Black Lagoon Wiki

Feodora (Russian: Феодора; Japanese: フェオドラ) is a Bougainvillea Trade Company employee and assistant to Balalaika.


Feodora is a young Russian woman with a skinny build, pale skin, short blond hair, and blue eyes. She wears a pink business top with black outlining, a pink skirt, black pantyhose, and red heels.[1]


El réquiem de los Desalmados[]

When Balalaika had a meeting with Rock and Revy to discuss the status of a shipment, Feodora waited for their arrival at Bougainvillea Trade Company. As the pirates arrived, she waved and reciprocally greeted Rock, informing him that Balalaika was just inside. Greeting her back, Revy complimented her improved English skills, to which Feodora agreed she had gotten better. Soon, after the meeting between the three, Feodora then accompanied Balalaika during her subsequent meeting with Varenkov and Vasily Krivchenko, standing silent as she listened to them discuss Hotel Moscow's losses and issues with their ally, the Guadalajara Cartel.[2]


  1. Concept art by Rei Hiroe on Twitter/X, posted on January 14, 2024. Archived from the original.
  2. Chapter 117: El réquiem de los Desalmados Part 1