Black Lagoon Wiki

L'homme sombre Part 8, also called Chapter 109, is the one hundred tenth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on March 18, 2021.


Provided with food, Le Majeur reveals her affiliation and mission to Revy, Rock and Shenhua. This allows Rock to formulate a plan which he later tells to Dutch. Driving the car, he gives Majeur three choices for betraying her comrades, which she does not object to, given the circumstances. After she chooses the plan to lead her comrades into a trap, Rock goes to the Bougainvillea Trade Company building to see Balalaika, who is interested in Rock's plan but asks him if Majeur is trustworthy. Rock confidently states that Majeur will pull through, and he requests that Balalaika and Hotel Moscow deploy the Vysotniki to kill Les Cinq Doigts.
