El Baile de la muerte Part 29, also called Chapter 72, is the seventy-third chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in April 2009.
On the Black Lagoon, Benny and Dutch examine the various transport documents and permits that the Rip-Off Church gave to them, with Dutch commenting that they probably got help from the NSA. Dutch assures Benny that he has accurate survey data about the river, adding that Mister Chang called him to affirm Rock's job to allow the Grey Fox soldiers to board their boat as transport into the Golden Triangle region. On deck, Revy attempts to tighten something and accidentally opens her arm wound again, asking Fabiola for some painkiller pills. Revy grumpily remarks that she does not want to clash with "four eyes" Roberta again, making Fabiola request her not to insult her head maid. Fabiola continues to study English words as Revy remarks that she needs to tell her something about Garcia before they move forward.
In the boat's hold, Rock tells Garcia that Grey Fox will board the boat soon. Smiling, he also tells the boy that he is the key and that Rock can still gain his desired outcome since the boy and Roberta are still alive. Back on deck, Revy advises Fabiola that they can only save Roberta with a bullet, not with love. Disagreeing, Fabiola responds that she does not get it since a gun will not work on Roberta. Smoking a cigarette, Revy responds that she and Fabiola are both dogs in a ditch whether they have killed people or not. Insulting Garcia, Revy replies that he cannot be a good person forever and that Fabiola is viewing the world as a flower garden. Standing up, Fabiola insults Revy in turn, causing them to briefly try and attack each other until Revy draws her pistol first. Standing firm, Fabiola claims that Revy is the one who actually views the world as a flower garden, specifying that she cannot accept that good people like Garcia exist in the world because it would shatter Revy's view that all humans are inherently selfish at the end of the day.
Continuing to glare at the young girl, Revy maintains her position as Fabiola elaborates that killing the bad people will only fill the world's cesspool with more trash. Sheathing her pistol, Revy tells Fabiola that she can continue living by her particular moral code if she wants but at the risk of dying sooner and in a gutter, saying that she cannot save Fabiola any longer. Seeing her grin and laugh, Fabiola compares Revy's contemptuous smile and laugh to the skeletons on El Día de los Muertos, Laughing in response, Revy sarcastically commends Fabiola for noticing that she is from the land of the dead, gleefully saying that Roberta, Roanapur's denizens, and Grey Fox all came from the same place and sarcastically tells Fabiola to offer them all some flowers. At night, the Black Lagoon stops at the river bank to pick up Shane Caxton and his men, with Dutch welcoming them aboard.
As the men embark, Caxton compliments the boat's Elco model, and Benny tells Caxton that he and his men will have to take turns sleeping by switching spaces between the hold and the engine room. Caxton asks him if the PT boat can maneuver at night, and Benny smiles and confidently assures him that Dutch is familiar with the terrain since he is a Vietnam War veteran like Caxton. Talking with Dutch, Caxton asks him about his service, with Dutch saying that he served in the Brown Water Navy's Task Force 116 in the 4th Squadron and had lied about his age when he enlisted. Commending the BWN for their teamwork, Caxton asks Dutch if he participated in Operation Slingshot, which Dutch confirms, saying that he used swift boats on the Mekong River but now uses a PT boat. Laughing, Caxton jokes in military slang that he should not lose his head, confusing Dutch. Caxton tells him that it is just an inside joke and he leaves the cabin. Interrupting them, Rock opens the hatch and smiles, telling Caxton that the child Garcia would like to speak with him.