Black Lagoon Wiki

El Baile de la muerte Part 2, also called Chapter 45, is the forty-sixth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in July 2006.


Calling Dutch at his office, Saensak tells him that he is merely asking him what Watsap wanted to know since the chief is out of town. When he finishes the call, Rock and Benny ask him what it was about, and Dutch replies that they again asked him about a stranger in town. Returning to the office, Revy greets everybody and asks if they have heard the rumor going round. The four then learn that Rock and Revy heard from Bao that other people claimed that Roberta has returned since Kowalski, a drug dealer for Hotel Moscow, allegedly spotted her near Sankan Palace Hotel, piquing their curiosity. Although Revy rejects the rumor since Roanapur is full of drug users and paranoid people, Dutch has interest since people in the town who have enough sense to detect lies are themselves worried about the rumor. As the four discuss Roberta's possible motivations for returning to Thailand, they hear the phone ring.

Answering the phone, Dutch hears a panicking Bao tell him that Roberta visited the Yellow Flag, surprising him. Bao then recalled that Roberta drank a whole bottle of alcohol like it was nothing and asked him for shops in town for the purpose of waging war. Frantically speaking, Bao demands Dutch to tell him what he knows in return, but Dutch assures him that he knows nothing about Roberta's presence and will inform the bartender if he learns anything. Revy asks if Roberta is the subject, which Dutch confirms. When Benny recommends that he could do some research about recent news in Venezuela, Dutch says that he will talk to his own sources too, advising Revy and Rock to visit Bao and get further details.

At the bar, Bao complains how his bar has been destroyed 15 times since its founding in 1978. As Rock and Revy sit at the counter and listen, Biu informs Bao that he did not learn anything from the prostitutes in the upstairs brothel, telling the bartender to call him if he hears anything. Bao then recalls that Roberta's face was the same expression that he saw on a paratrooper during the Vietnam War, and at that point Gustavo and his men of the Colombian Cartel walk into the bar. Greeting the Lagoon Company pirates at the counter, Gustavo asks them what they know about the maid in Roanapur, elaborating that he is gathering information on behalf of his boss Abrego and other higher-ups in the cartel due to news back in Colombia.

Smiling, Revy reminds Gustavo that he mentioned his bosses possibly sending fighters to Roanapur, telling him to trade info with the Lagoon Company since they will tell him their info and not spill his secrets either. Meanwhile, outside the bar, a man driving a tuk-tuk asks his client if she really wants to enter the bar due to the many fights there, but the small girl assures him that she will fare well. Gustavo then states that his Colombians are different from the Manisarera Cartel and therefore lack knowledge on Roberta. As he asks Revy about the maid's race, appearance and any distinguishing characteristics, the bar patrons are terrified at seeing a maid uniform-clad girl walk into the bar. Revy answers to Gustavo about Roberta's weaponry and firepower, and Bao's face is frozen as he sees the girl. Politely interrupting them, the girl states that she called the Lagoon Company office but could not reach them there, clarifying that she wants the Lagoon Company to come back with her to the Sankan Palace Hotel on behalf of her master.
