Black Lagoon Wiki
Not to be confused with José (Nuevo Laredo Cartel), José (hitman), or José (Eda Initial Stage).

José (ホセ Hose) is a gangster and member of the Colombian Cartel.


José is an older Hispanic man with a skinny build, tan skin, a thick mustache, and short gray hair combed back. He wears an orange dress shirt, a thin necklace, a light-colored undershirt, dark-colored jeans, and brown shoes. He carries a pistol for a weapon.


El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

Hearing that the "maid" Roberta had returned to Roanapur, Gustavo on behalf of Abrego had all of his men, including José, come with him to the Yellow Flag to gather information on her whereabouts. Following his boss into the bar, he stood silent as Gustavo tried to persuade Revy and Rock to share any info about Roberta.[1] As they conversed, Fabiola Iglesias walked into the bar and asked for the Lagoon Company. When the young maid asked Revy not to insult Roberta, José walked to her and grabbed her up from behind. He then held her up as Gustavo's men checked her luggage, seeing that she supposedly lacked any weapons. Discovering that Fabiola was connected to the Lovelace family which employed Roberta, Gustavo declared that they would come with her to her hotel to gather more information.

Hearing his boss's order, José stated that he was ready to leave anytime, but the disappointed Fabiola suddenly deployed the knife hidden in her right shoe and swung her foot behind her, stabbing José in his testicles. As he groveled on the ground, Gustavo ordered him to get up since he believed that it was a mere kick to the groin. Speaking in great pain, José clarified that she had stabbed his testicles, causing all of the Colombian men to draw their guns on her.[2] In the ensuing firefight, the Yellow Flag was greatly damaged with many Colombians injured and fleeing the scene. With his groin injury in addition to the chaotic gunfight and debris, it is unknown if José managed to flee and survive the ordeal.

