Greenback Jane Part 5, also called Chapter 42, is the forty-third chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in March 2006.
Sweating profusely from anxiety after losing her electrolarynx, Sawyer the Cleaner freezes in place as the cornered Rock and Jane observe in bafflement. Although Rock and Jane figure that they can use the opportunity to sneak away, Sawyer begins powering her chainsaw and stomps her feet repeatedly. Arriving at the dry dock, Russell angrily asks why there is a large fire, and he swipes Claude "Torch" Weaver's lighter from his hands, asking him where Jane is. Claude responds that she is on the roof but he cannot get up there due to the fire, infuriating the cowboy. Getting onto the roof, Revy and Eda ask where the goth girl is, and they notice her kneeling into a ball. Jane notes that she probably lost her electrolarynx, with Eda commenting that the girl is just depressed, and Revy yells at Sawyer for going outside of her "skill set."
Seeing the roof fall apart, Eda warns everyone that the dock roof is caving in, and they begin to run. Getting closer to the dock, Benny says that they will arrive in five minutes, and Dutch advises him to swerve the boat when they get close and then Revy will know to jump on by instinct. As the four frantically figure out where to run to, Lotton appears on an adjacent rooftop and proclaims that he is Lotton the Wizard and will take their lives. As he holds up his pistols with his coat billowing in the wind, Revy merely shoots him as she runs across the collapsing roof, knocking him off the building. Suddenly, the roof begins to completely collapse, forcing everyone to slide down. Jane is about to slide into a loose beam when Rock kicks her out of the way, preventing her injury. As the Black Lagoon turns at the dock, Dutch begins to shoot several smoke rounds at the pier, scaring away the other bounty hunters and angrily confusing Russell.
Seeing Dutch's boat, Revy yells at everyone to hurry up, and Russell begins following them on the pier. Once everyone jumps on, Dutch radios to Benny to speed away, but unfortunately a few bounty hunters, including the cowboy, manage to jump on board. Rock takes Jane below deck while Revy decides that she will deal with the mercenaries. Near the debris of the dock, Lotton gets up and sees that he is mostly unharmed, with the profusely bleeding Shenhua seeing that he is alive too. He asks her how he looked, with Shenhua replying that he looked like the king of idiots and she advises him not to make such a big entrance next time. Showing his bulletproof vest, Lotton in turn recommends that she wear one next time.
Although Shenhua politely declines the recommendation and accepts that she will likely die, Lotton extends his hand and offers to take her to a hospital. Shenhua jokes that he should not help people in Roanapur, but Lotton replies that he cannot sleep well at night if he lets a woman die. Grasping his hand, Shenhua tells Lotton that he does not look like a killer and is better suited for selling women, but Lotton answers that he is not that clever. Seeing Sawyer in a ball on the ground, Lotton recommends that they take her too, with Shenhua commenting that the three of them are lucky and that they may work together sometime. Back on the Black Lagoon, Russell orders Claude to fight the pirates on board while he looks for Jane below deck.