Black Lagoon Wiki

Janet Bhai (ジャネット・バーイー Janetto Bāī), also known as Jane (ジェーン Jēn), is a professional money counterfeiter and cyberhacker. She is the leader of an international counterfeiting group and a member of the Highwaymen Forum, an international hacking group. She arrived in Roanapur to make money plates for the Nuevo Laredo Cartel but fled with the help of the Lagoon Company, becoming Benny's girlfriend in the process.


Jane is a young adult woman of Indian descent.[1] She has thick, shoulder-length blonde hair, light brown skin, and a skinny build. She wears oval glasses and a headband to keep her hair back. In her first appearance, she wears an orange dress shirt, a green skirt, and a blue jacket tied around her waist. Later, when she returns to Roanapur, she is seen wearing a loose jacket, a strapless bra, and skinny jeans.


Little is known about Jane, however she is an ardent perfectionist. While she was working on the counterfeiting plates for the Nuevo Laredo Cartel, she passed the deadline by two months and exceeded the budget by $200,000. Even after being threatened multiple times, she refused to compromise with them, believing that perfection requires patience. She is also prideful about her work, given how she reacts whenever it is threatened. Moreover, she is quite sexually liberal (according to Benny); Revy once called her a "bonafide fuck freak."[2] Besides English, Jane is able to speak some German.[3]


Greenback Jane[]

Coming from Germany with her fellow counterfeiter Theo, Jane arrived in Roanapur with him to finish a counterfeit money plate for the Nuevo Laredo Cartel under Elvis's supervision. When Jane and Theo were two months past the original deadline on producing the final product, Elvis paid them a visit. Hearing his impatient complaints about the deadline and how she went $200,000 over budget, the annoyed Jane explained that good work could not be rushed. Frustrated, Elvis said that he would not put his hand against a woman, so one of his men shot and killed Theo, terrifying Jane. Being interrupted immediately, she was threatened into working faster, with Elvis giving her a deadline of two days. Being terrified to work for Elvis any longer in addition to Theo's death preventing her from accessing her counterfeit plates, Jane escaped her confinement by locking one cartel member in the bathroom while knocking José unconscious with her computer monitor.[4] Taking a laptop and duffel bag of money with her, she ran throughout Roanapur and first tried to request help from the police but realized they were shady individuals. Eventually, Jane arrived at the Rip-Off Church with the cartel not far behind.

As she knocked on the chapel door frantically, Eda pushed the door open, knocking Jane onto her back. Although Eda initially turned her down, Elvis arrived and shot at the church door to threaten Jane, but this angered the nun and Revy into shooting back at Elvis, scaring off the cartel henchmen. Sister Yolanda then brought the baffled Jane inside the chapel to discuss why the men were after her, and she discussed her counterfeiting work and how the Nuevo Laredo Cartel were too impatient to understand the time she needed to perfect the outcome, making Eda and Revy bored from her long talk. After demonstrating to Revy and Eda her knowledge of spotting a counterfeit bill, the Indian counterfeiter asked for further help and chastised the women for their refusal to understand her perspective. Yolanda suggested that she could give her the money plates and the Lagoon Company would guarantee her safe passage out of Roanapur, but Jane replied that the plates were incomplete. She accordingly offered $30,000 for the plates, an offer which Yolanda rejected, so Jane decided to leave. Before she exited the chapel, Eda advised her that she should stay at the Ramsap Inn to avoid being found, and Jane left a $300 donation for her tip.[1]

Unknown to Jane, Eda had planned for Jane to stay in a special room where she would be able to escape the hotel and then meet up with Eda to negotiate a price for fleeing Roanapur. While lying down face up on her bed, the exhausted Jane saw the "escape from death" sign on the ceiling pointing to the window. That night, several bounty hunters hired by Russell on behalf of Elvis stormed the hotel and started shooting one of the rooms, waking up Jane. Trying to escape the room through the door, Jane quickly went back into her own room after seeing Shotgun Arnie and the other gunmen. Remembering the sign that she saw, the young woman escaped out of the window and slid onto the ground, running away in the streets. As she ran, she was met by a slow-moving car with Eda inside, who offered to help her flee. The counterfeiter offered several deals, but Eda turned them all down. When several bounty hunters like Quentin the Tiger were close to Jane, she begrudgingly agreed to any price that the nun wanted, prompting Eda to let her in the car while she and Revy fought off the bounty hunters.

Bringing the girl to the Lagoon Company dry dock, Eda found out that Dutch's boat was not there, ruining her initial plan and disappointing Jane. Revy said that Dutch and Benny were doing a delivery and would be back in some time, so they waited around while Jane locked herself in a closet to continue her work. On her laptop, the young woman could not access the data that Theo had managed, frustrating her. When more of Russell's bounty hunters stormed the building to capture Jane alive, Eda and Revy spent a long time fighting off the bounty hunters, so Revy ordered Rock to help Jane flee. Guiding her to the door back, both of them stood back as Sawyer cut down the door. Terrified at the chainsaw-wielding girl, Jane grasped onto Rock as they both screamed. Hearing them, Revy shot at Sawyer to cover the two, but against Rock's advice, Jane ran down to the dock door only to find Claude "Torch" Weaver blocking her path. Slowly backing away up the stairs, she awkwardly asked the smiling Claude if he could let her pass, but he in turn asked if she liked barbecues, using his lighter and frightening her.

Running back into the dock building as Claude started his arson, Jane ducked while Revy yelled at her to kick a crate containing an ARWEN grenade launcher to Eda, who used it to disperse the bounty hunters on a nearby building. At that point, Rock had Jane escape with him to the roof using the ladder, and on the roof she demanded that Rock come up with a plan.[5] In the chaos below as Revy and Eda faced off with Shenhua, Sawyer followed Jane and Rock onto the roof and cut off the ladder, cornering the two.[6] As Sawyer talked about how she would take her time in killing the two, the roof shook from the fire, causing Sawyer to lose her voice machine and refusing to fight further. Baffled at her behavior, Jane wondered why the goth woman stopped fighting.[7] Eda and Revy arrived to help the two, but then the roof began to totally collapse, and on the way down, Rock kicked Jane out of the way of a beam. Thankfully, Dutch's boat arrived on scene, so the four of them jumped onto the boat, with a few bounty hunters and Russell getting on deck.[8]

Jane kissing Benny

Guiding Jane into the bow hatch, Rock soon walked her into the hold, where she blushed upon meeting the hacker Benny. While Revy and Eda fought the remaining bounty hunters on deck, she realized that she forgot her laptop since she thought Rock had carried it with him. While arguing with Rock, Jane realized she could use Benny's computer and demanded that he let her access the web to access her plates, but Benny refused since he did not want anyone touching his electronic equipment. She was in despair at first, but he offered to help her on the condition that he did the work as he guided her, and he managed to break past the cipher and hack back into her plate data, downloading it. Jane was delighted, causing her to kiss Benny, whom she found handsome. Meanwhile, after the bounty hunters were pushed off the boat, Eda killed Russell, ending the chase and guiding Jane out of Roanapur.[7]

Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise[]

Only in the anime version since "Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise" took place after "Greenback Jane" in the anime, Jane had emailed photographs of herself to Benny to keep in touch.[9]

The Wired Red Wild Card[]

After Jane fled Roanapur, she kept in contact with Benny for several months via emails, eventually visiting him half a year later in Roanapur. She arrived and told Benny that she bought new lingerie, surprising him. In particular, Jane had returned to the city since she hired Feng Yifei, who requested to join her counterfeiting group, for a hacking job. While Jane reunited and embraced Benny at the Yellow Flag, Bao was annoyed by her sexual display of affection. The bartender told her if she wanted to screw around with Benny, then she could rent one of the rooms above the bar for only $30 for one night, enticing Jane. Benny then warned Jane that if they did rent the room, then Bao would be selling their sex tape across town. Upon hearing this, Jane replied to Bao that he should be paying her if she was going to rent the room, confusing Benny and angering Bao. Rock interrupted them to remind them that they needed to find Jane's assistant Feng.

Jane remarked that Feng would be fine, but Bao responded that she was naïve for thinking that newcomers to Roanapur would not be spotted easily. When Benny asked for a photo of Feng to learn what she looks like, Jane showed a photo of Feng in a PLA uniform to Bao, Rock and Benny, surprising them. Rock interrupted them to inform them that Feng was outside, and they saw that her stuff got stolen as she was kicked off a motorcycle. At a motel in a room that Benny rented, Jane asked Feng to introduced herself since she only knew of her profile and username Violet Spear on the Electro Bandits Forum.[10] As they started talking about the room's smell, Sawyer the Cleaner entered the place, terrifying Jane due to her almost-deadly previous encounter with the cleaner. Restraining Jane as she held a folding chair, Benny assured his girlfriend that Sawyer was only there to clean the rest of the room due to the remaining mess. With Feng asking about the smell in the room, Sawyer did not have her voicebox, so she communicated the story (about four bloody murders in the room) by tracing letters onto Rock's back.

Jane learned from Benny that the motels were booked up at that time of year due to Roanapur's sex trade, and he managed to get a room that opened up, which was the bloodied, smelly room. Upon seeing Sawyer's analogy about the melted corpses on the mattress being like melted butter on bread, she and the others vomited in disgust while Sawyer smiled about the analogy. Afterward, Jane went with Benny to an outdoor dining place to inform Feng about her particular job to hack into Reinbach A.G.'s avionics data. Wiping her face due to the humidity and heat, Jane asked Feng if she knew who the Highwaymen were, clarifying that the Chinese woman needed to do a job for them before she could officially join Jane's Counterfeit Club. Elaborating on the details, she explained that Feng would use Annenheim Distributions' server as a backdoor to break into Reinbach A.G.'s main server and steal their avionics data. Seeing Feng's expression of hesitation about the backdoor, Jane smugly smiled and retorted that she did not have time for newcomers and that Feng merely needed to be truly confident in her skills to join the Counterfeit Club. Once Feng agreed, she clapped her hands together and smiled. That night, Jane had sexual intercourse with Benny elsewhere. Getting dressed afterward, she informed him about Feng being a secret PLA agent whose real name was Li Xinlin, declaring that she would cut "Miss Peking Duck" loose and get triple the reward from Reinbach.[11]

While Feng hacked into Reinbach A.G. via Annenheim Distributions' server, Jane was at an internet café in Nankwai and asked for some coffee from an employee. Standing by with her fellow Highwaymen hackers, they used Feng's Annenheim backdoor to access Chinese government emails and money records. Successfully retrieving the info that implicated the Chinese government in corporate espionage, Jane and co. attempted to erase their tracks and made sure that Feng would only access dummy data from Reinbach and recorded her actions. Panicking at the sudden data retrieval and quickly exiting the server, Feng wondered what had happened but had not yet realized that Jane had exposed the PLA's spying activities to Reinbach for a reward.[12] In Benny's car, Jane was performing fellatio on Benny as he drove when he informed her that her cellphone was ringing. Picking it up, Jane smugly told Feng that she was fired, saying that she knew Feng was a spy due to her textbook hacking methods. Warning Feng that she was her patsy and would likely be hunted down, Jane cut her loose to be a target of the PLA, tossing her cellphone out the window to break it.[13] After betraying Feng, she prepared to accompany Benny on the Lagoon Company's boat at the dry dock. While getting her things, Jane got threatened by Revy because the former jokingly threatened to involve Rock in an orgy.[2]

On the Black Lagoon, Jane tried to make out with Benny, irritating Dutch since he could see them out the bridge window.[14] Elsewhere, during the PLA's hired assassins' hunt on her life, Feng exploited the logs and data that Jane left behind to get revenge on her. The Chinese hacker used the Roanapur City Police Station's computers to tip Reinbach off about Jane's attempt to hack them, even making a bank transfer from Zamid Dhiyab to Jane. Later, while she was having sexual intercourse with Benny on the PT boat's deck, Jane got a phone call from a hacker in her group who told her that Rodney XX wanted to know her location. Commenting that was against the rules of their group, she frustratingly opened her laptop to see the emails that the hacker spoke of. Surprised to look at her emails and discovering the sudden funds that Feng sent her, Jane listened to the hacker tell her that Reinbach was angry and confronted Rodney since her alleged stealing of funds was not part of the agreement with the German company. Trying to help her, the hacker commented that she either had to lay low until the situation calmed down or be cut loose by the Highwaymen Forum. Jane shouted that she did not want to lay low since she could not work nor have access to the internet. After the man hung up, she angrily threw Benny's laptop in deep frustration, breaking it.[3] After an argument with Benny due to her predicament and the laptop, Jane left to another place while Benny returned to Roanapur instead of traveling with his girlfriend.[15]


  • According to Revy, Jane reminds her of a social worker whom she hated from her childhood.[1]
  • In a worst characters contest released during the May/June 2008 issue of Monthly Sunday Gene-X, among readers in their 30s, Jane ranked 5th. Among female readers, she ranked 8th.[16]
  • In a popularity contest during the 10th manga collection release, Jane ranked 20th with 68 votes.[17]
  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Jane ranked 35th (tying with Maki) with 33 votes.[18]
  • In a best couple contest, Jane and Benny, with Jane as the passive partner, ranked 10th with 46 votes. In the tally count irrespective of partner order, Benny and Jane again ranked 10th.[19]

