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Jacqueline (ジャクリーン Jakurīn) is a young child and member of the Baba Yaga family known for her mysterious abilities.


Jacqueline is a young girl of skinny build and short height. She has light-colored hair styled into a bob cut that resembles the flat strings of a dry mop. She generally wears a light-colored short sleeve shirt, a denim miniskirt, and bumpy-soled shoes, but she has also been seen wearing a dark-colored hooded unzipped jacket, horizontally striped thigh socks, and sometimes wears square-framed glasses. Jacqueline prefers to use a katana as her special weapon.


Jacqueline is a very quiet girl who has a close bond with her sister Jessica. Additionally, she addresses her older sister as "onee-tan" (お姉たん), indicating childlike speech. She is very fast, which aids her in using her katana against enemies. When fighting, she generally shows no expressions while cutting down her enemies. One reason she has to wear glasses is due to her nearsightedness, and she has the unusual ability to hypnotize people and control their minds via eye contact.

Gore Gore Girl history[]

Jacqueline is favored among her family members for her special abilities as well as her legitimate relation to the original bloodline. Like her other family members, she had to flee the United States to Roanapur after her family got exposed for serial murder.

Volume 5[]

Knowing that Jacqueline was a member of the crime family as well as knowing about their non-interference, Picton decided to have his film crew hunt down the young girl so that they could produce a child snuff film. Two crew members chased down Jacqueline, who very quickly became cornered in an alleyway. The large man taunted the girl while the cameraman maliciously remarked that she was the best they had since both she and the video would sell at a high price. As the cameraman told the large man not to hurt Jacqueline if possible, the large man grinned and told the girl that he would have a good time with her. After the large man ordered Jacqueline to cry in a loud voice, he yelled "action" and charged at her. Immediately, she unwrapped her long item, a katana, and the large man was heard screaming, catching the attention of two nearby men but not concerning them.

Likewise, Sawyer the Cleaner turned her head toward the scream's direction to see the young girl running toward her. The large man, with his left arm severed, angrily ran toward the girl while his cameraman kept recording, laughing at the unexpected turn of events. Sawyer stood back nonchalantly as she watched the girl turn around and thrust her katana into the man's chest. As the man fell onto his back, Jacqueline jumped on top of him and performed a downward swing and several stabs, grossing out the two bystanders whereas Sawyer watched with a mellow expression. Coming across the scene, Picton and Choptop saw out of their van's front window the young girl chasing the fleeing cameraman, who was quickly brought down by a stab to his left ankle. As Jacqueline stabbed the cameraman's neck, she saw Picton leaning out the window with his gun in the corner of her vision, so she quickly lifted the cameraman's body as a shield against two bullets, glaring and then quickly fleeing behind a nearby building corner.

Grabbing his car phone, Picton radioed someone to bring two to three people over, telling them to come over immediately and not let the kid escape. Jacqueline ran into the alleyway and at the end came across Sawyer, whose calm eyes locked with the girl's scared gaze. Crying, the child ran into Sawyer's chest, confusing the latter. As Picton continued his pursuit, he spotted the girl with her katana surrounded by three men, seeing that the crew already found her. At the same time, he and Choptop got a closer glance and saw Sawyer helping her injure the men with her chainsaw. Stepping out of the car, Picton berated his men for not bringing a camera, and he noticed Jacqueline continuing to swing her katana.

Jacqueline cuts off Picton's right hand with her katana

Commenting that she had high physical ability but did not know how to properly use the samurai sword, he pointed his pistol at her and asked her if she was truly a kid. Instantly, the girl vanished in the blink of an eye, scaring him. Appearing suddenly below him, Jacqueline lunged and swung her sword before Picton could fire a bullet, cutting off his right hand. As Picton began to writhe in agony on his stomach, the girl calmly spun and sheathed her sword and was suddenly grabbed by her hood by Sawyer, who dragged the girl with her. As the driver yelled to them that he would not forget the incident, Choptop peered from behind a corner and smiled, as he had recorded the encounter with a video camera. At the Roanapur Public Cemetery, Jessica was having tea with Bunny the Undertaker when the former saw and recognized the surprised Jacqueline. The child squinted since she could not see, confusing Jessica and prompting her to ask if she had forgotten her glasses again. Her expression changing, Jacqueline let go of Sawyer's sleeve and ran into Jessica, who smiled and asked her if they could relax somewhere else.[1]

To comfort the young girl, The Undertaker No. 2 offered Jacqueline, who donned some glasses, a glass of soda gembira, telling the young girl that it was an Indonesian drink with condensed milk and syrup that required gradual mixing. Trying the drink, Jacqueline's eyes widened, and she told No. 2 that it was sweet and delicious. Trying to comfort her more, No. 2 asked her if she was still staying in the hotel that her sister Jessica mentioned and also asked if she was eating properly. No. 2 expressed her ambivalence about Jacqueline belonging to a family of murderers, but Sawyer and Jessica drank tea while Jessica nonchalantly responded that many things were true but Jacqueline was talented and had a legitimate connection to the family's original bloodline. As nighttime set in, the girl slouched her head in sleepiness, and No. 2 asked if they should go home soon. Jessica happily looked at Jacqueline and wondered if they would let her stay the night, and the child slouched her head on the coffin, asking if she could borrow it as a resting place.

To the women's shock, a black van suddenly barged through the cemetery, knocking over several gravestones and swerving to stop right near the women. As they prepared their weapons, out the van's backdoor was tossed a coffin with a cross symbol. A mist formed as the lid opened, and a tall, skinny figure wearing a top hat and large black cloak also covering most of his face emerged. Introducing himself, the man said his name was Martin the Nosferatu. Pulling out a Beretta 93R machine pistol, Martin began rapidly firing on them, causing No. 2 to tackle and shield Jacqueline in a small rut while the other three women barely dodged the bullets and took cover behind gravestones.

While the girl remained asleep, Sawyer and Bunny were subdued by knockout gas while Jessica was forced to flee. No. 2 carried the sleeping Jacqueline, but she saw that she had been spotted by Martin, who saw the child and deduced her as his target. Consequently, the man quickly blocked their path and towered over them. As No. 2 crouched and sweated in great fear, Jacqueline woke up, seeing the figure and immediately thrusting her katana upwards. Despite her excellent speed, Martin caught the blade with his pistol's angled foregrip, telling himself that it was a pity that he had to give her to the "orc" Picton.[2]

The next day, the captured girl was brought alive to Picton's Studio with her katana confiscated. Sitting in a wheelchair with a hook in place of his right hand, Picton looked at Jacqueline, who sat upright on the floor with her hands tied behind her back. Briefly introducing himself, he added that his main job was to buy and sell people but also produced movies as a hobby. Speaking about his line of work, Picton remarked that he had seen people who quit being human, some of whom were born that way, including himself. As he told the girl that he had several such humans, several men wearing pig heads emerged from several doors surrounding Jacqueline, also bringing three large, chained boars. Sarcastically telling the girl not to worry since he would not kill her, Picton stated that he knew excellent doctors and would keep her on the verge of dying, evilly smiling and informing Jacqueline that she would be the main character in a long-form video series.

Noticing a man to her right creepily smiling and holding a video camera toward her and the boars, Jacqueline's eyes widened in fear as one boar grunted and stood inches from her face. Seeing the pig-headed men, Picton complimented how the keepers could tame the ferocious pigs as he watched them surround Jacqueline. Claiming that the reason for the keepers' skill was darkness, he elaborated that those who peered into the darkness that was too deep would be swallowed by said darkness, comparing their ability to a superpower. Taunting the girl by reminding her that she did not have her samurai sword, the hook-handed man ordered one of the men to untie her to see how she fought back against the boars, and the cameraman's whole body began to shake involuntarily. When Jacqueline removed her glasses and stared at one of the pig-headed men, he began to shake uncontrollably as well. Confused, Picton asked them what was wrong, and Jacqueline widened her glare toward her other captors, forcing them by hypnosis via eye contact to bow their entire bodies down to her, scaring Picton.

Crying and sweating, the trafficker realized that he was frozen too, wondering how the child could control the same darkness that he spoke of. Controlling both the men and the boars with her mind, Jacqueline moved her eyes towards Picton and pointed at him, silently ordering her new minions to kill him. Now completely terrified, he frantically pleaded with Jacqueline to stop her attack, asking her if she knew who he was. Consequently, the three large boars walked to the screaming Picton and began to devour his body, After Picton was eaten with only his hook remaining, Choptop and Sawyer arrived and were shocked at the bloody mess. Jessica arrived at the same time and reunited with the relieved Jacqueline, who ran into Jessica and tightly embraced her. Admitting that she was worried, Jessica smiled and asked her younger sister if she had lost her glasses again.[3]

Volume 7[]

Sometime later, Jacqueline accompanied her sister to the Roanapur Public Cemetery and drank a beverage. She remained silent as Jessica conversed with Sawyer about the rumored murderer couple in town.[4]

Volume 8[]

Sawyer chapter 51

On Christmas Eve, Jacqueline was at the cemetery to help set up a Christmas celebration. To her bafflement, a bearded man climbed over the fence and noticed them looking at him, startling him. After the man fell and hit his head, she, Bunny the Undertaker and The Undertaker No. 2 genuinely believed that the man was Santa Claus due to his physical appearance and the large sack he was carrying. After Jessica tied him up, Jacqueline helped set up Christmas decorations throughout the cemetery. Once the bearded man woke up, the women welcomed him, but he frantically denied being Santa, causing Jacqueline to sulk. Noticing her younger sister's expression, Jessica consoled her by saying that Santa had to keep his work a secret. Once Choptop and Sawyer arrived, the party commenced, and Jacqueline raised her hand when No. 2 offered everyone glasses of eggnog. At the same time, the girl and Jessica played with a skeleton decoration, and Jacqueline admitted to Bunny that it was her first Christmas celebration.

Although the two shared joy at first, they agreed it was sad that they could not receive presents supposedly due to their criminal lifestyle. Hearing them and wanting an excuse to leave, the bearded man embraced the Santa persona and declared that they were wrong, claiming that Santa did not discriminate and that he specialized in giving gifts to bad people. Leaving the cemetery with his bag, "Santa" assured them that he would give them their gifts in the form of a miracle. Soon, when the clock struck midnight, Jacqueline heard an explosion and saw snow falling from the sky, delighting her. However, the snow was actually cocaine which dispersed from Santa's bag since it had stolen cocaine inside of it.[5] At a later time when No. 2 was abducted by Doctor Picton, Jacqueline accompanied Sawyer to the cemetery since Jessica was waiting for No. 2 to show up and serve her tea.[6]

Volume 9[]

To be added.[7]


  1. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 33: I spit on your grave
  2. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 34: Nosferatu
  3. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 35: Stranger Things
  4. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 47: Wicker Man
  5. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 51: Nightmare Before Christmas
  6. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 56: Twilight
  7. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 60: CATACOMB