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El Baile de la muerte Part 21, also called Chapter 64, is the sixty-fifth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in May 2008.


Sitting in the car and hearing the gunfire, Rock has smoked several cigarettes and thinks to himself how he has gambled on Garcia and Roberta finding each other but is worried that Roberta will clash with the Americans. Stopping to the car's side on her motorcycle, Eda cheerfully greets Rock and pulls out a cigarette. Lighting it for her, Rock asks her if she is also out trying to hunt. The nun replies that she wanted to help Revy due to the pay for her and Shenhua, but Rock tells her that she is late, slightly disappointing her. Smiling and resting her arms on her motorcycle, Eda asks Rock how he thinks the debacle will end, and he wonders how the actors on stage have moved. With a solemn look, Eda tells him that the U.S. soldiers are absolutely alive, adding that it is Roanapur's desire to push the men out of the city for its own survival.

Rock comments that the Americans have been distracted from their original mission and that they will likely agree to anything to get back on track, earning Eda's compliment. She then explains that the NSA is good at tapping people's phones but lacks experience in adapting accordingly in violent situations. Elsewhere, Roberta plans on shooting Garcia since she thinks that he is a hallucination in her mind, but her gun is shot out of her hand by the U.S. soldiers. Sanchez throws a smoke grenade to block Roberta's vision while he and Burrows engage in suppressive fire to allow Horner to save Garcia. The soldier reports back to Caxton about their capture of the young boy, and Caxton decides that they will abandon the flank plan to figure out how they can escort the young boy to safety. Caxton then calmly praises Horner for rescuing the boy, asking his own men if they are ready to help the boy.

As the men head out, Ray tells Caxton that he has not changed in a good way since it is not the first time that he saved a child as he did during the Vietnam War. Once Caxton orders Ray to get moving, the latter asks how they will continue their mission after leaving the city, and Caxton remarks that they cannot cross any land border and will have to exit Thailand by other means. Back in the alley, Rock correctly guesses that the soldiers will need to leave via watercraft. Knowing that the Rip-Off Church deals in information and mediation and can tell Grey Fox about the Lagoon Company's boat, Rock requests Eda if she can pull off the mediation. Smiling confidently, she confirms and tells Rock to call her if the troops somehow die. As Eda speeds off, Rock stops her by asking her what she has to gain from the whole situation.

Being serious, Eda warns him not to awake the Leviathan, informing him that Russians are also getting involved in the mess. On a rooftop near the previous gunfire, several Vysotniki radio back to Balalaika, who is dressed in a Soviet military uniform and telnyashka, to say that "Target Blue" (Roberta) is still inside the building. Balalaika orders them to cover all the exits and standby, and Boris tells her that all their teams are in position. Satisfied and ready, Balalaika orders her men to let the hunt begin.
