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Greenback Jane Part 2, also called Chapter 39, is the fortieth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in December 2005.


Resting in a hospital bed, Elvis asks Russell if he has truly learned where Jane is, and the man confirms. Saying that Lobos is a coward who does not want conflict, Elvis angrily tells Russell about how Roanapur is a barbaric place where even the nuns carry guns, complaining that he prefers Florida as a real civilization. Once again, Russell nods to his boss as Elvis comments that when Jane is recaptured, he will put her through such a hell that makes the Dachau concentration camp look like paradise. Smiling and putting his cowboy hat on, Russell confidently replies that he specifically came with Elvis from Florida for a situation like so, assuring Elvis that he will be back in Florida in four days to watch the Caribbean sunset with Don Girolamo.

At the Yellow Flag counter, Eda teases Revy about the former's grand plan to help Jane and make lots of money, saying that her trick is nothing since she works for the man who "walked on the sea of Galilee." Asking Revy if Rock is bringing the car around, Eda then pays Bao for her drink and she leaves the bar as Revy complains that the nun will not elaborate on her plan. At another table, Russell shows several bounty hunters a picture of Jane, clarifying that she is staying at the Ramsap Inn and is the target meant to be captured alive but injured if necessary. When he mentions the price of $1,000 per bounty hunter, Shenhua and Quentin the Tiger deride his price, insulting his cowboy demeanor. Sternly ignoring their insults, Russell tells them that they have to work together, but a goth woman in turn responds with her electrolarynx that they only need to be introduced to the newcomers.

Seeing that Shenhua is confused about her identity, the goth woman, Sawyer the Cleaner, reminds her that she did a job for her last Tuesday. In a flashback, Shenhua enters Sawyer's workplace and brings a suitcase with a tied-up man inside, requesting the cleaner to dispose of the man on Mister Chang's behalf for trying to steal his money. In the present, finally recognizing her, the other bounty hunters comment in awe that they never recognized her since she always wears her personal protective equipment. Sawyer then points to Lotton and Claude "Torch" Weaver, who introduce themselves. The baffled Green Tooth Johnny asks them if they are drinking milk, to which Lotton answers that alcohol makes him vomit while Claude answers that his religion forbids alcohol consumption. Lotton then shows his pistol while Claude demonstrates the power of his lighter, almost destroying the above headlight and startling the bounty hunters. Russell orders them to stop messing around, but they do not hear him as Shenhua recommends to everyone that they set course for the Ramsap Inn.

Meanwhile, just outside the Ramsap Inn, Rock parks the car and awkwardly listens to Revy and Eda argue about Jane appearing, with Revy sarcastically stating that they will not see the Great Pumpkin. Teasing Rock, Eda breathes into his ear and asks why he is not concerned, scaring him and angering Revy, who tells the nun to back off. Smiling, Eda explains that Jane is staying in a special room different from the room number she gave to the informant, and she also put signs in the room that Jane will recognize as escape signs when the time is right. As Jane escapes due to hearing gunfire, Revy and Rock are not persuaded by her plan, and Revy jokes that she will call Eda "Linus" from now on. When Eda remarks that the plan has worked 4 times out of 7, Jane runs past them, shocking them.

Rock subsequently drives backwards as Eda coerces Jane into agreeing to whatever price she wants since the bounty hunters are close by. As Eda opens the car door and lets Jane inside, Quentin and other bounty hunters see them and tell Eda that they have business with Jane, offering Eda to get in on the cheap one grand bounty. In response, Eda interrupts him with a bullet to his chest, making the bounty hunters pull out their guns. Writing off the money as chump change, Eda proclaims that she has one million dollars riding on the rescue job.
