Black Lagoon Wiki

Kate (ケイト Keito) is an employee at Jackpot Pigeons.


Kate is a young woman with a skinny build, pale skin, and long blond hair.


The Wired Red Wild Card[]

Rowan "Jackpot" Pigeons allowed Feng Yifei to stay overnight at Jackpot Pigeons as a favor to Revy. In the early morning close to 6 a.m., Kate, Rowan and other women kept Feng and Rock company as the latter two waited to speak with Eda and Rico. Speaking with Feng, Rowan suggested that she get breast implants from a doctor for a cheap price, turning to Kate and asking her if her own breast implants were working out. Enthusiastically confirming, the performer commented that she used to have a B cup but gained great size, showing off her chest. Another performer responded that she was still waiting for her own breasts to develop, and the women joked about how increasing their breast sizes would crush them to death, making Kate laugh.[1]

