Black Lagoon Wiki
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The Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo (English: Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army), often shortened to its acronym FARC or FARC-EP, is a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group that wishes to overthrow the Colombian government. A prominent ex-member of FARC was Rosarita Cisneros, who earned the nickname "Bloodhound of Florencia" during her guerrilla years when she committed terrorist acts, and she later deserted upon discovering FARC's alliance with drug cartels.


The fighters of FARC wear black balaclavas to conceal their faces, in addition to wearing green military uniforms and green patrol caps with a red stripe at the bottom of the cap's crown. The soldiers of the Sumasas Brigade are armed with Norinco Type 56 assault rifles.


FARC-EP was initially founded in 1964 by Manuel Marulanda as the military wing of Communist Party of Colombia (PCC). FARC then began their guerrilla war against the Colombian government and perceived U.S. influence, and FARC guerrillas engaged in actions such as kidnappings for ransom, drug trafficking, bombings and murder. In 1989, one mission that Rosarita Cisneros carried out was attacking the Magdalena branch of the Japanese company Taisho Electric, killing two employees but not before ripping up Hironobu Satou's family photo apart.[2] Additionally, FARC was allied with the mafia and protected their coca fields, and after the Medellín Cartel's destruction and dissolution, FARC allied themselves with the Colombian Cartel, resulting in a fragile alliance.[3]

Rasta Blasta[]

At some point in the 1980s, Rosarita Cisneros (or Roberta) joined FARC and received military training in Cuba. As an adamant communist and FARC soldier, Roberta killed many people, including politicians, counterrevolutionaries, and even women and children in the name of revolution. She became greatly skilled in hand-to-hand combat as well as having proficiency in various weapons, including firearms and knives, earning her the nickname "Bloodhound of Florencia" due to her ability to easily track targets to the end and murder them. In addition, Roberta was also wanted by Interpol for her role in the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.[4]

Around 1990-1991[5] when she was in Colombia, Roberta came across colossal coca fields, realizing that she was not a soldier for revolution but instead a drug-guarding lapdog for the drug cartels, with whom FARC had an alliance. Disillusioned by her discovery, Roberta deserted the group and sought refuge from the only person who would take her in: her father's friend Diego Lovelace of the Lovelace family in Venezuela.[4] For her betrayal, the cartel allied with FARC put a bounty of $400,000 on Roberta, dead or alive.[6] When Roberta rescued Garcia Lovelace in Roanapur from the Manisarera Cartel, she confessed to Garcia her former allegiance to FARC and the killings that she committed.[4]

El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

Much later in late 1996, some months after U.S. soldiers of the Grey Fox team murdered Diego Lovelace in Venezuela, FARC found out that Roberta traveled to Roanapur but was unaware of her pursuit of the U.S. Army troops. Accordingly, the FARC secretariat Manuel Marulanda ordered Alberto Camarasa and FARC's Sumasas Brigade (that Camarasa advised) to travel to Thailand and kill Roberta there. Abrego, the head of the Colombian Cartel's Thailand branch, helped provide safe passage for the Sumasas Brigade to Roanapur as part of the partnership between FARC and the cartel. Unknown to the FARC fighters, Boss Pasturia ordered Abrego to omit the U.S. troops' presence in the city since attacking the Americans would result in retaliation by the U.S. government against the Colombian Cartel.[7] In the city, Camarasa's men stayed in a hotel near the same hotels where Roberta's enemies were staying. When Roberta began to shoot at the Grey Fox soldiers, several FARC soldiers emerged from another building and started shooting at her. Roberta was unfazed and shot several of the FARC fighters dead before she jumped to another building to continue her vengeful pursuit.

One soldier radioed Alberto to report that her chase seemed suspicious. Soon, Alberto realized that Roberta's enemies in the area were U.S. soldiers, deducing their presence from the sound of American carbine gunshots.[2] Meanwhile in another area, Revy, Shenhua and Frederica Sawyer were aiding Garcia Lovelace to find Roberta, and they came across some FARC soldiers. Shenhua killed some with her knives while Revy shot several, and one soldier was left alive. Fabiola Iglesias, who tagged along with the women on Garcia's behalf, spoke to the wounded FARC soldier in Spanish about Roberta's state of mind. After Fabiola relayed the information to Revy, the latter shot the fighter dead, shocking and infuriating the former. The young maid angrily pointed her gun at Revy, berating her for killing a wounded soldier. Shenhua put her kukri to Fabiola, telling the young girl that she wanted to stick to the job.[8]

Because of Abrego's failure to tell Camarasa about the U.S. troops, Camarasa called Abrego to demand why he did not tell him about the soldiers, accusing Abrego of working with the NSA or another U.S. agency. Abrego denied the connection and demanded Camarasa to not get in the way of the Americans, but Camarasa rejected his plea since he claimed that he did not take orders from the Colombian Cartel and would gladly kill any Americans in the way of Roberta. Meanwhile, Camarasa and his closest men began to enter the empty building which Roberta entered. Outside the building, FARC soldiers spotted Fabiola Iglesias, but Lotton distracted and confused them with his speech and demeanor, giving Frederica Sawyer the opportunity to cut one of the men apart with her chainsaw and use his body as a shield while Revy shot more FARC soldiers.[9]

Inside the building, Roberta prepared her various weapons, killing one fighter with a coat hanger and killing another man by jabbing a metal rod into their eye socket. Two soldiers saw their comrade Rojez and called for him, but he merely stood still. Seconds later, Roberta showed her head from behind Rojez's corpse, terrifying the soldiers. The killer maid, high on stimulant drugs, killed the two soldiers but was spotted by Camarasa, who easily countered and disarmed Roberta, pinning her down face up onto a table. He remarked that he easily took her down since he and she received the same training in Cuba and knew her moves. He also elaborated that he did not want to kill her but instead re-recruit her for FARC due to her superhuman skill, stating that she could help revive and train the leftist guerrillas. Camarasa added that he would be successful in vouching for her due to his connections in Havana and if they brought back American heads.[10]

Garcia, who had been looking for Roberta in the building, overheard their conversation and grabbed a crowbar while hiding behind a corner. Roberta, feigning friendliness, agreed to work for Camarasa, even saying that she did not care about what could happen to Garcia anymore. She attempted to seduce him to distract him, and he agreed, but warned her that he would shoot her if she tried anything unusual. As she undressed, she managed to fire a bullet into Camarasa's abdomen using a secret chamber in her belt buckle, greatly injuring Camarasa. He tried to grab his pistol but Roberta kicked it away and began bludgeoning him to death with her fists, killing him and frightening Garcia.[11] With Camarasa's murder and the deaths of the other FARC soldiers, the Sumasas Brigade failed in their mission to kill Roberta.


  1. The flashback showing several FARC soldiers is only in the anime.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Episode 27: Angels in the Crosshairs
  3. Chapter 53: El Baile de la muerte Part 10
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Episode 10: The Unstoppable Chambermaid
  5. The beginning of Black Lagoon takes place in early 1995, and the cartel henchman in Chapter 03: Rasta Blasta Part 2 said that Roberta fled 4 years ago at that point, making the year approximately 1990-1991.
  6. Episode 09: Maid to Kill
  7. Chapter 57: El Baile de la muerte Part 14
  8. Chapter 60: El Baile de la muerte Part 17
  9. Chapter 61: El Baile de la muerte Part 18
  10. Chapter 62: El Baile de la muerte Part 19
  11. Chapter 63: El Baile de la muerte Part 20