El Baile de la muerte Part 11, also called Chapter 54, is the fifty-fifth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in June 2007.
Inside a motel room, Roberta prays to God to give her strength to defeat her enemies. Advising her to stop taking so much medication, a hallucination of a man in an office uniform asks her if has any intention of going back to Venezuela since the young boy certainly misses her. Continuing to close her eyes, Roberta ignores him and declares that she must bear sins so that her master does not have to go to hell, but the hallucination tells her that she will only make herself further distanced from a chance at atonement if she continues on her path of revenge. Swallowing down many pills from a medication bottle, Roberta tells him to shut up and hears the door open, reflexively pointing her pistol at the door. Terrified, Richie Leroy assures her that it is only him with her order of clothing and other items. He berates her for almost killing him and asks who she was talking to.
Doing upside down ab crunches at her place, Revy asks Rock why he decided to finally ask for her help and acted like he had everything under control. Continuing to crunch, she then asks him why he cares so much about helping Garcia and what he gains by doing so. When Rock hesitates, Revy tells him that doing something for a return rather than altruism is how the world works. Although he agrees that he gets money from Garcia and Chang, Rock clarifies that he will get self-satisfaction in the end. Heading into the shower, Revy responds that his desire seems to be a repeat of trying to save Yukio Washimine and entering a situation without thinking of consequences. Rock tries to deny it but she interrupts him, asking him if he even thinks that she is the one who helps him.
Smoking a cigarette, Rock replies that she is there for him when he needs her most and is grateful. Thinking about his answer, Revy states that they need some sort of agreement before she aids him in the future. Recalling how Revy called herself a gun, Rock tells her that he is her bullet, specifying that a bullet by itself is just metal but packs a powerful punch when fired from a gun. As Revy steps out of the shower, Rock concludes that he would have been a piece of metal for the rest of his life had she not come along. Mentioning the song "Light My Fire," Revy responds that Rock is a silver bullet who has no clear path but can kill any monster, concluding that the bullet can misfire or be used wrong. Understanding her, Rock in turn finishes by saying that the decision is hers to make.
Chugging down water, Revy requests Rock to go downstairs and get another bottle for her from the vending machine using baht. As he buys the water, Revy comes down dressed to Rock's surprise. She then tosses him a bullet that he catches, telling him that Praiyachat should be awake by now and that they need to get back to the boat by evening. Seeing the bullet, Rock then follows Revy out of the apartment.