Black Lagoon Wiki
Collateral Massacre
Roberta Collateral-massacre
Episode 25, OVA 1
Title Collateral Massacre
Release Date July 17, 2010
Manga Chapters El Baile de la muerte Part 1
El Baile de la muerte Part 2
El Baile de la muerte Part 3
El Baile de la muerte Part 4
El Baile de la muerte Part 5
El Baile de la muerte Part 6
El Baile de la muerte Part 7
El Baile de la muerte Part 8
El Baile de la muerte Part 9
Episode guide
The Gunslingers
An Office Man's Tactics

Collateral Massacre is the twenty-fifth episode of the Black Lagoon anime and the first episode of the Roberta's Blood Trail OVA. It was originally released on July 17, 2010.


When former terrorist Roberta witnesses her employer being killed by an explosion, she vows to punish those responsible.


In 1969, in Quảng Trị province, Vietnam, just after members of the U.S. Army massacred a South Vietnamese village, one American soldier, Lieutenant Caxton, protects a surviving Vietnamese girl. Larkin, one of the perpetrators of the massacre, makes fun of Caxton for acting like a hero and protecting the girl whom they plan on killing anyway. Keeping calm, Caxton insults Larkin as a scumbag and declares that he will not let the latter lay a finger on the girl. Whereas Caxton prepares to draw his pistol, Larkin prepares his rifle, and the two begin shooting at each other seconds later.

26 years into the future, in Barinas State, Venezuela, many Venezuelans gather at a political rally for the Fifth Republic Movement. Spying on the rally, a U.S. soldier, Sanchez, reports that he has spotted Morales entering the hall. As Morales walks onto the stage, another soldier, Wright, reports in coded language that their targets "Santa Anna", Morales, and Sesma are in position. Hearing the report, Ray orders all surveillance teams to leave the area and relocate at the meeting spot. Taking the phone, Caxton orders the attack to go through by saying, "Davy Crockett is going to see Lone Star." Accordingly, Gardner detonates the bomb beneath the stage, creating a big explosion. While the soldiers begin to retreat, everyone is shocked, including Roberta because her employer Diego Lovelace was onstage. Some day later, at Diego's funeral, a priest gives the final rites. After the funeral's end, Diego's son Garcia cries into Roberta's chest, asking what his father did wrong to deserve death. Denying that God was involved, Roberta consoles him by claiming that the only ones who kill people are humans themselves.

Hearing Garcia ask what the motivation for the murder could possibly be, Roberta thinks to herself and knows that she is too familiar with the answer and thus cannot tell him. Later, taking a shower, Roberta remembers her FARC days and when Diego first allowed her to take refuge at the Lovelace manor. In a flashback, after the police left, Diego assures her that he will let her stay because he was friends with her late father. Subsequently, Roberta donned a black dress and offers to do the gardening on Diego's behalf, reasoning that she needs to help around and act like a maid instead of appearing like one. Inside the manor, Garcia asks Roberta about the guns on the wall, but she does not know their history either. Seeing them, Diego answers that the weapons have been owned by the Lovelace family ever since the first Lovelace landed in the New World with Francisco Pizarro. Back in the present, Roberta recites the Lovelace family creed and smashes the bathroom mirror, angry that she cannot tell Garcia about the dark truth behind murder.

At night, she practices swinging a musket around and thinks to herself that the murderers felt nothing when they committed the act and showed no care about extra deaths. Roberta states that it is a path she has traversed herself and must not allow the young master to bear her sins. Although she recalls her promise to give up killing after she saved Garcia in Roanapur, she exclaims that she must act like a wild dog to kill other wild dogs, vowing that she will crush all that is immoral. Sometime later, in the Philippines at an airport, several of the U.S. soldiers from before, Caxton and Ray in particular, disembark from their flight. Surveilling them, Agents Blend and Sugar take a photograph of them and send it back to the Central Intelligence Agency at the George Bush Center for Intelligence. In Ravencroft's office, his subordinate Judway shows him the photo and explains that the National Security Agency is blatantly interfering in their territory, adding that the unit's final location to acquire is in Manila.

Comparing the NSA's interference to the destruction of a well-grown garden, Ravencroft then requests Cathy for another cup of coffee with enough milk and sugar to make pancakes. Though Cathy responds that she will call Dr. Kaufman, he comments that his fellow intelligence agents need to solve the situation while avoiding outright war between the intelligence agencies. In Roanapur, in the late afternoon, Ray hears Caxton ask him about any situational changes, to which the former confirms there are no changes, as Laos' borders are still in a state of emergency while the Thai Air Force will not allow them to fly near the target. Curious about their current location, Caxton asks what the name of the city is. Noting that it is an unusual town, Ray says that seven of their men almost lost their luggage, and the local police fraternize with the prostitutes. Caxton compares the stench of the city to that of Saigon in 1969. Looking outside their window, they see a Japanese businessman, Rock, walking in town and being unknowingly pickpocketed by a child.

Having watched Rock, Revy follows the child into an adjacent alleyway and takes the wallet back from his accomplice, warning them not to mess with her colleague. Nearby, Rock knocks on a building door, with a man telling him that he needs more time to make the payment, but the ex-salaryman repeats that Lagoon Company does not work with credit. He reminds the man that they made an exception only because the Colombian Cartel introduced them to his group. When the game of Russian roulette ends inside, the man encourages Rock to come in to discuss the matter, but he declines and accepts the man's promise to give payment the next day. Following him, Revy shows his wallet to him, but he responds that she should have let the child keep it. Revy posits that if she let that happen, then the child would have stolen wallets from far worse people and get killed for it. Familiar with his desire to save people, she admits that she saw the picture of Yukio Washimine in his wallet.

At the market, looking at the photo of Yukio, Rock claims that bullets do not hit the same hole twice, comparing the photo to a good luck charm. Annoyed with it, Revy retorts that he still has not let go the other people he tried to save, including the skeletons in the U-boat and the Romanian twins. Reminding him that everything he sacrificed to help them broke down and vanished, she states that too many people meet their end in Roanapur. At sunset, at the Lagoon Company office, Dutch answers a call from Saensak, who only says that he was ordered by Chief Watsap to ask a question. Hanging up the phone, he tells Benny that he was asked if they were harboring a strange guest. Acknowledging that it is weird, Benny wonders how many similar calls they have gotten recently, to which Dutch says that people like Isaac the port merchant have called. At a payphone, Revy calls the office and tells Dutch that she heard an intriguing allegation from Hotel Moscow's Kowalski that he spotted Roberta. Not wanting to blow the rumor out of proportion, he advises her to meet with him at the Yellow Flag after he has checked two or three places himself.

At night, at the bar, Bao expresses his dislike of the rumor because Roberta's destruction was the worst for him, noting that ever since he founded the Yellow Flag in 1978, the bar has been partially destroyed fifteen times and mostly destroyed six times. Exiting the brothel upstairs, Biu informs Bao that the prostitutes had no info for him, so he asks Bao to call him if he hears anything. As the Triad gangsters leave, the Colombians arrive at the same time. Revy greets Gustavo and asks where Abrego is, to which he replies that the boss is having trouble with preparing accommodations for some soldiers from their homeland. When he says that he wanted to talk to them, she sternly asks what he meant by bringing soldiers from his headquarters, irritating him. Suggesting that he stop glaring, Revy proposes that they can share info, to which he agrees and asks about Roberta's physical appearance. The pirate says that the maid has dark hair and is a pale-skinned Hispanic. As she continues speaking about Roberta's weaponry, a young girl dressed in a maid costume enters the bar, shocking Bao and the customers.

Addressing the pirates, she says that the Lagoon Company office was closed and so came to the bar to search for them on behalf of her master, who is staying at Sankan Palace Hotel. Rock asks her if she is with the Lovelace family, which she confirms. Taking a bow, she introduces herself as Fabiola Iglesias. Hearing Revy mutter an insult about Roberta, Fabiola politely asks her to avoid further insult. Asking if the girl is the maid of interest, José picks her up by her dress collar. Gustavo denies it but is glad that they now have the key to find Roberta. Meanwhile, traveling to the bar in his car, Benny relays to Dutch that he came across an interesting article in his research. He says that there was a terrorist explosion in Barinas, Venezuela last October, though Dutch jokes that such news is nothing out of the ordinary for South America. Hearing that the attack was aimed at the leftist MVR, Dutch notes that they are popular with the poor but not so much with the upper classes, with Benny clarifying that Diego Lovelace was onstage when the explosion occurred. Confused, Dutch wonders how it ties back to Roanapur of all places.

Back at the Yellow Flag, Fabiola tells the cartel members that she has no hints on Roberta's whereabouts, prompting Gustavo to joke that they can look for her together and drop by the Sankan Palace Hotel. Sighing, the young girl mutters that she was careless in her mission by underestimating the dirtiness of her enemies. Suddenly, Fabiola deploys a hidden knife in the back of her shoe and swings it behind her, kicking and stabbing José in the testicles. To Bao's frustration, the Colombian men pull out their guns on the girl, and Gustavo orders Hidalgo to frisk her for more weapons. At that point, Revy smirks and intentionally pushes a bottle of Bacardi, startling the men and allowing Fabiola to exploit the distraction by pulling out two guns. The young maid then shoots a few men and kicks one man, with Gustavo warning his men that she uses buckshot. As Rock and Revy take cover behind the bulletproof counter, Bao berates the latter for instigating the fight, and Fabiola dodges the gunfire by twirling through the air. Panicking, Gustavo commandeers Bao's phone, much to the bartender's anger. On the road, Benny maneuvers his car out of the way of three cartel cars, seeing a machine gun on one of them and realizing that something is likely going down at the bar.

As Fabiola continues fighting more men, the machine-gunner car arrives, so Gustavo orders Chico to shoot into the bar as much as possible, making Bao fight for control of the phone. Chico relays the order to Marrero, who begins continuously shooting at the bar. Ducking, Fabiola avoids the bullets and responds by launching a grenade outside, which hits one car that flips onto the machine-gunner car, forcing Marrero to abandon it. Standing up, Fabiola yells at the men to leave with their men if they want to live, firing another shot above her as a warning. Accordingly, the men heed her warning and retreat entirely. As the girl insults the town, Gustavo points his pistol at her, causing Revy to do the same to Gustavo. Irritated, Gustavo runs away as Benny and Dutch arrive at the destroyed bar. Elsewhere, in his penthouse, Mister Chang is briefed by Biu on the Colombians making a move. Deducing that Roberta's goal is to avenge her slain master, the Triad boss confesses that he is bothered by the fact that they do not know Roberta's supposed location in town. As Benny drives for the pirates and Fabiola, Dutch asks the girl if all maids at her manor carry heavy weapons. Being teased by Revy, Fabiola pushes her away and answers that only she and Roberta use firearms. Nonetheless, she admits that the other three maids do not know that she carries weapons, specifying that she was hired for protecting Garcia while Roberta is away.

Arriving at Sankan Palace Hotel, Dutch remarks that he wishes he could live in such a luxurious place. Heading inside to the penthouse floor, Fabiola asks that they act respectful in front of the twelfth head of the Lovelace family. Opening the door, they see Chang inside sitting, with Garcia standing beside him. Infuriated, Fabiola pulls out her weapon and charges him, but Chang easily pins her down and, to her surprise, Garcia orders her to stand down. Begrudgingly agreeing, she advises her master not to let his guard down, and the boy welcomes the pirates into the room. Seeing Revy pull out a cigarette, Chang sternly orders her to ask Garcia for permission first, and the boy denies her request because he lacks an ashtray. Recalling the investigation of his father's murder, Garcia says that members of a right-wing militia group were arrested, with Dutch and Chang agreeing that it sounds like a good cover story. Mentioning that Roberta thought the same, the boy says that the militia lacks the technology to pull off the bombing, adding that the police decided to close the case.

At the same time, however, officers of the country's airborne forces sympathetic to the MVR visited the Lovelace manor. Garcia notes that the officers showed him and Roberta the progress in their investigation, particularly reviewing the staff register for the ceremony. Having discovered that a few individuals disappeared after the bombing, the officers revealed that six men enlisted in foreign military intelligence appeared in the reports. As if pre-planned, the six men resigned from the DGCIM two months beforehand, having worked guard duty for the stage on the day of the explosion. Revy expresses her disgust with the subject, though Garcia allows Fabiola to resume the story. Showing Chang and the pirates a photograph taken six months in Caracas before the bombing, the girl says that the military police happened to spot the men while they were investigating an embezzling case. In the far right of the photo, Marcos José Lucientes is singled out as the leader of the six men, having been a major in the DGCIM.

Garcia recalls that the day after Roberta saw the picture, she talked to him and asked if he remembered the night that the Colombians abducted him. The maid confessed to the boy that Diego was at first hesitant to send her to save him. The next day, Roberta left the manor despite assuring Garcia that she would always be at his side. At the time, in Calabozo, Venezuela, Lucientes realized that Roberta was following him, so he quickly hid on another part of the block. When he saw her walking away, he ran in the opposite direction and called Mendes, frantically claiming that he was being followed. Answering the phone, Roberta coldly stated that Mendes was unable to answer the call. Revealing her presence, she dropped other cell phones on the ground to show that she also killed the other men and deduced that only Lucientes had the answer she was looking for. Subsequently, Lucientes's corpse was found in a canal in the suburbs of Calabozo. Impressed that Roberta was able to track down the man with only a single photo, Chang jokes that she truly earned her Bloodhound moniker. Slamming his hands on the table, Garcia retorts that she is his family, asking Chang to refrain from calling her that from now on.

Getting back on topic, the boy points out that the man to the left of Lucientes in the photo is who Roberta sought out next. Having captured the man, Roberta tied him to a pot, so the injured man, Simon Dickens, rhetorically asked if she knew who he was. Confirming, she was aware that he was the NSA's leader of Central American policy analysis. Frustrated, he asked her what she wanted, so she professed that Lucientes told her that he and his men planned and carried out the Caracas bombing back in October. As he struggled to break free, Roberta put hot coals into the pot and demanded to know who was specifically responsible. While she swallowed several pills, Dickens proclaimed that the United States government would hunt her down if she killed him. Grinning, Roberta replied that she welcomed the idea. Afterward, Dickens's body was discovered in a fire that broke out in some ruins of the suburbs of Caracas. The primary witness of the fire claimed that the suspect wanted a plane ticket from Caracas to Thailand via Miami and arranged for a bus ticket from the airport to Roanapur.

Surprised that Roberta killed an active duty U.S. officer, Chang and Revy wondered what Garcia wanted from them. Elsewhere in the city, as Bao was tending to his destroyed bar, he was terrified at seeing Roberta enter his establishment. Sitting at the counter, she requested the bartender to recommend her to places that would aid her in starting a war. At the hotel, Dutch informed Garcia that the Lagoon Company would not help him due to the risks and not because of the money, with Revy telling the Lovelace affiliates that they do not need to get tangled in an affair against the United States. Thinking to himself, Rock remembers that everyone who tried to defy something powerful and failed went to Roanapur and perished, thinking that the same would happen to Garcia. Speaking up, Fabiola elaborated that they did not seek out the Lagoon Company but rather, they want Rock's help, pleading with him to help them find Roberta, much to his shock.

Characters and cast[]

  • Rokurō "Rock" Okajima — Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English)
  • Revy — Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese), Maryke Hendrikse (English)
  • Dutch — Tsutomu Isobe (Japanese), Dean Redman (English)
  • Benny — Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Roberta — Michie Tomizawa (Japanese), Tabitha St. Germain (English)
  • Garcia Lovelace — Kazue Ikura (Japanese), Cathy Weseluck (English)
  • Fabiola Iglesias — Satsuki Yukino (Japanese), Shannon Chan-Kent (English)
  • Mister Chang — Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese), Trevor Devall (English)
  • Bao — Shirō Saitō (Japanese), Alec Willows (English)
  • Gustavo — Yōichi Nishijima (Japanese), Paul Dobson (English)
  • Diego Lovelace — Ryūsuke Ōbayashi (Japanese), Michael Kopsa (English)
  • Shane Caxton — Shinji Ogawa (Japanese), Ron Halder (English)
  • Raymond McDougal — Nobuaki Fukuda (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Wright — Chikara Ōsaka (Japanese), Andrew Francis (English)
  • Biu — Chikara Ōsaka (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Larkin — Yoshihisa Kawahara (Japanese), Trevor Devall (English)
  • Vietnamese girl — Uncredited
  • Saensak — Uncredited (Japanese), Alistair Abell (English)
  • Ravenscroft — Takurō Kitagawa (Japanese), Jason Simpson (English)
  • Judway — Toshiharu Sakurai (Japanese), Eli Gabay (English)
  • Cathy — Miho Miyagawa (Japanese), Lisa Ann Beley (English)
  • Agent Blend — Non-speaking role
  • Agent Sugar — Non-speaking role
  • José — Kenta Miyake (Japanese; uncredited), Brian Dobson (English)
  • Hidalgo — Uncredited (Japanese), Andrew Francis (English)
  • Chico — Uncredited (Japanese), Louis Chirillo (English)
  • Marrero — Hironori Kondō (Japanese), Alistair Abell (English)
  • Marcos José Lucientes — Uncredited (Japanese), Trevor Devall (English)
  • Simon Dickens — Uncredited (Japanese), Brian Dobson (English)
  • Sanchez — Nobuaki Kanemitsu (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Gardner — Non-speaking role
  • Horner — Non-speaking role
  • L.G. — Non-speaking role
  • Chief Watsap — Non-speaking role
  • Priest — Motoi Koyanagi (Japanese), Uncredited (English)
  • Boy — Ai Horanai (Japanese), Uncredited (English)

Songs used[]

  • Opening Theme — Red Fraction (IO Drive Mix) (by Kazuya Takase)
  • Diego Lovelace arrives to give speech to crowd — Memories of Venezuela
  • Roberta has a flashback to killing people — The Way to Last Night
  • Roberta becomes a maid for Lovelace family — Father's Chest
  • CIA employees talk — Sneak Attack
  • American soldier tells commander about Roanapur, Rock gets pick-pocketed — 66 Steps
  • Revy gives Rock his wallet, he looks at picture of Yukio — Dizzy Maniac
  • Colombians arrive at bar, ask Revy about mystery guest — Chinese Room
  • Fabiola Iglesias pulls out firearms — Don't Stop! (guitar version)
  • Extra Colombians arrive, Fabiola Iglesias continues shooting — Make a Bet
  • Mr. Chang at his penthouse talking with Biu — Dark Side of the Moon
  • Mr. Chang disarms Fabiola, they talk in the suite — Chinese Room
  • Roberta asks Garcia if he remembers Roanapur — El Sol se Recuesta
  • Rock thinks about how Roanapur destroys people — Don't Look Behind (ending version)
  • Ending Theme — When Johnny Comes Marching Home

Differences from the manga[]

  • In the manga, the flashback to Caxton confronting Larkin during the Vietnam War occurs later when Caxton has a nightmare about it when he is sleeping in Roanapur. In the anime, the flashback is the first scene of the episode and arc.
  • There is a time difference between the anime and manga concerning the bombing's year. In the manga, the bombing is purported to happen in August 1996 (despite the 1991 typo in the original Japanese in Chapter 44). In the anime, the episode states that the bombing happened 26 years after 1969, making it approximately 1995.
  • The conversation between Roberta and Diego Lovelace before the rally bombing is only in the manga; in the anime Roberta merely bows as Diego exits his car.
  • In the manga, only Shane Caxton, Raymond McDougal, and Wright are the soldiers seen during the bombing in Barinas, Venezuela. In the anime, various other members of Grey Fox are also shown, including Gardner, Sanchez, L.G., and Horner.
  • The conversation immediately after the bombing between Caxton and McDougal discussing a vacation and their next operation in Southeast Asia is manga-exclusive.
  • The flashbacks to Roberta killing people during her FARC days are anime-only.
  • The scene of the CIA officers spying on the Grey Fox soldiers at the airport, as well as the scene at the CIA headquarters with Ravencroft, Judway and Cathy, is only in the anime.
  • The scenes of Rock and Revy going around town at the beginning, including Rock getting pick-pocketed, Revy confronting the pickpocket, Rock trying to collect payment from a man, and Revy and Rock at the café remarking on saving people and the photograph of Yukio Washimine, are anime-exclusive.
  • Saensak specifying to Dutch in Chapter 45 that Chief Watsap is on vacation at Ko Samui is only in the manga.
  • In the manga, Revy and Rock recall what they heard about Roberta in town at their office, whereas in the anime Revy tells Dutch about the rumor via a public payphone. Bao's phone call to Dutch is manga-exclusive.
  • The Colombian men in Chapter 46 opening up Fabiola's briefcase to only find harmless items is only in the manga.
  • In the anime, Fabiola kicks José in the groin when she realizes that Gustavo intends on going to the hotel to find Garcia. In the manga, Fabiola kicks José's groin after Gustavo replies to Fabiola's question that he would not torture a child just to find out about Roberta.
  • During the bar firefight in the manga, Bao cuts the phone's line to stop Gustavo from telling his men outside to shoot. In the anime, Bao does not cut the line and Gustavo gives them the order to shoot the bar into pieces. Furthermore, Bao's racial slurs toward Gustavo for destroying his bar are only in the manga.
  • The bar firefight at the Yellow Flag is slightly longer in the manga.
  • Rock asking Revy why she helped Fabiola and her subsequent response in Chapter 46 is manga-only.
  • In the anime, Marrero uses his machine gun on the Yellow Flag when Gustavo angrily urges Chico to give the order since a maid is inside. In the manga, Chico orders Marrero to shoot since the phone line was cut dead and he thought that Gustavo got killed.
  • In the manga, Fabiola's gun is more lethal and she even kills a few people, particularly Marrero and Chico, the latter of whom Fabiola killed by launching a grenade at his fleeing car. In the anime, Marrero escapes being crushed by a falling car and Chico escapes alive too. Additionally, Borge in Chapter 47 attempting to run inside the bar with a few men and being subsequently blocked by ceiling debris is manga-only.
  • When Gustavo points his pistol at Fabiola and Revy points her pistol at Gustavo, Fabiola threatens to use her China Lake grenade launcher on him in the manga. In the anime, Gustavo immediately leaves after Revy points her gun at him.
  • Dutch's comment in Chapter 48 about the aftermath of the Yellow Flag looking like Huế Castle in the Vietnam War is manga-exclusive.
  • Chang's conversation with Biu is longer in the manga, including Chang inviting Biu to come with him to gather information.
  • The scene in Chapter 48 where Revy helps Fabiola out of the car is exclusive to the manga.
  • The manga specifies that the right-wing militia group that was blamed for the rally bombing was the Fearless People's Alliance (ABP).
  • The parts in Chapter 50 where Lucientes haggles with a market vendor and Roberta bumps into him and gives him a deathly glare are not included in the Roberta-Lucientes confrontation in the anime.
  • In the manga, Roberta says that the bombing took place in September. In the anime, she says that the bombing took place in October.
  • Colonel Simon Dickens' threat to Roberta that she would "get her ass blown all the way to Arizona" is only in the manga. In the anime, he only says that the United States would chase after her.


  • The beginning of this episode erroneously refers to the location in Vietnam as "Quang Province," but the manga originally showed that the province was Quảng Trị.