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I spit on your grave is the thirty-third chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on May 19, 2022.


In an alleyway, a skinny man with a video camera and a large, sweaty man corner a young girl, who grasps tightly onto a long, wrapped item. The large man taunts the girl while the cameraman maliciously remarks that the girl is the best they have since both she and the video will sell at a high price. As the cameraman advises the large man not to hurt the girl if possible, the large man grins and mockingly tells the girl that he will have a good time with her. After the large man orders the girl to cry in a loud voice, he shouts "action" and charges at her. Immediately, the young girl unwraps her item, a katana, and the large man is heard screaming, catching the attention of two nearby men but not concerning them. Likewise, Sawyer the Cleaner turns her head toward the scream's direction and suddenly sees the young girl running toward her.

The large man, with his left arm severed, angrily runs toward the girl while his cameraman keeps recording, laughing at the interesting turn of events. Sawyer stands back nonchalantly as she watches the girl turn around and thrust her katana into the man's chest. As the large man falls onto his back, the girl jumps on top of him and performs a downward swing and several stabs, grossing out the two bystanders whereas Sawyer continues watching with a mellow expression. Meanwhile, in a van, Choptop is in the backseat as tons of VHS tapes of child exploitation films are cluttered on the seat and car floor. Asking the driver Picton if the videos are all the same type, Picton likewise asks Choptop if he wants one tape, adding that the content is unedited and unlabeled with "big hits" inside. Choptop politely refuses, saying that he is not attracted to children. Speaking about the tapes, the driver states that the videos are rare items of guaranteed quality, including specials that are not wholesaled at Rowan's business.

Recalling that his film crew is still "hunting," Picton tells Choptop that he will leave the cleaning to him. Out the front window a few meters away, the two men see the young girl chase the fleeing cameraman, who is quickly brought down by a stab to his left ankle. The confused Choptop asks if the cameraman is one of the hunters, and the driver angrily prepares his pistol. As the girl stabs the cameraman's neck, she sees Picton leaning out the window in the corner of her vision, so she quickly lifts the cameraman's body as a shield against two bullets, then quickly fleeing behind a nearby building corner. Grabbing his car phone, Picton orders someone to bring two to three people over, telling them to come over immediately and not let the kid escape. The girl runs into the alleyway and at the end comes across Sawyer, whose calm eyes lock with the girl's scared gaze. Crying, the girl runs into Sawyer's chest, taking Sawyer by surprise.

As the van speeds on the street, Picton asks Choptop if he recalls when all of Roanapur had a wide hunt ended by Hotel Moscow, and the latter remembers that the perpetrators were supposedly twin brats. Elaborating, the driver states how a family made up of the same "human garbage" had been exposed in the United States and those displaced people moved to Roanapur. Connecting the fleeing girl to the family, Picton recalls that she is likely a member of that same family, adding that all of the city's syndicates are taking interest. He also adds that unlike the twins, the family in question has learned how to live in Roanapur by not interfering with others' businesses, remarking that their business is similar to their own. As they continue driving, they spot the girl with her katana surrounded by three men, seeing that the crew already found her. At the same time, both men get a closer glance and see Sawyer helping the girl injure the men with her chainsaw, surprising Choptop in particular but hiding his surprise from his client. Stepping out of the car, Picton berates his men for not bringing a camera, and he notices the girl swinging her katana.

Muttering that she has high physical ability but does not know how to properly use the samurai sword, Picton points his pistol at her and asks her if she is truly a kid. Instantly, the girl vanishes in the blink of an eye, scaring him. Appearing suddenly below him, the girl lunges and swings her sword before Picton can fire a bullet, cutting off his right hand. As the man begins to writhe in agony on his stomach, the girl calmly spins and sheathes her sword and she is suddenly grabbed by her hood by Sawyer, who flees with the girl. As Picton yells that he will not forget the incident, Choptop peers from behind a corner and smiles, as he had recorded the encounter with a video camera. At the Roanapur Public Cemetery, Jessica is having tea with Bunny the Undertaker when the former sees and recognizes the surprised Jacqueline. The child squints since she cannot see, confusing Jessica and prompting her to ask if she forgot her glasses again. Her expression changing, Jacqueline lets go of Sawyer's sleeve and happily runs into Jessica, who smiles and asks her if they can relax somewhere else.


  • The chapter title is a reference to the 1978 horror film I Spit on Your Grave.