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El Baile de la muerte Part 26, also called Chapter 69, is the seventieth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in December 2008.


Ray wonders what kind of city Roanapur is, and Caxton agrees that the city is a nightmare and adds that the city has its own laws and ethics. Reconvening with Caxton, another Grey Fox team informs him that they have transportation prepared and are ready to head out, so Caxton orders them to cover his team until they get further orders from the NSA. Elsewhere, Bren and Filano see Bugsy Lance's fallen body from the roof, and the former advises Filano that he should have used a gun to kill him instead. Recalling how he purposefully tripped Bugsy off the roof, Filano remarks that it is best to kill someone by making the death look like an accident instead of a murder. Bren then shoots another man and advises Filano to learn how to use a gun in the future.

Meanwhile at the Rip-Off Church chapel, Rico informs Eda that he planted the travel documents in Roberta's hideout. Eda tells him not to call her "sis," and he then asks her what she gets in return for helping Roberta. She reminds him that they should not peek into each other's business, ordering him to report back to Sister Yolanda and to keep an eye out for Roberta since she will be gone for a while. At her hideout, Roberta angrily walks inside as her hallucination calmly tells her that she can still abandon her revenge, but Roberta shoots at the hallucination. Heading into another room, the killer maid finds a bottle of alcohol with the envelope of documents, reading the note that states "The hunt is not over and I will tell you where the fox is." Grinning, Roberta drinks some of the alcohol and pours it over her head, laughing repeatedly and thanking her Lord for the message.

Traveling on a transport vehicle, Caxton asks Ray what happened to the boy, and Ray answers that Sanchez saw him leaving with his young maid companion. Speaking in reminiscence, Caxton remarks that he is over age fifty and should have stayed away from the field. Thinking that he does not sound like himself, Ray asks the major if he remembers their operation back in 1969 in Quảng Trị province during the Vietnam War, calmly saying it was at that time when he realized that he wanted to be like Caxton.
