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Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 12, also called Chapter 33, is the thirty-fourth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in April 2005.


Balalaika orders Boris to inform the other Vysotniki that they will teach the Washimine Group a lesson in combat. Across Tokyo, the Vysotniki carry out their campaign and position themselves near the Washimine offices and hideouts. Using firearms in their surprise attacks, they kill many Washimine gangsters as well as their enforcers, including Kudō, Ogami, and another man. Somewhere in town, Yukio Washimine's driver states that he cannot get in touch with the Sagamihara office and his men cannot get in contact with the other hideouts. To Ginji Matsuzaki's surprise, Yukio informs them that the police told her that Mr. Taguchi and his men are dead and she will have to visit the police station tomorrow for questioning. Realizing that Balalaika's men are likely ex-military due to their swift attacks, Yukio remarks that she made a mistake in underestimating them, and Ginji replies that they can still fight back.

At a restaurant, Revy happily informs Rock that Balalaika is carrying out her operation as they speak, adding that Balalaika needs them back at the hotel for one last job. Seeing Rock's gloomy expression, Revy tells him to cheer up since they will be done with them after the one job. She admits that she is still giddy after seeing Ginji slice a bullet in half, but Rock grumpily states that she is rushing to her death. Confused by his comment, Revy smiles and responds that Rock is misunderstanding since they are both of the walking dead as are the rest of their fellow criminals in Roanapur, concluding that the difference between them is living versus dying to their death. Rock then asks softly but sternly if she thinks dying in a swampy area is cool, irritating Revy since she does not appreciate his attitude. Putting his head into his hand, he apologizes for his mood, and Revy forgives him and tells him not to worry about whatever is bothering him.

Elsewhere at his headquarters, Masami Kōsa asks Yukio if she really plans on succeeding her father, and she reminds him that the blood-relative succession was the requirement that he put forth. Annoyed, Morozumi angrily tells her not to disrespect his boss, but Masami orders him to calm down. The leader then asks the young girl how she will make it up to the Kōsa-Kai and the other yakuza among them since the Washimine Group had hired Hotel Moscow in the first place. Masami reminds her that her family turned down his representative for succession, so Yukio replies that she will make a formal apology to the Kanto Peace Council at a later date, angering Morozumi enough to slam the table. As Ginji blocks the food from hitting his boss, Yukio confidently states that they have enough action to satisfy the Peace Council's demands. The two Washimine affiliates then depart, and Masami tells Morozumi that they can just wait since they have an important meeting tomorrow that will negatively impact the Washimine Group.

Later in a parking garage, Balalaika apologizes to Rock and Revy for keeping them waiting since she had to stop at the Russian embassy. She then informs them that they have a meeting tomorrow with the Kōsa-Kai for their last job, surprising Rock since the Washimine Group was their original ally. Rock then remembers Yukio's comment about how he did not want to save her and that he was in the twilight, and he urges Balalaika to take down the Kōsa-Kai instead of the Washimine Group, shocking Revy. Sternly responding, Balalaika tells Rock that he is not her comrade nor a member of Hotel Moscow, and Rock asks her if she has a sense of justice like the Washimines do. Grabbing Rock, Balalaika slams him onto a car hood, prompting Revy to point her pistols at Balalaika and Boris while Boris points his pistol in turn. Trying to remain calm, Revy urges them to calm down too, but Balalaika orders Revy to mind her business.
