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Doctor Jacob (ドクター・ヤコブ Dokutā Yakobu) was a cleaner who collaborated with Sawyer the Cleaner and Bunny the Undertaker.

Appearance and personality[]

Jacob was a tall man with a slender build, thin eyes, and bony cheeks. He had short, combed black hair and wore dark suits as well as donning a full-body hazmat suit whenever he engaged in corpse disposal work. Jacob had a calm demeanor and yearned for happiness in his own life, as he had constantly chuckled and reminisced when he saw others' joy.

Gore Gore Girl history[]

Jacob had been abandoned by his parents as a child. In his earlier years, he had known Bunny's father, who was the original keeper of the Roanapur Public Cemetery.

Volume 2[]

Around the time of Roberta's first visit to Roanapur, six people meant to be disposed of escaped from a van due to a car accident and fled. At the Roanapur Public Cemetery after Sawyer had solved the situation, Doctor Jacob took off his biohazard suit and lamented how the van's driver and another associate got killed in the accident. Commending Sawyer for her hard work, he recommended that she join him and Bunny the Undertaker for dinner after disposing of the "garbage" in the cemetery. Happy to see them both, Bunny greeted them, with Jacob asking her how she was doing and if she was working. Jacob told her that he had 8 bodies for her, which Bunny agreed to take care of and became even happier when Jacob offered to make dinner for them after she was finished.

At the dinner table, Jacob presented to them garfish terrine, onion gratin soup, chicken confit, and strawberry pudding for the ladies. Bunny joyfully jumped and complimented the Doctor's cooking, and while eating she remarked that filling in 8 people was difficult. Jacob assured her that he had a good advance payment for her. Having the two of them with him, Jacob declared that they are like a happy family with a "mama" and "papa." As Sawyer was surprised by his comment, Bunny suddenly hugged her, and the Doctor laughed. After dinner at night, Jacob and Sawyer walked through the cemetery together. Saying that Bunny was a nice girl, Jacob described how Bunny's father was a Catholic priest and the original caretaker of the cemetery, and she grew a dark heart due to her father's strict care. Jacob wondered if it was wrong to ask for family and friends, but he thought that the relationship between him, Sawyer and Bunny was like family. His thin eyes had a regretful look, saying it would be nice to have a real family, and Sawyer continued listening.

Later after Sawyer talked to Bao concerning his request to clean up the corpses of the men that Roberta killed, she exited the Yellow Flag and Jacob drove by outside and stopped next to her, urging her to get into the car. As he rushed to the cemetery, Jacob reminded her about the recent string of murders of cleaners, including how a cleaner carrying a corpse to the cemetery got murdered. Urging that they needed to hurry, he clarified that Bunny was in danger, surprising Sawyer. Arriving at the cemetery, Jacob and Sawyer ran in as the former yelled Bunny's name. Coming across an angel statue, Sawyer saw the tied-up Bunny lying against the base with a thin silhouette standing next to her. As Sawyer angrily prepared her chainsaw, a needle was injected into her shoulder from behind, taking her by surprise. When she woke up and was tied-up too, Jacob sat beneath the angel statue, knowing that Sawyer was wondering why he had betrayed her.

Showing that the silhouette she saw earlier was a tied-up and gagged man, Jacob elaborated that he genuinely cared about her and Sawyer. Suddenly stabbing the tied-up man while continuing to sit, Jacob stated that was exactly why since he had always wanted to kill his family. Trying to articulate his reasons, he claimed that he did not know what his feeling was but tied his murderous intentions back to his first experience of being abandoned by his parents. Thinking that family was about killing, Jacob declared that it did not seem too bad. As he prepared a scalpel and sarcastically thanked Sawyer, he was impaled from behind with a narrow fence spike by Bunny. Slowly turning his head, Jacob saw that Bunny stabbed him and he smiled, falling to the ground onto his knees. As Bunny untied and checked on Sawyer, the latter prepared her chainsaw but heard Jacob state that being killed by family was not a bad way to go, making Sawyer's eyes widen in surprise.

Coughing up more blood, Jacob told Sawyer that he hoped that she could have a family again, and she thought about his words after having finished him off with her chainsaw. Afterward, Sawyer heard the word "family" from Roberta when the maid visited the cemetery on her way to leave Roanapur, and Sawyer took Jacob and Roberta's happy sentiment towards family to heart.[1]


  1. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 14: Gloomy Sunday