Ghost Ship Part 2 is the forty-fourth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on April 19, 2023.
On the large trafficking ship, Revy's group hears the loud noise of the spy being killed. Choptop wonders what the noise is while the bandana cleaner notices that the spy sneaked away from them. They turn around the corner and see another large blood trail across the floor and crate walls. As they look ahead, they see a silhouette, causing Revy to point her pistol at the person, ordering them to come out. Choptop sees that something is strange about their demeanor, and Revy tenses up upon noticing that the creature is dragging a body. The creature jumps high toward them, so Revy shoots at them but only hits the flailing dead body. Up close, Revy sees that the creature is a large monkey, taking her off guard. Immediately, the monkey swings the spy's body at Revy, knocking her back and unconscious. Choptop is terrified upon seeing Revy get knocked out, but the monkey only screams and runs away while swinging the spy's body around. Choptop and the bandana cleaner cannot believe that the monkey is the culprit, standing with their jaws dropped.
Speaking up, the crying girl claims that the monkey is named Ella. Hearing her, Choptop asks if she is good friends with the monkey, which she quietly confirms. Before she can explain further, Choptop shouts in excitement, but she says that it is impossible to quell the monkey now. Suddenly, they notice Ella standing in front of them roaring at them, terrifying them. Coming to their aid, Sawyer the Cleaner turns on her chainsaw and fiercely glares at the primate, who immediately throws the spy's body at her. Sawyer attempts to cut through the body, but its weight knocks her down, as she is only able to cut part of it, spewing blood everywhere. As Ella jumps up and down in glee, Choptop warns the other two to run away, so the bandana cleaner carries the girl on his back and flees. Leaving with them, Choptop thanks Sawyer for coming to their rescue, and she fiercely but exhaustingly looks at the grinning and laughing Ella. As the two men run, Choptop still wonders who exactly the monkey is, asking the girl how they became friends. The girl clarifies that they only bonded because they were both in cages and next to each other, and the bandana cleaner asks her if she is the only child on board the ship. The child answers that there was only one other child who was already dropped off at a port, so the panting Choptop advises her to be patient for the time being.
Arriving at a different part of the ship, they come across various cages with screaming animals. Choptop wonders if they are all smuggled, commenting that it is like a zoo. Noticing one of the cages left open, the bandana cleaner points to it, and the two men confirm from the girl that it is the monkey's cage. Noticing a powder scattered on the ground, the bandana cleaner examines it as Choptop sees the source of the powder, which are packets of cocaine. Shocked at the revelation, both cleaners realize that the monkey had consumed cocaine, hence her ferocity. Behind them, a man points a shotgun at them and orders the "thieves" to freeze, saying that all the cargo on the ship belongs to him. Turning around, they look at him as he specifies that he is the ship's captain. Claiming that he delivers rare cargo to ports all across the world, the captain proclaims his ship as Noah's Ark, causing Choptop to insult him as a crazy person. Addressing the scared child, the captain reminds her that he left her alone but orders her to come to him, claiming that she is his property. Warning the girl to hurry up, he declares that he will kill both men when suddenly Ella throws Sawyer at him, knocking the captain down.
When Sawyer gets up to defend herself, Ella charges at the captain, who grimaces at them as the large primate slams his head onto the ground, killing him instantly. Sawyer is also knocked back by the attack, and her strength has greatly decreased. As Choptop frantically wonders what he should do due to Sawyer's weakness, the primate continues roaring but stops upon feeling sick. Crawling down, Ella vomits, and Choptop is surprised but smilingly realizes that the monkey has overdosed on cocaine. Soon, the group departs from the ship and boards Black Lagoon. In the bridge, Choptop asks Dutch if he left the child on the ship. The latter states that he contacted the maritime police, concluding that he does not know how well the kid will fare. Accepting the story, Choptop grins and suggests getting back home to get something to eat. Back on the ship, the young girl looks worried while waiting for help, but she stays at the side of the sleeping primate Ella, petting her back.