Goat, Jihad, Rock'N Roll Part 6, also called Chapter 21, is the twenty-second chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in February 2004.
Calling a CIA affiliate, Mister Chang confidently tells the man that his delivery crew will arrive on time with the documents at the Filipino Army base. Telling the person to call him back when they get the delivery, Chang hangs up and learns from a Triad member that their boss has told them not to engage in direction confrontation, which Chang has no problem with. As another enemy car is taken out, Shenhua demands that they do rock-paper-scissors again, but Revy notes that the enemy is closing in and her attack's range will not work anyway. High-fiving Revy, Shenhua agrees, allowing the gleeful Revy to begin shooting to her sides. Once crashing both cars, Revy smiles while Shenhua calmly compliments her skills and disagrees with using firearms since blades do not run out. Disagreeing in turn, Revy says that blades can dull and laments that she does not have a rocket launcher or even a nuclear bomb.
As Leigharch continues to hallucinate while driving them, Revy grabs one of the cigarettes from up front and offers it to the tense Rock, who notices the unusual taste of the "cigarette" (cannabis). Off the main road, Ibraha argues with Takenaka that they are close to the demilitarized zone and can still stop the thieves, but Takenaka tells him that he is being irrational. Retorting back, Ibraha erupts that their line of work is not just a job but their entire life. In the speeding car, Revy laughs and asks Rock how he feels, but Rock depressingly laments on how he keeps running away and that Takenaka was right about his mindset. Revy is surprised at his gloominess since he is usually an optimist, with Shenhua commenting that a person needs to be in the right mood for a good trip. Suddenly, Leigharch begins to see Playboy Playmates as he barges through the DMZ, with the Filipino Army guards being ordered to stand down since the car is not their enemy.
Elsewhere, Takenaka tries to prevent Ibraha from pressing the car's accelerator, angering him. Takenaka again tells him to let his resentment go since they cannot lose all their comrades, sternly telling Ibraha that his dead son will never come back. Glaring back at Takenaka with fierce eyes, Ibraha states that they are so close to getting revenge on "Jerusalem and the bastards who protect them" ever since the Israeli Army created a bloodbath at the Beirut Red Cross camp in 1987. Hearing a soldier radio back for orders, Ibraha orders them to continue pursuing, but Takenaka yells back to discard the order, advising Ibraha not to betray their cause because of the mission. Snatching back the radio, Ibraha asks him what he is talking about since Takenaka left the Beqaa Valley specifically to fight and die for the cause just as he did. As he angrily orders Takenaka to answer the question, the latter shoots him dead, taking the radio and calmly ordering his men to fall back. Looking at Ibraha's body, Takenaka remarks that the both of them seem to be unable to take their eyes off the past, saying that Ibraha was a good friend.
At the military base, a U.S. Marines helicopter arrives with two CIA agents, and Revy jokes to one agent that they are late. Agent Blend asks for the documents, shocking Rock since he completely forgot to bring the briefcase with him back at the enemy camp. Telling him to calm down, Revy lifts up her shirt slightly to reveal the sweat-covered documents, handing the documents to the disgusted Blend. The other agent asks him how the documents are, and Blend responds that they are readable but advises Revy to bring the cargo in better condition next time. As the agents leave, Blend turns around to "Rebecca" and jokes that the warden at Buffalo Hill and the cops at the NYPD's 27th Precinct would be surprised to see her now. Blend then yells that he is not hired to capture escaped felons like Revy but instead to fight enemies of the United States, telling Revy to keep that in mind for future jobs.
After the helicopter leaves, the embarrassed Rock thanks Revy for saving him, but she tells him not to be so formal. Smacking him in the head, Revy yells at him to not get captured next time and proclaims that the extra rescue pay for Shenhua and Leigharch is coming out of his paycheck. At the airport the next day, Takenaka calls someone from Hezbollah and confirms that he will talk to the leader soon, hanging up the phone. As he sits down, the tourist whom he met two days earlier recognizes him as the "Yasuo Daichi look-alike." Takenaka greets the Japanese man and asks him how his trip was, with the tourist saying his trip was fun and in turn asks Takenaka about his travels. Declaring that it could not have been worse, Takenaka remarks that his deal failed and he got into a fight with an old friend, adding that it sucks to grow old. The tourist replies that he can always try again, with Takenaka smiling in agreement. As Takenaka takes out his sunglasses, the tourist asks him what he does for a living. Thinking about his answer for a moment, Takenaka answers that his job is to be a public enemy.