LIGHT MY FIRE is the nineteenth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on March 18, 2021.
In a pitch-black room, a young woman addresses her mother, asking them how they like the town Roanapur. Rocking on a rocking chair, the mother comments that the city is truly a place of hard-working people proud of their work and skills, be they merchants or craftsmen, saying that is reason enough not to interfere in their affairs especially if one wants to stay alive in Roanapur. Advising the young woman not to make it her job since getting paid to kill people is disgusting, the mother remarks that they must remain true to their family's tradition, rhetorically asking her daughter if she knows that. When the daughter agrees with her mother, the old woman tells her that she is a good girl, reflecting that there are more kids these days who do not know what they are doing. In the dark, the mother's malicious smile gleams as she orders her daughter to find the bride candidate that her "idiot son" has found.
Waking up, Sawyer the Cleaner sits upward and hears the glasses-wearing man greet her on a loudspeaker. Asking her if she liked his invitation, the older brother tells her that he had been thinking about how to invite her. In addition, he tells her that he wants to take her hand in marriage now, but he clarifies that he has to get his mother's permission to welcome Sawyer into his family. Informing Sawyer that she is on the top floor of an abandoned hotel, he elaborates that she will have to leave the room to find him and meet his mother in a hidden basement in the hotel and arrive there alive in order to be welcomed into the family. Stating that directions will be provided, he calls for someone named "Jessica" to go greet Sawyer.
Jessica, a cheerful woman dressed in an Alice in Wonderland dress, enters the room and introduces herself. Over the loudspeaker, the older brother says that Jessica is his third youngest sister, claiming that she is dumb but can at least provide directions to Sawyer. Sticking her tongue at the camera, Jessica rebuffs his comment and claims that she can guide Sawyer. After Jessica proclaims that he will be speechless, the older brother eerily bids goodbye and tells Sawyer that he loves her, wishing her good luck. Telling Sawyer to follow her, Jessica cheerfully states that they will find her mother and older brother. Entering a hallway, Jessica tells Sawyer that a trap is set for them, and she speaks about how her family had killed and killed in rural America for generations but left due to their murders finally making the news.
Explaining further, Jessica states that on 70 acres of land, a corpse was discovered by outsiders, so her family had to leave America and moved to Roanapur. Moreover, tabloid newspapers deemed the distinctive house near the murders "Baba Yaga's hut" due to it being a hut that stood on two skinny legs. Asking Sawyer if she is familiar with the mythological figure, Jessica confirms that her "mother" is indeed named Baba Yaga like the cannibal witch from Slavic folklore, confusing Sawyer. Walking to a corner, Sawyer suddenly grabs Jessica's collar and drags her back as the latter's face barely dodges the swing of a knife. Peering from the corner, a shaggy dark-haired man appears and laughs, and the calm but confused Jessica wonders who he is, thinking that he must be a local procurement and not her original family. As the man maniacally laughs and Sawyer continues dragging Jessica, the latter gives him the evil eye and points her finger, asking him if he knows who she is. Sawyer again pulls her away from being stabbed, gaining Jessica's thanks.
Crossing her arms scornfully, Jessica wonders if the man is an outsider, knowing that murder within her family is forbidden and against their rules, but using an outsider is a loophole. Seeing that Jessica is not fazed by the fanatical murderer, Sawyer sweats and quickly rummages through her apron for any tools. As the man swings his knife, Sawyer pulls out her surgical scissors and violently cuts the man's left jugular, felling him. Witnessing the act in awe, Jessica happily applauds Sawyer, but her joy is quickly abrupted when she sees several people emerge from the various doors in the hallway, prompting her to hold onto Sawyer's shoulder out of anxiety. Hearing a chainsaw, Sawyer turns around and sees a large, bearded plaid-shirt man wield a chainsaw. Although Jessica advises that they run away, she sees Sawyer's blank face turn into a wide, devilish grin. Realizing that Sawyer wants the man's "toy," Jessica claps her hands together.
- The chapter title is a reference to the Doors' popular rock song "Light My Fire."