.


At sunset, Garcia Lovelace tells Rock that his expression has changed. Grinning, Rock claims that he is doing so because he has one thing to ask of him. Nearby, Revy points her gun at Fabiola Iglesias while the latter acknowledges that their upbringing has similarities but rebuffs the notion that they are the same due to who they respectively met in life. Reminding the girl that she wields the pistol against her footwork, the pirate asserts that the one with the final say is the one with the power to silence the other. Holding the gun that Shane Caxton gave him, Garcia wonders why the ex-salaryman wants him to use it. Rock responds that it will finally put the "game" to an end. Fabiola sternly asks Revy if she has ever seen her own smile, comparing it to a laughing skeleton's smile during Day of the Dead. Putting away her gun and laughing upon hearing her comparison, Revy jokes that she indeed has come from the Land of the Dead, adding that Roberta, the U.S. soldiers, and everyone else has also arrived from said land.

At night, a refueling ship arrives to give fuel to Black Lagoon. On deck, both Garcia and Fabiola relay to each other about how they respectively spoke with Rock and Revy. Commenting that he is tired of being whirled around, the boy suddenly jumps into the water and joyfully laughs, surprising Fabiola. She tries to grab his hand, but he pulls her into the water and tries to start a splash fight with her. Hearing the children, Dutch then asks Benny what Revy is doing, to which Benny replies that she went to the cabin near the bow and will not come out. Garcia assures Fabiola that he has not lost sanity, and he asks her if she ran into Roberta as well. She confirms and recalls that the head maid was in a terrible state of mind, remarking that Roberta will likely who she killed and why if she succeeds in her revenge plot. Hearing Garcia assess that Roberta is merely looking for a way to atone for her sins, Fabiola mutters that the head maid believes that applying a vague sense of right and wrong concerning murder is insincere. Asking her to listen carefully, the boy swears that he will save Roberta and will do so of his own accord despite Rock's desire to use him.

Garcia adds that he is okay if Fabiola wants to go back to Venezuela while he stays behind, even if he is on his own. Accepting his words, the girl advises him to listen up to what she is about to say, which is unrelated to their master-servant relationship. Fabiola then bluntly tells him that they are not in a fantasy world since she thinks Roberta will be scarred for good and suffer even if they take her back to Venezuela. When she sees his eyes and notices his resolve, she realizes that he truly will go through with his plan, admitting that she thought he was ready to give up. Fabiola reasons that because Garcia is a rich child, he lacked true levelheadedness. The boy affirms that he cannot let Roberta die among murderous monsters, and he holds her hand. The two agree that they will save Roberta and pray that God will protect them. Below deck, laying down, a frustrated Revy mutters that Fabiola's claim of "family love" is a lie. Thinking about her childhood where no one protected her, she remembers the physical and sexual abuse that she had suffered as a child, particularly when a police officer raped her in jail and when she killed her abusive alcoholic father. In the present, Revy curses Fabiola for making her remember bad memories.

Meanwhile, Benny informs Dutch that they have entered the Mekong Delta right on schedule, joking that the water will turn from blue to brown after sunrise happens. Claiming familiarity with the area, Dutch says that the delta is an old U.S. Brown Water Navy haunt, specifying that he wanted to pass through the area in the cover of night. Soon, in daytime as they scale the river, Dutch tells Benny that they will rely on their GPS and echo sounder to maneuver through the river. Elsewhere on the boat, Caxton descends into the engine room to privately speak with Garcia per Rock's request. Seeing the boy show him the gun that he gave him earlier, the U.S. Army major guesses that he still cannot forgive him judging by his eyes. He rhetorically asks him if he is going to shoot him, but Garcia denies it and asks him to listen for the sake of the justice the soldier claims to believe in. Hearing what he said, Caxton admits that he is still responsible for killing his father and causing grief for him and his maid. He clarifies that his subordinates will fight like normal to protect themselves, an idea which Garcia accepts. On deck, as Rock smokes a cigarette, Fabiola asks him what he told her master. Smirking, Rock agrees to brief her on half of the plan.

In the hold, Caxton gathers his men and informs them that they will reach their site operation at night but will most likely be pursued by the maid they clashed with in Roanapur. Slightly confused, Ray asks if Garcia is related to the woman, which Caxton confirms and professes that he takes responsibility for him. Hearing his plot, Fabiola chastises Rock, who dismisses her complaint and asks if she can truly succeed without taking risks. The ex-salaryman confesses that the U.S. troops are the only unsure factor and states that luck will help him in his bet. In due time, Black Lagoon arrives right in the middle of the Golden Triangle where the borders of Laos, Myanmar and Thailand meet. Dutch tells the Grey Fox members that they have arrived, and he pulls out a can of alcohol and sternly orders Caxton to leave. As the soldiers exit the bridge, Dutch nonetheless apologizes for his rudeness. Subsequently, the soldiers board Zodiac motorboats and navigate to land. As Benny watches the soldiers leave, Rock hears him confirm that Garcia left with them, pleasing him. Smacking his hands together, the ex-salaryman declares that Mister Chang has already lost the bet.

In the pitch black jungle, the U.S. soldiers slowly walk toward the enemy perimeter. With Garcia and Fabiola accompanying him, Caxton recommends that they hurry to the designated area. Noticing some strange rods in the ground, Team Delta radios to Team Alpha about the objects, and Teams Charlie and Echo also confirm the rods' presence but examine them and see that they are not wired to explosives. Ray wonders if the rods are religious items of local tribes, but Caxton rejects the guess. Whispering to Fabiola, Garcia thinks that Roberta has already arrived. Looking at the opium camp, Echo relays to Caxton that the camp appears to be abandoned, and they also notices several corpse and a single light to the east end, worrying them. As the soldiers go to the east, they see Roberta standing next to the tied-up Shue Yan, their mission objective. Suddenly, Roberta carries Shue Yan into the adjacent jungle and cuts off his right ear, much to Team Delta's surprise. At the same time, the Lagoon Company listens to the radio communications and learns about Roberta's presence. Accordingly, Team Delta is ordered to find Roberta and rescue Shue Yan. As Murdoch and Garrity walk near a tree, a soldier from Team Echo sees Roberta hanging above them in a tree, so he tries to warn them immediately.

Proclaiming that her actions are in Santa Maria's name, Roberta shoots the two soldiers dead but is forced to duck when Sanchez shoots at her. Burroughs reports that the target has been lost, so Caxton orders everyone except for team captains to remove their night vision goggles since Roberta is aiming for their heads. Soon, Team Echo comes across Shue Yan but they notice that explosives have been strapped to him. Talking to the children, Caxton remarks that he is accustomed to fighting in jungles due to his service in the American invasion of Vietnam, though he admits that it is different this time since the U.S. military would have used napalm to clear both the jungle and targets like Roberta as they did in Vietnam. Knowing that the bomb decoder on Shue Yan is a trap, he orders Gardner's team to leave the area, but Roberta suddenly shoots Wright with a flechette round, killing him. Gardner warns the other teams about the flechette rounds and Roberta's use of a musket. The soldiers begin to run toward Roberta's approximate location, and Caxton notes that the rods were a declaration that the maid would not let any of them leave alive. The major orders all teams to slowly back out of the forest, so Sanchez and Burroughs prepare their sniper rifles to cover the soldiers' retreat.

Attempting to avoid all of the tripwire placed throughout the jungle, Gardner complains about it, and Caxton wonders what direction she is coming from. Crawling on her stomach below opium poppy plants, Roberta successfully surprise attacks Burroughs and kills him, but a nearby Claymore mine detonates and pushes her back. As she runs away, Ray shoots at her leg and hits her, but she quickly gets back up and continues running. Worried, Garcia tells the two soldiers that their tactics will only turn Roberta into an injured tiger. In the jungle, the injured maid reloads her musket and realizes that two of her right fingers are almost severed, so she flicks them off and attaches a bayonet to her weapon. As Gardner encourages his team to stay strong, two of his soldiers are ambushed, making him panic. He shoots at Roberta, who charges and stabs his throat, killing him. Grabbing the man's radio, she taunts Caxton by reminding him that his "foxes" are dropping like flies. Likewise, Sanchez panics and runs at Roberta with his rifle, but a flechette round pierces the rifle. He improvises and shoots at her with his pistol, hitting her in the right eye, but she persists and throws her musket at him, piercing his chest and killing him.

Screaming, Roberta falls onto the ground and begins laughing until she hears Garcia's voice on the radiophone. Asking her to listen carefully, the boy agrees to tell her his location and asks her to come to him. Close to daylight, Revy comes on deck and relays to Rock that she has remembered many things she did not want to, accusing him of being at fault for it. Confused, Rock smugly remarks that his plan will soon unfold and that he controls the fate of everything in Roanapur. Noticing his unusual attitude, Revy points her pistol at him and proclaims that he has spent too much time in that city and accuses him of being tainted by it. She additionally orders him to leave town after their job is finished, but Rock asserts that the end is near. Somewhere in the jungle's edge, Garcia admits that he is a little scared, but Fabiola assures him that he will pull off whatever the Japanese man planned. Hugging him, she exclaims that people like him, not God, save troubled people like Roberta. In an open field, an injured Roberta stumbles and comes by, and Garcia walks toward her.

Back on the PT boat, Rock informs Revy that the opium army will go on patrol when morning comes, claiming that the game will end at that point. She asks him if he knows his own weaknesses and wonders what "game" he is supposedly playing. Answering that the game will end in seconds at the peak point, repeating to Revy that he is sure of his gamble. In the field, Roberta asks Garcia why the unarmed Caxton is with him. She admits that she can no longer determine if he is real or not, crying and saying that the dead talk to her and cannot figure out if she herself is dead or alive. Nevertheless, she assures Garcia that she will come back after she exacts vengeance, promising to return to the manor in Canaima. Urging her to pull back, the boy repeats that vengeance never mattered to him. Far from them, Rock tells Revy that Chang allowed Garcia to leave with him despite his constant defiance. Recalling that Balalaika agreed with Chang's wishes to let Roberta escape, he states that Chang's goal is not to merely hide Roanapur from the world's eyes. In particular, the Triad boss wants to use Roberta to break the U.S. Army's will to prevent the Golden Triangle from being weakened by the United States of America.

Speaking about the Golden Triangle, Rock explains that the drug production site is where Roanapur gets its drug exports from. Not understanding his point, Revy asks him what he is after. In response, Rock confesses that he was unable to save a single soul even when he offered his hand to them. Reasoning that he wants to bring an end to the sadness induced by their underworld, he claims that the U.S. military's defeat in the region will cause an international uproar. Revy then rhetorically asks what they will do since he cannot go back to his peaceful hometown anymore. Wanting more answers, she also asks Rock why he left the twilight to join the pirates in the darkness of night. Only replying that it was the sole way to finish the game, he remarks that he realized that she felt this way all this time. Angered by his comment, Revy grabs him by the shirt and warns him not to act like he knows her, kicking him in the stomach.

Roberta yells to Garcia that vengeance does matter, reminding him that the soldiers killed his father and allegedly tried to steal everything from them. Retorting that she is wrong, Garcia pulls out his pistol and claims that she cannot atone for her sins no matter who she punishes. Therefore, the boy exclaims that he must be the one to put an end to their predicament. Aiming his gun at Caxton, Garcia shoots him in the abdomen, shocking Roberta. In disbelief, the maid enters a rage and points her pistol at Garcia, assuring herself that the real Garcia could never harm or kill someone. Unfazed, Garcia admits that he had a variety of questions for her when he planned on finding her. To her surprise, he points his gun at her and exclaims that he will bet everything on the situation. Before he fires his weapon, Garcia tells Roberta that if she trusts him, then the bullet that will hit her will do no harm. As she trembles, he shoots her once, shocking Fabiola. Having also fired a bullet that grazed his abdomen, the shocked Roberta apologizes for her hand slip, but Garcia assures her that his own bullet did not harm her. Walking up to her, he kisses Roberta and assures her that it is all over.

Getting up, Caxton orders Ray to stand down since he is unharmed but feels pain from the impact nonetheless. Panicking, Fabiola frantically urges him to tend to Garcia's wound, and Roberta is angrily confused as to why he is still alive. She tries reaching for her gun, but Garcia pleads with her to stop, elaborating that all three of them have now died once. Saying that there are only sins and no victors, the boy lambasts the cycle of killing and offers to bear Roberta's burden with her and support her. On the deck of Black Lagoon, Benny sees Rock laying on his back and wonders what occurred. The mechanic then notices the troops returning and points it out to Rock. With daybreak having arrived, the U.S. soldiers carry Shue Yan and Garcia on stretchers, with Rock remarking that the truly best possible outcome has blessed them. As he claims to have finally saved someone, Fabiola aims Garcia's pistol at him and criticizes him for exploiting her young master. Shooting him with one of the fake brass bullets, the girl insults him and hopes to never see him or Roanapur again. Rolling onto his back, Rock mutters that they truly managed to win something.

A day or so later, in the Rip-Off Church's drawing room, Eda contacts her superior Richard Ravencroft. In his office at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, he asks Cathy for another cup of coffee with lots of milk and sugar, prompting Eda to jokingly ask how his sugar levels are faring. Speaking about the Shue Yan case, Ravencroft informs her that the Director of Central Intelligence had a private luncheon with the NSA's assistant to the president, asserting that they will make things perfectly clear at the next security meeting. To Eda's delight, he relays to her that the CIA will receive jurisdiction and custody over Shue Yan, which was acquired in front of the president. Ravencroft jokes that the assistant was angered enough to give a tirade of curse words at "that French restaurant."

Back in Roanapur, several months later, nothing has changed for the town's fate. Sitting on the PT boat's deck, Rock quietly tells Dutch that the bag of money is their bonus from Chang. He laments that nothing has changed in Roanapur despite his plan succeeding, causing Dutch to comment that money and guns determine something's worth. Smoking a cigarette, Rock thinks that somewhere in the world, someone outdid him, gloomily concluding that he cannot save anyone. Later, Revy tells him that he will become a corpse if he continues to look at Roanapur with life in his eyes, to which he responds that he came close to the darkness but is not ready for it yet. The episode ends with a view of the Lovelace family manor when Roberta, recovering from her injuries received during her revenge quest, meets with Caxton and the wife and son of the Japanese man whom she killed in the past, likely to make amends, and Garcia stands at her side.

Characters and cast[]

  • Rokurō "Rock" Okajima — Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English)
  • Revy — Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese), Maryke Hendrikse (English)
  • Dutch — Tsutomu Isobe (Japanese), Dean Redman (English)
  • Benny — Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Roberta — Michie Tomizawa (Japanese), Tabitha St. Germain (English)
  • Garcia Lovelace — Kazue Ikura (Japanese), Cathy Weseluck (English)
  • Fabiola Iglesias — Satsuki Yukino (Japanese), Shannon Chan-Kent (English)
  • Shane Caxton — Shinji Ogawa (Japanese), Ron Halder (English)
  • Raymond McDougal — Nobuaki Fukuda (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Wright — Chikara Ōsaka (Japanese), Andrew Francis (English)
  • Sanchez — Nobuaki Kanemitsu (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Gardner — Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Scott McNeil (English)
  • Horner — Motoi Koyanagi (Japanese), Jason Simpson (English)
  • Burroughs — Hironori Kondō (Japanese), Samuel Vincent (English)
  • Decherd — Yōichi Nishijima (Japanese), Alistair Abell (English)
  • L.G. — Non-speaking role
  • Beckett — Uncredited (Japanese), Trevor Devall (English)
  • Murdoch — Uncredited (Japanese), Louis Chirillo (English)
  • Garrity — Uncredited (Japanese), Michael Kopsa (English)
  • Shue Yan — Uncredited (Japanese), Hiro Kanagawa (English)
  • Revy's father — Uncredited
  • Eda — Jun Karasawa (Japanese), Lisa Ann Beley (English)
  • Ravenscroft — Takurō Kitagawa (Japanese), Jason Simpson (English)
  • Cathy — Non-speaking role
  • Hironobu Satou's family — Non-speaking role
  • Tavia, Masica and Carina — Non-speaking role

Songs used[]

  • Opening Theme — Red Fraction (IO Drive Mix) (by Kazuya Takase)
  • Rock talks to Garcia and Revy talks to Fabiola — Dizzy Maniac
  • Garcia in water & adamant in saving Roberta — Father's Chest
  • Caxton greets his soldiers — Sneak Attack
  • American soldiers find rods, Roberta uses Shue Yan as hostage — The Way to Last Night
  • Soldiers walk in jungle, Roberta kills them — Roberta's Last Moment
  • Roberta uses musket and fires flechette rounds — Don't Stop! (guitar version)
  • Roberta kills Gardner, takes radio, and kills Sanchez — Roberta's Last Moment
  • Wounded Roberta walks to Garcia, Rock assures Revy of his plan — Tear Drops to Earth
  • Garcia kisses Roberta — El Sol se Recuesta
  • Fabiola shoots Rock with a blank & berates him — Dizzy Maniac
  • Ending Theme — This Moment – Prayer in the Light (by Minako "mooki" Obata)

Differences from the manga[]

  • The conversation between Fabiola and Garcia about saving Roberta occurs in different locations. In the manga, the scene occurs at Chang's yacht house at the pool and Garcia pulls her into the pool. In the anime, the scene occurs in the water next to Dutch's boat as it is refilling when Garcia pulls her into the river.
  • The boat stopping to refill fuel is anime-exclusive.
  • In the anime, Rock tells his plan to Garcia on the deck, and Garcia is scared by Rock's face. In the manga, Rock tells Garcia the plan inside the boat.
  • Revy sitting inside the boat and having a traumatic flashback to her childhood and the police officer raping her is only in the anime. In the manga, she waits below deck and wishes that the troops would hurry and up and get killed by Roberta.
  • The conversation between Dutch and Benny talking about their communications, equipment and travel as they go up the river is exclusive to the anime.
  • In the manga, Caxton talks to Garcia about his plan on the boat's deck, whereas in the anime Caxton talks to the boy inside the boat. Additionally, the conversation is shortened in the anime, leaving out Garcia telling Caxton that he and Roberta both engage in violence.
  • In the anime, Rock tells Fabiola part of his plan on the boat's deck, while in the manga he tells Fabiola the plan inside the ship.
  • Dutch's angered and drunk attitude to the soldiers when they leave the ship is anime-only. Furthermore, the scene in Chapter 74 of Garcia and Fabiola telling the U.S. troops that they are coming with them is only in the manga.
  • In the manga, Fabiola wears casual clothes when she goes into the jungle. In the anime, she continues wearing her maid uniform.
  • Caxton telling Benny that Dutch lied about his service in the Vietnam War is only in the manga.
  • Roberta cutting off Shue Yan's ear is only in the anime.
  • Raymond McDougal pleading with Caxton to allow them to kill Roberta is manga-exclusive. Additionally, McDougal sniping Roberta and then her getting back up to continue running is anime-exclusive.
  • Fabiola in Chapter 75 pointing her gun at Caxton to continue the plan is only in the manga.
  • In the anime, Roberta had lost her right leg, left arm, her right eye, and index and middle finger of the right hand, the latter of which she severed herself and tossed to the ground after she took a bullet from an American sniper. She also uses a wheelchair as a result of her injuries at the end of the anime. In the manga, Roberta is mostly unharmed after the chaos.
  • The scenes of the conversation between Rock and Revy on the boat's deck where Revy points a gun at Rock, and the later parts where Rock explains Balalaika and Chang's involvement in the drug trade and the Golden Triangle region, Rock wanting to crush the Roanapur underworld using the U.S. military, and when Revy kicks him to the ground, are all only in the anime adaptation.
  • Caxton telling Roberta that he will surrender if she gives Shue Yan to his men is exclusive to the manga.
  • Fabiola pointing her gun at Roberta when she raised her weapon is manga-only. Additionally, the ghost of Hironobu Satou appearing behind Garcia and "Rosarita" appearing behind Roberta is manga-only too.
  • The part in Chapter 76 where the disappointed McDougal tries to shoot and kill Roberta, with Caxton killing him before he could try, is only in the manga. In the anime, McDougal is relieved that Caxton is still alive since he thought that he got shot with a real bullet.
  • In the manga, Grey Fox failed in their mission because Caxton decided to abandon their operation when local military forces were coming to their area (despite Roberta giving up Shue Yan). In the anime, the U.S. soldiers did bring Shue Yan to the United States but the president switched jurisdiction and custody of Shue Yan from the NSA to the CIA, essentially making their mission in vain.
  • Benny standing on the boat's deck when the soldiers come back is anime-only. Furthermore, Revy defending Rock's actions to Fabiola when she hopes to never see them again is manga-only.
  • The phone call between Eda and her superior Ravencroft is exclusive to the anime.
  • Caxton accompanying Satou's family at the end in Venezuela is only in the anime.
  • The epilogue in the manga of the conversation between Rock and Chang at the harbor is only in the manga. Instead, Dutch gives Rock the duffel bag of money from Chang in the anime on the boat's deck at night in the Roanapur bay, and Revy talking to Rock on the boat's deck at the end is anime-only.


  • The French restaurant that Ravencroft mentions is most likely the Fontainebleau, a place in Washington, D.C. which Eda visited to speak with U.S. Senator Jack Bonham as revealed in the "Greenback Jane" arc.