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Greenback Jane Part 6, also called Chapter 43, is the forty-fourth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in April 2006.


On the Black Lagoon, Russell orders Claude "Torch" Weaver to fight the pirates on deck while he searches for Jane below deck. Going back into the bridge, Dutch orders Revy to look after Eda, telling her that he is going to give the bounty hunters a bull ride. In the boat's hold, Jane berates Rock for hurrying into the hold since she fell on her face. Emerging from the communications room, Benny greets Jane and welcomes her into his room but politely tells her not to touch his stuff. After tying herself to the boat, Revy tells Dutch she and Eda are ready, so Dutch swerves the boat hard, successfully throwing off a few bounty hunters into the sea. Hanging onto one of the torpedo tubes, Green Tooth Johnny tries shooting at Revy, prompting her to shoot back until she quickly runs out of ammunition.

Giddy, Johnny taunts her and runs toward her, saying that he can make a name of himself for killing her. A second later, Revy tosses a gun at his face, knocking the hunter off the boat. Surprised, Eda asks her how much that gun costs, but Revy replies that she does not care since she did not lose her Cutlass pistols. Seeing that Claude is the only hunter left on deck, Revy tells Eda to go after Russell while she deals with the large man. Below deck, the dizzy Jane asks if the boat is always steered haphazardly, and Benny jokes that their crazy driving is only for one night. The computer nerd then tells Jane that they will get to their destination in 8 hours, so Jane orders Rock to give her the laptop from her bag, but he confusingly asks her what bag she is talking about. Her heart sinking, Jane yells at Rock for not getting her bag, and he retorts that she did not tell him to bring it, and they soon realize that Jane can just access the internet using Benny's computer.

Entering the engine room, Russell does not find Jane and wonders where she could be, angrily remarking that he is going to drink heavily and have sexual intercourse until his testicles "turn blue." Hearing the comment and carrying her pistol, Eda appears and mocks Russell's cowboy demeanor. As the two begin exchanging gunfire, on deck Claude begins using his flamethrower to force Revy to take cover, blocking her lines of sight. Radioing to Dutch, Revy frantically requests another bull ride and will signal to him when she is ready. In the communications room, Jane clarifies that she does not have the physical plates for counterfeiting U.S. dollars and cannot access the internet version of it because her data manager got killed, adding that the access password for the vault changes everyday. Benny knows that Eda will be furious with Jane if she cannot access the plate, but he immediately rejects Jane's request to use his computer since only he wants himself touching his own equipment. Seeing her gloomy face, he states that he can help her if he is the one who uses the computer.

On deck, Claude taunts Revy by saying that he can roast her quick if she gives up, remarking that he burned his wife in five minutes. As soon as she dodges the flames and grabs onto the boat, Revy signals to Dutch to swerve the boat. During the sharp turn, Eda and Russell are thrown back while Claude himself struggles to hold on. As soon as Claude falls off, Revy shoots him in the stomach, hitting his flamethrower's tank and sending him flying through the air in a big explosion. Jane and Rock are thrown across the room and clutter onto the floor, but Benny sits and continues to hack into the online vault, analyzing what type of cyber attack he should do before downloading the plate data. Soon, Benny manages to break through and access the plate data, bragging that he was able to break through the GOST cipher. Turning around, he asks Jane to pay up since he easily did the job, but she kisses him and comments that he is actually rather cute.

Elsewhere below deck, Eda holds Russell at gunpoint, warning him that he will shoot him if he tries anything suspicious. Calming down, Russell wonders what he will tell his boss, but Eda tells him that Lobos will take care of Elvis since Lobos knows how things work in Roanapur, confusing Russell. As he is disappointed, Russell suddenly thinks that he recognizes Eda and had seen her in Washington, D.C. Eda simply replies that she is from Alabama and has never been to D.C., so Russell makes his guess more broad that he saw a woman who looked like her around the time when Don Girolamo visited D.C. on business with Senator Jack Bonham, surprising Eda. Continuing to point her gun, Eda asks Russell if the woman he saw was wearing a dark blue suit and was at the restaurant Fontainebleau, which Russell confirms in surprise. He asks her how she knows about Bonham, and Eda puts on her sunglasses while explaining that the men were discussing the destabilization of groups in the EAEC that had opposed the U.S.'s NAFTA.

Russell asks her if she was the woman that he saw that day, and Eda answers that she is just a woman from the Rip-Off Church but admits that her real hometown is Langley, Virginia. Recognizing the metonym, Russell yells that she is CIA, making Eda immediately shoot him in the head. Exiting the room, Eda finds Revy and smilingly confirms that she killed Russell by showing her his cowboy hat. As the Black Lagoon goes closer to the port, the nun remarks that "God is in his heaven and all is right with the world."


  • This is the first Black Lagoon chapter to be released when the 2006 anime began to air on Japanese television.