Black Lagoon Wiki

Eugene (ユジン兵長 Yujin heichō) is an ex-Soviet Airborne Forces private first class who fought in the Soviet-Afghan War as a paratrooper and later joined Hotel Moscow with Balalaika. He serves as a reconnaissance soldier in the Vysotniki.


Eugene is an adult Russian man with a skinny build and pale skin. He has short brown hair with bangs parted to the right, and he wears a Russian green military uniform and telnyashka.


Chase for ring-ding ships[]

Only in the anime, it was shown that Eugene stood by as Hotel Moscow members executed Donnie Yen for abetting Chen's failed plan to murder the Lagoon Company.[1]

Bloodsport Fairy tale[]

When Balalaika summoned the Vysotniki to fight Hänsel and Gretel in order to avenge the murders of Private First Class Sakharov and Corporal Menshov, Eugene was one of several men who positioned themselves on rooftops throughout Roanapur's streets to force the twins onto a particular path. When the twins were separated as a result of several Vysotniki trying to shoot them in an alleyway, Eugene looked through his binoculars and reported back to Balalaika that Hänsel was following Jodorowsky's crew. At that point, she ordered all units to let the child think that he had the advantage over them so that he could be frustrated and then lured to his death.[2]

Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise[]

When Balalaika and her men went to Japan to aid Hotel Moscow's Japanese branch, she had Eugene and other men surveil members of the Kōsa Council as part of Hotel Moscow's alliance with the Washimine Group against the Council. During the initial campaign, Eugene spotted one target, Kenji Matsuzaki, and confirmed that he was the next target for elimination, also taking pictures of other Kōsa Council affiliates.[3] Later, after Hotel Moscow turned against the Washimine Group, Eugene remained in the Marya Zaleska war room as Balalaika commanded her soldiers to assassinate the yakuza.[4] Once the mission was completed, Eugene heard Balalaika confirm that they were returning to Roanapur, exciting him enough to high-five Daniil.[5]


  1. Episode 17: Greenback Jane
  2. Episode 15: Swan Song at Dawn
  3. Episode 20: The Succession
  4. Episode 23: Snow White's Payback
  5. Episode 24: The Gunslingers