Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 10, also called Chapter 31, is the thirty-second chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in February 2005.
As Chaka smugly smiles and holds onto the captured and bruised Yukio Washimine, Ginji Matsuzaki proclaims that he will send the street thugs to paradise by killing them. Revy then begins shooting Chaka's men as Ginji follows suit in attacking them with his white scabbard. Revy even uses the bowling alley seats as a boost to jump into the air and shoot several of the amateur gunmen, impressing Chaka as he shoots back at them. He notices that some of his subordinates are hiding, so he shoots near them to threaten them to fight back. One thug tries to swing at Revy but she dodges it as Ginji swiftly coordinates with her movements and slices the man's abdomen. Amazed to see the fighting, Chaka decides that he will flee with Yukio, ordering the young girl to keep up with him as he shoots back at the two attackers.
In another part of the building complex, Chaka runs down an escalator and slips on some cleaning fluid at the bottom, confused as to why there is a puddle there. As he looks up, Rock hits him in the head with a bowling pin and declares a "strike." In the bowling alley, Revy shoots more men until one man, Okazaki, pleads in broken English that he gives up. Mocking his syntax and Japanese accent, Revy asks him what he wants to "give" to her. He again tries to repeat that he gives up, but Revy shoots him back, seeing Ginji and telling "Jumbo" that they will split up to find Yukio and the "sack of shit." As she jokingly speaks to him, she sees that Ginji does not speak and leaves, so she taunts the surviving gangsters who are hiding that she will kill them. She runs toward the fleeing thugs and shoots them.
Elsewhere with three men, Chaka walks calmly as one man asks why it is so quiet, then beginning to berate Chaka since he left behind their other guys. Immediately, he shoots the man, frightening the other two men to run away, but they also get shot by Chaka. Seeing him kill his own guys, Revy comes across him and jokes that he really is a scumbag. Carrying a soda can, Chaka responds that he will be glad to duel her, proposing to her that they will draw their guns when the can hits the floor. As he tosses the can in the air, he is baffled to see Revy running at him with a grin. She kicks him onto the ground, mocking him for thinking that he is deserving of a gunfight with her. When she walks away without care, the bleeding and angry Chaka tells her to come back, but she shows him her middle finger and walks into the pool room. Chaka gets up and subsequently follows her only to see Ginji standing in front of him.
Getting into a sword-wielding stance, Ginji sternly tells Chaka that he can draw his revolver whenever he wishes. As Chaka draws, Ginji charges at him and slices the bullet apart, awing Revy and shocking Chaka, whose revolver and arms are then chopped off. Ginji pushes him into the pool, where Chaka curses him as Revy spits to her side. In a locker room, Rock stays with Yukio and comments that the noise has died down but they should stay inside to be safe. Sitting down, she asks him why he came, and he answers that he could not see her being dragged into the criminal world. Retorting that he is mistaken, Yukio states that she put herself in the middle of her situation and says that Rock is her enemy.