L'homme sombre Part 10, also called Chapter 111, is the one hundred twelfth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on October 19, 2021.
At a nightclub where Dutch is, Balalaika and her Vysotniki of Hotel Moscow surround Les Cinq Doigts and begin shooting at them. L'auriculaire realizes that Le Majeur betrayed them, so she chases after her. Meanwhile in the firefight, L'annulaire tries to subdue Dutch but he shoots her first, knocking her to the ground and resulting in her quick execution by the Vysotniki. Because of her death, L'index surrenders and offers herself as a prisoner, an offer which Balalaika refuses. The Hotel Moscow leader insults L'index and shoots her in the head, killing her. Surprised at the onslaught of her comrades, Le Pouce attempts to escape from the Vysotniki while L'auriculaire angrily promises to kill Le Majeur. Meanwhile, Revy and Shenhua enter the building from a hidden exit and prepare to help Le Majeur escape the chaos.