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Black Lagoon Wiki

El Baile de la muerte Part 6, also called Chapter 49, is the fiftieth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in December 2006.


Inside the Sankan Palace Hotel penthouse suite with Garcia Lovelace, Mister Chang greets the Lagoon Company. Seeing the unfamiliar man, Fabiola angrily charges at him but he quickly disarms her and holds her down. Garcia assures her that Chang only wants to converse with them, so Fabiola calms down but warns her master not to let his guard down in front of the criminals. Dutch asks if he and his crew and come in, which Fabiola begrudgingly allows. As Revy pulls out a cigarette, Chang tells Revy to ask Garcia permission first. Although she argues that she needs to smoke, Chang sternly repeats her name, making her ask Garcia. He politely tells her to wait later to her disappointment since there is no ashtray in the room.

Resuming their conversation, Chang expresses his condolences to Garcia concerning his recently deceased father, and Garcia confirms that he has come to Roanapur to stop his maid's desire for vengeance. Rock politely asks Garcia to tell them what happened directly after the bombing in Venezuela. Thanking Rock for his concern, Garcia then recalls how suspects from a right-wing paramilitary party immediately got arrested, but one suspect got released due to lack of evidence whereas two other suspects denied any involvement. Dutch and Chang agree that a typical story of rightists attacking leftists is suspicious, and Garcia adds that Roberta held the same doubt and told him that the rightists did not have the capability or need to carry out the assassination. When Roberta and Garcia thought that they would accept the police's story, an airborne officer who sympathized with the MVR visited the Lovelace estate to speak with them.

Benny comments on the MVR's start, and Garcia confirmed that the military officers checked for any sudden resignations before the bombing, discovering that six officers of the DGCIM all resigned at the same time six months before. and those six men were coincidentally in charge of security at the political rally that day. Showing everyone a photograph that the officers gave him, Garcia pointed to the Hispanic man on the right, Marcos José Lucientes, adding that the officers could not identify the other three men in the photo. After the officers left the mansion, Garcia found Roberta silent in thought, asking her what was wrong since she had been quiet ever since the bombing.

Beginning to speak, Roberta told her young master that back when he got abducted, his father reluctantly allowed her to rescue the boy when his hope had been lost. Walking with the boy in a hall, Roberta said that the miners and the maids on the hacienda had still been helping them in the hard times, and Garcia smiled and advised her to stay. Reciprocating a warm smile, Roberta assured her young master that she would always be at his side. Garcia then says that the next day, Roberta was nowhere to be seen on the estate grounds and had left.
