Greenback Jane Part 4, also called Chapter 41, is the forty-second chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in February 2006.
After revealing herself, Shenhua tells Sawyer the Cleaner to switch places with her. Taking cover, Eda asks Revy if she knows the bounty hunter, and Revy confirms that she is trouble for them. Yelling to her, Revy asks Shenhua where Leigharch is, and she replies that he is living with a medical doctor since he did not "come back from Mars" with so much drug use. Talking to Eda after making faux banter with Shenhua, Revy tells Eda that Shenhua is standing on an air duct on the dry dock building's exterior, also recapping their general exit problems including the dock fire. Eda agrees to shoot Shenhua when Revy lures her out, and Shenhua and Sawyer stand by outside as they wait for a response.
Meanwhile on the Black Lagoon, Benny informs Dutch that he cannot make contact with their crew, and Dutch looks through his binoculars on deck. In the distance, he is frustrated to see the dock fire, telling Benny that his nuclear bomb comment would be a better scenario since he would not be the only one in Roanapur to lose. On the dock building's second floor, Revy begins shooting at the walls, forcing Shenhua to run toward the window, where Eda shoots one bullet. The nun goes to the window to check and suddenly Shenhua's cord wraps around her neck, trapping her. Sawyer then goes up the stairs, causing Revy to shoot at the goth girl to Eda's dismay since the nun is still trapped. Pretending to leave, Revy gives Eda a gun as the nun tries to convince Shenhua to hold back. Smiling, Shenhua replies that she knows Revy did not leave, and Eda tells her that she will go to hell if she kills a nun.
Not concerned, Shenhua answers that she is Taoist and is not concerned with the nun's religion, and she prepares to kill Eda until the nun smugly proclaims that she let herself stall time. On the dock roof, Jane complains that Rock is not coming up with a plan, and he claims that he is trying to think. As Sawyer comes up the ladder, Jane argues with him for not thinking of anything, and they are interrupted by Sawyer, who uses her electrolarynx to speak. Below them, Revy sneaks through the other window as Shenhua turns around and throws feidao knives at her, giving Eda the opportunity to shoot Shenhua off the duct. Screaming in pain, Revy berates Eda for giving away the former's position since she had already gotten stabbed recently, but Eda defends herself by saying that she needed to distract the Taiwanese assassin.
As Revy pulls out the throwing knives from her arms and legs, the dock's fire causes an explosion, shaking Sawyer on the rooftop. Jane tells Rock to fight back, but he reminds her that he has no weapons and cannot fight unarmed against a chainsaw. Sawyer reaches for her skirt and cannot find her electrolarynx, making her freeze in place. Seeing the goth girl sweat profusely with a shocked expression, Jane and Rock are confused at her change in mood.