Black Lagoon Wiki

Isaac (イザック Izakku) is the owner of an antiques shop in Roanapur. He also acts as an information broker.


Isaac is a young man with a skinny build and tan skin. He has long, straight, waist-length dark hair and wears a light-colored double-breasted jacket and pants.


Greenback Jane[]

Isaac was mentioned as the client from whom Dutch and Benny received a rushed job to deliver a shipment, but the two sailors decided that they would abandon their cargo to help out Revy and Eda on their new well-paying job. Revy told Dutch that she would contact Isaac about compensation since the Rip-Off Church was paying for all their expenses.[1]

El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

When rumor of Roberta's presence spread throughout town, Isaac was one of several people to call the Lagoon Company office to ask if Dutch and Benny had any "strange clients" recently. Revy returned to the office the next day and Rock informed her about the call from the antiques dealer Isaac, but she questioned his reliability and insulted him as a "creepy Jew." Benny remarked that Isaac was at least a well-known go-to guy for information, although he agreed that the rumor still could not be authenticated by any information dealer at that time.[2] In the anime, Dutch mentioned that Isaac's stolen goods shop was by the port.[3]

L'homme sombre[]

When news spread throughout Roanapur about five women going around the city and killing Black men, Isaac's employee François Modibo was assumed to be a target. One afternoon, Rock, Revy and Shenhua visited Isaac, who was surprised to see Revy and addressed her as "Miss Rebecca." Revy told him that she had information to give him, but Isaac was already aware of the recent murders. He called for Modibo and asked him if anyone had any grudges toward him, and Modibo replied that he could not think of anything. Isaac added that he was not worried since Modibo could handle himself pretty well, also joking that the antiques shop had a "bodyguard" (a female gunslinger mannequin) standing by. Before Revy left, Isaac tried to sell her steel accessories from the 18th century, which annoyed Revy since she claimed to have no use for them.[4]

Just then, four women of Les Cinq Doigts entered the shop to interrogate Modibo, and L'annulaire pointed out Modibo behind the unfazed "Arab" Isaac to Le Majeur. Smugly smiling, Revy, Shenhua and Modibo began a firefight with the women. Isaac and Rock dove behind the counter, with the latter asking the former if they always had so much business. Smiling, Isaac responded that they always had action going on, and soon the shootout ended with the Frenchwomen fleeing. Isaac remarked that he needed to cancel all his appointments that day, and in turn Shenhua replied that he could be compensated for the store damage by asking Mister Chang of the Hong Kong Triad. Finally, Revy asked if the store's immobile bodyguard shot anyone, with Isaac joking that she always had days like that.[5]


  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Isaac ranked 41st (tying with Tsugio Bandō and Rowan) with 13 votes. In the same contest, Isaac's bodyguard mannequin ranked 33rd with 36 votes.[6]
  • Isaac's appearance is based on the character Nyarlathotep (or "Crawling Chaos") from Rei Hiroe's 2000 manga Phantom Bullet who helps the character Ilsa. Isaac's bodyguard mannequin copies the appearance of Phantom Bullet's main protagonist, "Lord of Harvest."



  1. Revy refers to Isaac as a Jewish person in Chapter 45, whereas L'annulaire refers to him as an Arab person in Chapter 107.