El Baile de la muerte Part 14, also called Chapter 57, is the fifty-eighth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in October 2007.
Finishing his conversation with Balalaika at the Roanapur Harbor, Mister Chang asks her if she will use her one life to live or die. Standing solemnly, Balalaika remarks that she will not have much time to ponder upon it, and the two part ways. Elsewhere in Roanapur, Roberta leaves her hiding place and it soon explodes, surprising nearby pedestrians including Richie Leroy, who has been sheltering the maid. At the Colombians' place, Gustavo receives a call from Boss Pasturia and gives the phone to his leader Abrego, who confirms to Pasturia that the troops from Colombia have arrived. Warning Abrego not to mess things up, Pasturia also orders him not to interfere with the Americans and to only kill Roberta. Even though he agrees, Abrego asks the jefe if the fighters from FARC's Sumasas Brigade can truly be trusted, and Pasturia replies that the brigade's adviser Alberto Camarasa is well-trained due to his affiliation with the Cuban Naval Forces.
Attending to his own children, Pasturia concludes the call by telling Abrego not to speak a word to the FARC soldiers about the Americans' presence, ordering to tie up loose ends if that occurs. At Leroy's office, Revy greets him and is surprised to hear Leroy immediately tell her about his aid to Roberta. Angrily recalling what happened, Leroy tells Revy that Roberta left before she was supposed to pay the other half of her fees. As Roberta walks through town armed, Will passes by her and discreetly reconvenes with Shane Caxton in his motel room, telling him that someone is trying to sabotage their plans. Handing Caxton an envelope, Will says that it is the latest change in plans for Grey Fox's mission approved by Brigadier General Wilder.
Entering the room, Sergeant Major Youngblood and Staff Sergeant Burrows inform Caxton and McDougal that the city's residents know that something major is brewing and that their enemy likely knows that they are hiding in the motels due to possible sniper positions. Quickly adapting, Caxton orders McDougal to contact the other two teams in their assault so that they can form a flank against their enemy's main unit. Afterward, Will leaves the hotel and is unknowingly spotted by Filano, and Bren tells him that there is no need to kill the NSA agent since he is not part of their targets. Saying that their client hired them to act as a shield, Bren elaborates that he has not used his own men and merely hired low-rate street hitmen to do the job. Finishing his meal and pulling out a portable TV, Filano asks Bren if he wants to watch Speed Racer with him to pass the time.
Speeding through town, Rock drives as Fabiola frantically wonders if they will find Roberta. Interrupting the young girl, Revy tells her to relax, also telling Rock that Bren the "Black Death" is involved and can make things worse. When Rock stops the car, Revy uses a payphone to call Shenhua at her apartment. Getting out of the shower after the phone has rang for sometime, Shenhua asks Sawyer and Lotton, who play video games, why they did not answer the phone. They continue playing as the Taiwanese assassin picks up the phone, irritated to hear Revy on the other end. She tells Revy that she was in a hospital bed until two weeks ago, angrily joking that if the job is to kill Revy then she will do it for free. The gunslinger responds that Eda was the one who shot her, adding that her client is a rich South American.
Looking to Garcia, Revy sees Fabiola offer 6 grand and relays that to Shenhua, who manages to bump the price up to $6,500 and asks Sawyer and Lotton if they want to join, and both raise their hands in agreement. Checking his wristwatch, Bren remarks that it is time, so Filano radios to Bugsy Lance, who radios back that he and his hitmen are ready. In a van, Alberto tells the FARC soldiers not to underestimate Roberta, adding that she is a trained carnivore in human skin. On the roof, Roberta walks as a hallucination of a bleeding man calmly urges her to turn back since Garcia will not recognize her if she fulfills her path of revenge. Furiously retorting back, Roberta tells him that sins can only be atoned for with blood. In the motel, Caxton and his soldiers are ready and in position to fight the hostiles.