El Baile de la muerte Part 10, also called Chapter 53, is the fifty-fourth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in May 2007.
Lighting her own cigarette, Sister Yolanda asks Eda if the latter's source is credible, which Eda confirms due to the source being connected to the Lovelace family. Elaborating on the story, Eda tells the elderly nun that the CIA was not informed of or involved in the NSA's operation, Plan 117, to interfere in Venezuelan politics. She then adds that she will respond depending on the NSA's actions and may need to utilize the Rip-Off Church's informant network. Eda recalls that the NSA had waited to make a move when the CIA had began shifting their focus to economic information strategy, commenting that the NSA's shift to covert operations makes her sick. Sighing, Yolanda agrees to have her men keep an eye on NSA affiliates in the city and remarks that the CIA is a frequent client of hers, asking Eda if Mr. Ravencroft is still her boss.
Thanking Yolanda for her help, Eda confirms that her boss Ravencroft is currently the head of the CIA Intelligence Headquarters' 2nd Department and will pay her. Glad to hear that Ravencroft is around and hoping that she can work with him the future, Yolanda informs Eda that the Triad is taking initiative regarding the matter and that Mister Chang is hosting a meeting with other crime lords at The Golden Swingin Night Club. The old woman asks Eda if she wants a list of attendees, and the young nun replies that a recording of the minutes should suffice. Yolanda agrees and advises Eda to watch her back since the NSA knows their territory and will not hesitate to kill her.
After dropping off the Lovelace heir and young maid at Chang's boathouse, Benny drives Rock, who agrees with Benny that Fabiola was especially ecstatic about the pool there. Benny teases him about falling into the pool earlier, and Rock clarifies that he was only trying to help her into the pool and did not appreciate being called a pervert for doing so. Suddenly, several cars speed past them, gaining Rock's curiosity. Benny answers that the mafia heads are having a meeting that night concerning Roberta's presence. Hearing from Benny that the crime lords will decide her fate regardless of Garcia and Fabiola's concerns, Rock contemplates on the divide between Roberta and her enemy.
Outside The Golden Swingin Night Club, Balalaika arrives and agrees to temporarily surrender her weapons, and she and Boris enter the meeting room. Greeting her, Ronnie the Jaws smilingly wisecracks with her, and Tommaso threatens her when she bites back. Wanting to stay on topic, Abrego urges them to cut their fighting, and Chang agrees and starts the meeting. When Chang recaps that Roberta wants revenge against those who killed her master, Ronnie recommends that they throw a party for both sides, which Chang rejects. Balalaika and Ronnie exchange passively harsh words with each other. Angered at her response, Tommaso again threatens to physically fight her, but Chang slams his feet on the table to get their attention.
Keeping a cool demeanor, Chang informs them that Roberta's enemies are trained U.S. soldiers who are taking orders from their government, and he specifically asks the two Colombians about their knowledge since they took action first regarding the Roberta rumor. When Gustavo talks to Abrego in Spanish about what they should do, Ronnie orders them to speak in English, but they assure him that they were not speaking off topic and had nothing to do with the bombing that killed Diego. Abrego then elaborates that FARC allied with his cartel after the Medellín Cartel got crushed, which resulted in FARC wanting more stable relations by requesting their cartel to kill Roberta since she deserted from FARC. Blowing out a puff of smoke, Abrego proclaims that his orders are from his jefe in the very top, warning Chang that the Colombians will not tolerate anyone interfering in their mission to kill Roberta and bring her head to Bucaramanga, Colombia. Laughing, Balalaika admits to Chang that she is fine with Abrego's desire since she has no concern regarding what happens to the killer maid.
When Ronnie recommends putting a bounty on Roberta's head at the least, Balalaika tells the "dago" that the maid is not their enemy but instead the U.S. forces since they could carry out an anti-drug campaign. Coldly smiling and smoking her cigar, Balalaika comments that they should wipe out the Americans, making Ronnie and Abrego hesitate since interference with the Americans will end up bad for them. Interrupting the three leaders, Chang states that Roanapur has been a den of crime and vice for 35 years and has not ended up in international news due to the syndicates' wisdom in keeping the public eye off the city. He then responds that the Triad's position is to maintain the city's survival, urging the other mafia heads to not interfere with the U.S. government personnel until they can confirm that their mission is to meddle in Roanapur's affairs. Putting out his cigarette, he orders them not to get hot-headed since they will all be losers if they kill each other.