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Black Lagoon Wiki

El Baile de la muerte Part 5, also called Chapter 48, is the forty-ninth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in November 2006.


At the Yellow Flag, Fabiola Iglesias has scared off most of the Colombian Cartel thugs with her skills and fierce firepower. As Fabiola calls for Rock to continue her request for his assistance, Bao berates Gustavo for provoking and starting the bar fight, but the latter ignores his fury and points his pistol at the young girl. In turn, Revy points her Sword Cutlass pistol at Gustavo's head, threatening to kill him and reminding him that his reputation would be in a bad light for torturing a child. Backing off and sheathing his weapon, Gustavo flees while Dutch and Benny arrive, and Fabiola travels with the Lagoon Company to Sankan Palace Hotel.

Meanwhile in his penthouse, Mister Chang learns from Biu about the bar fight and the mini-maid's presence there, confirming their suspicions about Roberta's presence in Roanapur. Getting up, Chang smiles and advises Biu to accompany him to his next destination. On the way to Sankan Palace Hotel, Revy teases Fabiola for her outfit, and they learn that she had accompanied her master since he left the Lovelace family estate of his own volition. Explaining that there are five maids including herself, the girl adds that the other maids Tavia, Masica and Carina do not know that she and Roberta carry weapons. Once they arrive, Rock gets Fabiola's luggage while Revy helps her out of the car, noticing that that there is something unusual about her grip. As Fabiola guides the four sailors into the penthouse, they enter and see Mister Chang sitting and talking with the standing Garcia Lovelace.


  • This is the first Black Lagoon chapter to show the large sea stack in the Roanapur bay (although the Buddha statue/carving is not visible).