Black Lagoon Wiki
Black Lagoon Wiki

François Modibo (フランソワ・モディボ Furansowa Modibo) is an employee at Isaac's antiques shop in Roanapur.


Modibo is a tall African man with a broad build. He is bald and wears a dark double-breasted jacket over a light-colored dress shirt. He additionally carries a pump-action shotgun for a weapon.


L'homme sombre[]

When news spread throughout Roanapur about five women killing Black men in the city, high alert was issued for Black male residents. Modibo continued to work at Isaac's antiques shop without much fear since he was experienced with a shotgun. When Revy, Rock and Shenhua visited the shop to check on Modibo in case Les Cinq Doigts made an attack, they told Isaac about the warning from Mister Chang regarding the killings. Modibo came out from the backroom and Isaac asked him if anyone had any grudges toward him that he knew of, to which he said that he could not think of anyone or any reason.[1]

Right after they talked, the women of Les Cinq Doigts entered the building, with Le Majeur asking which one was Modibo. L'annulaire pointed her to Modibo behind the counter, so Majeur warned Revy's crew to step aside. The pirate refused and shot L'index in the shoulder, starting a firefight. Modibo pulled out his shotgun and began shooting at the women while Revy and Shenhua helped. Because of Modibo and Revy's consistent fire, the Frenchwomen were forced to flee. In the end, Majeur was injured and incapacitated by her own comrade while the other women fled, leaving Modibo alive without injury.[2]


  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Modibo ranked 53rd (tying with several characters) with 4 votes.[3]

