Black Lagoon Wiki

Fernando Lobos (フェルナンド・ロボス Ferunando Robosu), more commonly known as Lobos (ロボス Robosu), is the current boss of the Nuevo Laredo Cartel's Thai branch in Roanapur. He tried to advise Elvis when the latter came to the city in order to produce counterfeit money by obtaining a functional counterfeiting press from Jane.


Lobos is an older Mexican man with a stocky build and tan skin. He has short dark hair with thicker hair in the back and a thick mustache and chin beard. He wears a brown suit with a green dress shirt and a turquoise-jewel necklace.


Greenback Jane[]

Lobos guided Elvis in Roanapur since the latter was not familiar with the city and its particular criminal culture. When Elvis got impatient with Jane's work and killed her assistant Theo, Lobos was angered since he had to clean up Elvis's mess. After Jane escaped the building that Elvis's men confined her in, Lobos accompanied Elvis in chasing Jane. She arrived at the Rip-Off Church, where Elvis shot a bullet at the building's door. Concerned, Lobos stepped out of the car to inform Elvis that he could not just mess with the Church, and seconds later Eda and Revy started shooting at Lobos and his men. Lobos peeked from behind the car to tell Eda to hold her gunfire, but Lobos' apology only made Eda resume her shooting. Consequently, Lobos forced the men to retreat since Elvis refused to stop the fighting as well as the arrival of Rico and Sister Yolanda.[1]

After Elvis was put in a hospital bed due to his injuries, Lobos refused to pursue Jane further, but Russell from Florida visited Elvis and assured him that he would capture Jane. Learning about the Lagoon Company's involvement, Lobos called Dutch and apologized for Russell's mercenaries planning to attack Revy and Eda, adding that he needed more time to convince them away from that job.[2] Later when Russell's mercenaries failed to kill Jane, Lobos went back to the hospital where Elvis argued with him to send more men from the Nuevo Laredo Cartel in Florida to aid in his desire to capture Jane. Lobos tried to plead with Elvis to reconsider, but the hotheaded Elvis refused to back down and yelled at Lobos to get him a phone so that he could contact Don Girolamo. As Lobos exited the room, it was implied that he killed Elvis (via showing his sheathed pistol) due to Elvis's unnecessary and adamant desire to kill Jane.[3]

L'homme sombre[]

When the Colombian Cartel's influence in both Roanapur and Latin America began to greatly wane, Mister Chang mentioned that Lobos was seen as the next potential member of the Council.[4]

El réquiem de los Desalmados[]

After the Colombian Cartel removed their own presence from Roanapur, Lobos was informed by Chang that he would be offered a seat on the Council, pleasing him. At the same time, the Nuevo Laredo Cartel and Hotel Moscow began to violently feud in the Mexican part of the U.S.–Mexico border region. As a result, the cartel's leader, Rodrigo Guerrera, informed his subordinate Lobos that he would not mind declaring a truce with the Russians on the condition that Hotel Moscow's ally, the Guadalajara Cartel, was crushed. Before attending the next Council meeting to vote on the appointment of Lobos to the Council, the cartel's ally Los Soldados, sent their leader to accompany Lobos to the meeting to speak with Balalaika.

On the night of the Council meeting, Lobos arrived at The Golden Swingin Night Club and voluntarily surrendered his sidearm per the meeting customs. When the meeting began, Lobos admitted that he was honored to be offered a position among Roanapur's most powerful bosses. Chang asked him when his representative would arrive, to which the Mexican boss replied that he heard he recently arrived at the airport. At that point, Gris el Tigres, the boss of Los Soldados, arrived and sat down. Lobos subsequently listened to him explain that he started his cartel after learning of Balalaika's backstory as a discarded soldier. The two bosses began to exchange words, with Gris affirming that he would do everything in his power to crush Hotel Moscow despite his respect for them. Frustrated, Lobos warned him to be quiet because the former was the one with authority in Roanapur. Chang chimed in to say that they needed to focus on their agenda item of voting on the Nuevo Laredo Cartel's appointment to the Council. In response, Lobos relayed his boss's condition of a truce to them, but Gris vehemently disagreed with him, exclaiming that they could not expose their backs to their enemy in any part of the world.[5]

Shocked by his declaration, Lobos sat speechless as Gris asserted that he would not forgive Hotel Moscow and only wanted to kill Vasily Krivchenko, who ran Hotel Moscow's operations in Cananea. Though he could not say anything due to his shock, he snapped out of it when Rock volunteered to speak up and propose a compromise. Hearing Rock's idea that Hotel Moscow would give up its share of territory that they took after the Colombian Cartel fled Roanapur in exchange for sparing Krivchenko, Lobos agreed to the terms. When Balalaika said that she would not take a backseat to Nuevo Laredo, he assured her that the initial plan would be for his cartel to not take any shares so that the Russians had time to think about the overall deal. To his surprise, Gris interrupted them and asked Lobos if he was done with his "fairy tale." Gris declared that he would not stop at taking Krivchenko's head, causing Lobos to shout at him, but the former only replied that Lobos seemed to forget that Mexico's criminal underworld was an unforgiving place. Once Gris reiterated his threat to crush anyone who got in his way, Lobos stood up while his ally stated that war would commence after leaving the nightclub.[6]


  • In a popularity contest during the 10th manga collection release, Lobos ranked 41st (tying with Elroy and Praiyachat) with 5 votes.[7]
  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Lobos ranked 53rd (tying with several characters) with 4 votes.[8]

