El Baile de la muerte Part 7, also called Chapter 50, is the fifty-first chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in January 2007.
In a flashback in Venezuela, Marcos José Lucientes buys a piece of fruit at a market and leaves when Roberta bumps into him. She apologizes for her clumsiness and helps him pick up the groceries, and he has no problem. Seeing her maid outfit and asking if she works around the area, he tries to give a recommendation but suddenly notices her stern glare. Roberta states that she recalls seeing him, adding that recognition is crucial in her line of work. Feeling off about her, Lucientes runs away and hides, then calling someone on his cellphone and telling them that someone is following him. To his surprise, Roberta turns the corner and casually drops several cellphones, saying that she stopped his friends and knows who he is.
Although Lucientes tries to pull out his pistol, Roberta quickly kicks his arm against his chest and pins him against a building wall, coldly smiling saying that the other men all said that he was the only one who could give her answers. Back in the present, Garcia recalls that he chose not to report Roberta's disappearance to the military officers who visited him, and they told him that the possible suspect Lucientes from the photo was then found dead in a river in Caracas with his legs hacked at to the bone. Revy is impressed with the torture while Mister Chang jokes that Roberta's tracking skills truly earn her the nickname Bloodhound. To everyone's shock, Garcia slams his hands onto the table, loudly stating that his maid is family, not a bloodhound.
Chang agrees to refrain from referring to Roberta as a bloodhound, and Garcia continues that because Lucientes and his men went missing, a clue was discovered about the Caucasian man sitting next to Lucientes in the photo. In another flashback, the U.S. Army colonel Simon Dickens is tied up and asks Roberta if she has any idea who he is. Heating up several rocks, Roberta states that he is the officer in charge of the U.S. National Security Agency's Central America-based special operations and policy analysis. Carrying the rocks to him, Roberta recalls that Lucientes relayed to her that the bombing in September was done by the NSA. Putting the heated rocks into the vase sitting between Dickens's legs, Roberta asks him who were the specific culprits. The terrified Dickens threatens her that the United States government will stop at nothing to kill her if she kills him. In response, Roberta gleefully smiles and thanks him for his answer, offering to put another heated rock into the vase.