Black Lagoon Wiki

Joanna (ジョアンナ Joan'na), also spelled Johanna,[1] is a dancer at Jackpot Pigeons.


Joanna is a young woman with a skinny build, pale skin, and long light-colored hair. She is seen wearing a stripper top and a short skirt when working, and off the job she is seen wearing a checkered suit jacket.


The Wired Red Wild Card[]

With Revy and Rowan both owing each other a favor, the former requested that his business let Feng Yifei take temporary refuge in the strip bar. Subsequently, Feng, Revy and Rock were discreetly guided to the dressing room, where Feng would stay for the night. As the three settled in, Joanna finished her work for the day and was returning to the dressing room when she overheard some commotion between Park Seung and one of the dancers. As other dancers watched Julian D escort the man out of the building, Joanna commented that she disliked customers who were impatient and grabby, insulting Park Seung as a virgin. Entering the dressing room, she was greeted by Revy, who asked if Julian D needed help with the commotion nearby. Assuring the pirate that Julian D could handle it, she apologized to Feng for the noise, adding that the business was always loud and she would have to get used to it. Feng in turn stated that it was no problem for her, so Joanna began to put on a suit jacket to cover up her dancer's clothing. As Feng and Revy took turns insulting Jane, Joanna slipped out the backdoor and bid the three goodbye with a hand wave.[2]


  1. "Johanna" is the spelling seen in a word bubble on the Volume 10 dust jacket (Japanese version). Conversely, "Joanna" is the spelling in the English version.
  2. Chapter 87: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 11