Black Lagoon Wiki

This list of implied characters is a list of characters that have not physically appeared in any form of media up to this point in time. Specifically, these characters have not directly appeared in any story, in flashbacks, or in flashforwards. Regardless of their lack of appearance, the implied characters have been mentioned at least once throughout the Black Lagoon universe (the 2002 manga, 2006 anime, both light novels, and both spinoff manga).

14K member[]

The 14K member (14Kの系列組員 Sabuseikei no keiretsu kimīn) is an unnamed member of the 14K within the Hong Kong Triad who had a fatal encounter with Hänsel and Gretel.[1]

Abrego's girlfriend[]

Abrego's girlfriend (アブレーゴの彼女 Aburēgo no kanojo) is the unnamed girlfriend of Abrego. She accompanied him once to the Maplao market.[2]

Adolf Hitler[]

Adolf Hitler (アドルフ ・ ヒトラー Adorufu Hitorā) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of Nazi Germany. His orders and support for the Lebensraum ideology were central to the perpetration and expansion of the Holocaust. Near the end of World War II, the SS officer Spielberger falsely believed that Hitler painted the painting titled The Twelve Knights Guided by Brunhilda.[3]

Afghan child[]

The Afghan child is a child who was saved by Balalaika during the Soviet–Afghan War. However, saving the child resulted in her discharge from the VDV due to a violation of an international cross-border law.[4]


Aiham (アイハム Aihamu) was a member of al-Qaeda in the Bosnian part of the Balkans. He was slain by the collaborator.[5]

Alianza Bravo Pueblo members[]

The Alianza Bravo Pueblo (ABP) members (ブラボ・プエブロ同盟の三人 Burabo Pueburo Dōmei no san'nin) refers to three members of the Venezuelan right-wing paramilitary ABP who were detained for being suspected of carrying out the Barinas State bombing that killed MVR members and Diego Lovelace. One member was released due to lack of evidence while the other two continued to deny charges. However, the men were innocent since it was actually Grey Fox and their collaborators who arranged for the bombing.[6]

Amber's daughter[]

Amber's daughter (アンバーの娘 Anbā no musume) is the six-year-old daughter of Amber Whinberry.

Amber's ex-husband[]

Amber's ex-husband (アンバーの元夫 Anbā no motoo) is the former husband of Amber Whinberry.

Araki Co. branch manager[]

The Araki Co. branch manager (荒木物産支店長 Araki bussan shitenchō) is a white-collar worker who was abducted by Masahiro Takenaka in 1972.[7]

ARVN Lt. Col.[]

The ARVN Lt. Col. (レンジャー中佐 Renjā chūsa) is a lieutenant colonel in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam who participated in the last battle of the Vietnam War defending the Tan Son Nhut Air Base.[8]

August Janke[]

August Janke (アウグスト・ヤンケ Augusuto Yanke) was a WWII-era German artist of little fame. He won the gold prize at the Grossdeutschland Art Exhibition. Later, he was commissioned by Lt. Gen Lackenbauer of the SD. Most of his artwork was destroyed during the war, but his surviving painting The Twelve Knights Led by Brunhilda was used by high-ranking Nazi officers as one of four paintings containing hidden capital accounts.[9]


Auguste (オーギュスト Ōgyusuto) was one of Balalaika's street dealers. He was attacked by Les Cinq Doigts when they visited Roanapur to target a particular Black man.[10]


Ayako (あや子) is a friend of Sakata, who promised to eat with them at a later point in time.[11]

Balalaika's father[]

Balalaika's father (バラライカの父親 Bararaika no chichioya) is the father of Balalaika who had earned a bad reputation, prompting his daughter to aim for restoring his honor.[12]

Balalaika's second-in-command[]

Balalaika's second-in-command (バラライカの第二分隊長 Bararaika no dai ni-bu taichō) was a comrade of Balalaika who died due to "dirty money." His death reunited the men in Balalaika's former VDV unit.[12]

Bank robber[]

The bank robber (銀行強盗 Ginkō gōtō) was a man who robbed a bank in Indonesia. The Lagoon Company were supposed to act as his getaway party, but he was killed.[13]


Beckett (ベケット Beketto) is a U.S. Army soldier and member of Grey Fox. He was one of several soldiers who tried to fight Roberta during her attack on the American soldiers.[14] He is voiced by Trevor Devall in the English version and uncredited in the Japanese version.

Big One Emilio[]

Big One Emilio ("ビッグワン"エミリオ Biggu Wan Emirio) is a bounty hunter who participated in the bounty hunt for Hänsel and Gretel.[1]


Bitok (ビトク Bitoku) is a female white-collar criminal who was acquainted with Revy at one point. The criminal told Revy some advice about getting rid of all presumptions when one could not figure out a situation.[15]

Blaise Compaoré[]

Blaise Compaoré (ブレーズ・コンパオレ Burēzu Konpaore) is the second President of Burkina Faso who led a coup d'état against his predecessor Thomas Sankara in 1987. He was also the target of the attempted 1989 coup.[16]


Brenda (ブレンダ Burenda) is the daughter of Raymond McDougal.[17]

Brigadier General Wilder[]

Brigadier General Wilder (ワイルダー准将 Wairudā junshō) is a U.S. Army brigadier general who gave ultimate orders to Grey Fox and their leader Shane Caxton.[18][17]

Buffalo Hill warden[]

The Buffalo Hill warden (バッファロー・ヒルの所長 Baffarō Hiru no shochō) is the warden at the Buffalo Hill prison in New York which Revy was imprisoned in.[19]

Bunny the Undertaker's father[]

Bunny the Undertaker's father (バニー・ジ・アンダーテイカーの父親 Banī ji Andāteikā no chichioya) was a Catholic priest, the former caretaker of the Roanapur Public Cemetery, and the father of Bunny the Undertaker. He was killed by his daughter for an unknown reason.[20] During her childhood, the two of them did not celebrate Christmas.[21]

Burt Gummer's wife[]

Burt Gummer's wife (バート・ガンマーの妻 Bāto Ganmā no tsuma) was the late wife of Burt Gummer. Like her husband, she was a survivalist and helped him build an escape tunnel on their woodlands property.[22]


C.J. (C・J) was a Grey Fox soldier who participated in Operation China Pit to capture Shue Yan. He was murdered by Roberta in the Golden Triangle.[23]

Captured CIA member[]

This CIA member (CIA局員 CIA Kyokuin) was a CIA staff member who was captured in Beirut, Lebanon in 1978. He died in prison, and his story was brought up by Eda when she critiqued a claim made by Ruggles.[24]

Cardinas Sheringham[]

Cardinas Sheringham (カーディナス・シェリンガム Kādinasu Sheringamu), codename Wizard, was a 28-year-old Dutch national with a reputation for successfully carrying out abductions by hypnotizing his victims enough to prefer his company over the police or third parties. He had been commissioned by the CIA's Directorate of Operations several times and was later commissioned to abduct Tricia O'Sullivan for the CIA's Operation Persephone. Sheringham was alleged to have disappeared around the same time that Lotton arrived in Roanapur,[25] and he was later discovered dead in a car crash days before Operation Persephone was to be carried out.[26]

Carlos the Jackal[]

Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, also known as Carlos the Jackal (Spanish: Carlos el Chacal; Japanese: カルロス・ザ・ジャッカル Karurosu za jakkaru), is a Venezuelan Marxist-Leninist who conducted a series of assassinations and terrorist bombings from 1973 to 1985. In the mid-1990s, he was imprisoned in Sudan, and he had an influence on the Cuban military officer Alberto Camarasa.[27]

Casilda's grandson[]

Casilda's grandson (カシルダの孫 Kashiruda no mago) was the grandson of Casilda and older brother of Luciana and Maite. He joined an organization of leftist guerrillas under an opposition coalition against President Duarte's government. During the conflict between the Peruvian government and the guerrillas, he was killed by the military.[28]

Catholic monk[]

The monk (修道士 Shūdōshi) was an unnamed Catholic monk who lived 200 years before the 1990s and received a revelation. When he wrote it down, other Catholic priests found the written passage to be blasphemous and had a special envoy from the Pope's office come by and burn the book. Nonetheless, the monk disappeared with the knowledge and began writing several books that he compiled into a manuscript called Codex Ultra.[29]

Chaka's acquaintance[]

Chaka's acquaintance is an unnamed perverted man who was mentioned to be someone to whom Chaka would sell Yukio Washimine.[30]

Chang's lieutenant[]

Chang's lieutenant (チャンの直属の幹部 Chan no chokuzoku no kanbu) was a high-ranking subordinate of Mister Chang who was murdered by Hänsel and Gretel at a brothel on Rachada Street.[1]

Chang's partner[]

Chang's partner (チャンの仲間 Chan no nakama) was a Royal Hong Kong Police officer who was Chang's partner. At some point, Chang betrayed him at Star Ferry Pier and immersed himself in the Hong Kong Triad.[4]


Cindy (シンディ Shindi) is an employee at Jackpot Pigeons. She joked around with Kate and other coworkers when they talked to Feng Yifei about breast implants.[31]

Claude's wife[]

Claude's wife (クロードの妻 Kurōdo no tsuma) was the wife of Claude "Torch" Weaver, who murdered her for an unknown reason using a flamethrower.[32]


Coleman (コールマン Kōruman) was a U.S. military soldier who was killed during the failed Operation Eagle Claw in 1980.[33]

Cutter's mother[]

Cutter's mother (カッターの母親 Kattā no hahaoya) is the mother of Cutter, who mentioned that his coworker Hancock kindly bought her a birthday gift despite only knowing him for a short time.[34]

Deng Xiaoping[]

Deng Xiaoping (Chinese: 邓小平, pinyin: Dèng Xiǎopíng) was a Chinese revolutionary and statesman who served as the head of the People's Republic of China from December 1978 to November 1989. As a result of his government reforms, the Budaibang leader Zeng Shuntian regained a powerful position in the Communist Party of China.[35]


Not to be confused with Zamid Dhiyab.

Dhiyab (ディヤブ Diyabu) was a member of al-Qaeda in the Bosnian part of the Balkans. He was slain by the collaborator.[5]

Diego Lovelace's wife[]

Diego Lovelace's wife (ディエゴ・ラブレスの妻 Diego Raburesu no tsuma) was the wife of Diego Lovelace and the mother of Garcia Lovelace. Around 1990-1991, she died.[36]

Doctor (Gore Gore Girl)[]

The Doctor (博士 Hakase) is a mysterious man whom Heo works for.[37]

Doctor Jacob's parents[]

Doctor Jacob's parents (ドクター・ヤコブの両親 Dokutā Yakobu no ryōshin) were the parents of Doctor Jacob who abandoned him in his childhood.[20]

Doctor Picton's special customer[]

Doctor Picton's special customer (特別なお客様 Tokubetsuna o-kyaku-sama) is a person who commissioned the Picton firm to make a snuff film with The Undertaker No. 2 as the victim.[38]

Don Gerolamo[]

Don Gerolamo (ドン・ジェローラモ Don Jerōramo) is the head of the Gerolamo Familia, a Florida-based crime syndicate which controls the Nuevo Laredo Cartel.[39][40]

Don Monteverdi[]

Don Monteverdi (ドン・モンテヴェルディ Don Monteverudi) is a Palermo-based crime boss of Cosa Nostra and the superior of Ronnie the Jaws.[41]

Dr. Kaufman[]

Dr. Kaufman (ドクター・カウフマン Dokutā Kaufuman) is Richard Ravencroft's physician. Ravencroft's assistant Cathy would tell Ravencroft that she would call Kaufman if he continued to eat unhealthily.[42]

Duffy Barney[]

Duffy Barney (ダフィー・バニー Dafī Banī) was a U.S. military soldier who was killed during the failed Operation Eagle Claw in 1980.[33]

Duke Moses[]

Duke Moses (デューク・モーゼス Dyūku Mōzesu) is a club manager in Roanapur. When Les Cinq Doigts began attacking businesses in town, he survived one of their attacks.[10]

Elderly capoeira practitioner[]

At a capoeira dojo, there was an elderly man (年長の者 Toshi-chō no mono) who practiced the martial art, and Fabiola Iglesias learned the art by watching him.[33]

Elroy's son and daughter-in-law[]

Elroy's son (エルロイの息子 Eruroi no musuko) is Elroy's 34-year-old son who lives in South Africa. He keeps in contact with his son and daughter-in-law (義理の娘 Giri no musume) by mail.[43]

Elvis Presley[]

Elvis Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), known mononymously as Elvis, was an American singer and actor. After his death in 1977, many people have claimed that the singer is still alive due to sightings of him. In Roanapur two decades later, Rock relayed the conspiracy claims to Eda and Rico, who saw a lookalike man in town.[44]

Emilio (Venezuela)[]

Not to be confused with Emilio.

Emilio (エミリオ Emirio) is an acquaintance of Garcia Lovelace. He once teased Garcia because the boy could not spot four hidden objects in a photograph.[45]

Enos I[]

Enos I (イーノスの一代目 Īnosu no ichi-daime) was one of the co-founders of the Enos family alongside his partner Needham.[46]

Erwin Gardelehr[]

Erwin Gardelehr (エルヴィン・ガルデレール Eruvin Garuderēru), alternatively called Erwin Goerdeler in the English version, was one of several high-ranking Nazis who attended the Wannsee Conference in January 1942.[47]

Fabiola Iglesias's family[]

Fabiola Iglesias's family (ファビオラ・イグレシアスの家族 Fabiora Igureshiasu no kazoku) are Fabiola's family members, which include herself, her parents, eight siblings, and a distant relative.[33]

Feng Yifei's family[]

Feng's family (フォンの家族 Fon no kazoku) are Feng Yifei's family members, which include her parents, three older brothers, and her grandfather who served in the Eighth Route Army during the Chinese Civil War.[48]

Fernand Vibeau[]

Fernand Vibeau (フェルナン・ヴィボー Ferunan Vibō) was a man who headed to Burkina Faso after the 1989 attempted coup d'état.[16]


Franz (フランツ Furantsu) was one of Balalaika's street dealers. He was attacked by Les Cinq Doigts when they visited Roanapur to target a particular Black man.[10]


Fujishima (藤島) is a Washimine Group gangster who was arrested and imprisoned because of Chaka's recklessness.[49]


Gametsu (ガメツ) was an informant in Roanapur. He attempted to locate the murderer Wraith to get in on the $50,000 bounty on his head.[50]

Gibert's older brother[]

Gibert's older brother (ジベールの兄貴 Jibēru no aniki) was the older brother of the freelancer Gibert. He was killed by Revy, causing Gibert to resent her.[51]


Gischler (ギシュラー Gishurā) was a U.S. Army sergeant and member of Grey Fox.[14]


Gomez (ゴメス会長 Gomesu kaichō) is the chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations in Peru. Around the time that the CIA planned on assassinating President Duarte, Gomez had a scheduled luncheon with him.[52]


Grant (グラント Guranto) was a U.S. Army corporal and member of Grey Fox.[14]

Harold Meyer's family[]

Harold Meyer's family (ハロルド・マイヤーの家族 Harorudo Maiyā no kazoku) refers to the wife and two children of Harold Meyer who were seen in a photograph in his house. After their deaths over the years, he felt that he had nothing else to live for except getting revenge on Jeremy Stainton.[53]

Hawai'i arms dealer[]

This arms dealer was a man in Hawai'i who sold machine guns to the Kōsa Council.[54]


Soldbuch U-boat

Helmut (surname illegible) was a Kriegsmarine sailor and crew member of the U-234. His Soldbuch was seen by Revy and Rock when they entered the undersea shipwreck 50 years later.[55]

Henri Zongo[]

Henri Zongo (アンリ・ゾンゴ Anri Zongo) was a Burkinabe politician and military officer who helped Blaise Compaoré overthrow Thomas Sankara in 1987. Later, he and Jean-Baptiste Boukary Lingani, with the help of anti-French forces, conspired to overthrow Compaoré on September 18, 1989 but failed, resulting in his execution.[16]

Henry Morgan[]

Henry Morgan (ヘンリー・モーガン Henrī Mōgan) was a 17th-century Welsh privateer and the ancestor of Caroline Morgan.[56]

Horner's daughter[]

Horner's daughter (ホーナーの娘 Hōnā no musume) is the seven-year-old daughter of Horner.[45]

Ibraha's son[]

Ibraha's son (イブラハの息子 Iburaha no musuko) was the infant son of Ibraha. In 1987, the child was killed by the IDF during an attack on a Red Cross camp in Beirut, Lebanon.[19]

Iranian thief[]

The Iranian thief (イラン人 Iran-jin) refers to an Iranian man who fled from Shinjuku City, Tokyo with some money and was subsequently chased down with a sword.[30]

Jack (Gore Gore Girl)[]

Jack (ジャック Jakku) was an associate of a man whose corpse was disposed of by Sawyer the Cleaner.[57]

Jack Bonham[]

Jack Bonham (ジャック・ボウナム Jakku Bōnamu) is a United States senator. In the early 1990s, he met with the crime lord Don Gerolamo at the Fontainebleau in Washington, D.C. and also spoke with several men and Eda about opponents of NAFTA.[58]

Jacques Foccart[]

Jacques Foccart (ジャック・フォカール Jakku Fokāru), born August 13, 1913, was a French businessman and politician best known as a chief adviser to French presidents on African affairs. In 1959, he also co-founded the Gaullist Service d'Action Civique (SAC), a militia which specialized in covert operations in Africa. A subordinate unit under Foccart's SAC was Les Cinq Doigts, a group who came to Roanapur to track down and kill a Burkinabe lieutenant colonel.[59]


Janice (ジャニス Janisu) is Lottie's friend. On a particular day, she was not able to play with Lottie due to an emergency.[60]

Jean-Baptiste Boukary Lingani[]

Jean-Baptiste Boukary Lingani (ジーン・バティスト・ブカリー・リンガニ Jīn Batisuto Bukarī Ringani) was a Burkinabe politician and military officer who helped Blaise Compaoré overthrow Thomas Sankara in 1987. Later, he and Henri Zongo, with the help of anti-French forces, conspired to overthrow Compaoré on September 18, 1989 but failed, resulting in his execution.[16]

Jefe Guerrera[]

Jefe Guerrera (ヘフェ・ゲレーラ Hefe Gerēra) is a high-ranking boss in the Nuevo Laredo Cartel who is based in Mexico. During the Nuevo Laredo Cartel's violent rivalry with Hotel Moscow in the Mexico–U.S. border region, he told his subordinate Fernando Lobos that he would declare a truce with the Russians on the condition that Hotel Moscow's ally, the Guadalajara Cartel, was crushed.[61]

Jessica's victim[]

Jessica's victim refers to a child whom Jessica killed inside her family's abandoned resort hideout for not being strong enough to endure her torture.[62]

Jiang Zemin[]

Jiang Zemin is the current President of the People's Republic of China since 1993. Colonel Ma had a portrait of him in his office.[63]

Jinx's mother[]

Jinx's mother (ジンクスの母親 Jinkusu no hahaoya) is the unnamed mother of Jinx, who claimed that he could not remember her birthday.[10]

Julian D[]

Julian D (ジュリアン・D Jurian Dī) is a bouncer at Jackpot Pigeons. When Park Seung grabbed onto an employee, Julian and other bouncers kicked him out of the establishment.[15] He later allowed Eda and Rico to enter the building to speak with Rock about their findings.[31]

Jun Teshigawara[]

Kosa Council enforcers

Jun Teshigawara is an underboss of the Kōsa Council who was targeted for elimination by Hotel Moscow.[64] It is not known if he was killed during the subsequent attacks.

Kageyama's first daughter[]

Kageyama's first daughter is the 18-year-old daughter of Kageyama.


Kamino (神野) is a member of the Washimine Group who controlled a front business for the yakuza.[65]

Khun Sa[]

Khun Sa (クン・サ Kun Sa) is the leader of the Mong Tai Army. After his arrest and detainment in Yangon, Myanmar, his general Shue Yan continued running their poppy production in the Golden Triangle.[66][4]

Kōsa Council surrenderer[]

The Kōsa Council surrenderer refers to a member of the yakuza that tried to turn himself in to the Japanese Metropolitan Police. He was blown up by Hotel Moscow right outside the police station, making the Washimine Group further regretful about their alliance with the Russians.[64]


Kowalski (コワルスキー Kowarusukī) is an Eastern European drug dealer and member of Hotel Moscow. When he spotted Fabiola Iglesias at Sankan Palace Hotel, he mistook her for Roberta.[8]

Koçi Xoxe[]

Koçi Xoxe was the first head of the Sigurimi, the secret police agency of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania. In Black Lagoon, he was portrayed as an ex-Sigurimi official who refused to answer to a PLA official concerning the misuse of gold assets used to fund communist Albania's secret police in the 1970s.[67]

L'auriculaire (first)[]

The first L'auriculaire (ロリキュレール Rorikyurēru) was the Frenchwoman who used the L'auriculaire alias within Les Cinq Doigts before the second L'auriculaire took her place. When their operation in Nigeria to find La Mouche went violently awry, she sacrificed her own life to allow her comrades to escape. Her comrades said that Le Majeur deeply cared for her as if she were her younger sister.[68]


Lackenbauer (ラッケンバウアー Rakkenbauā), alternatively spelled Rächenbauher in the English version, was a lieutenant general in the SD who commissioned the winning artist of the Grossdeutschland Art Exhibition. In 1945, he ordered Lt. Col. Spielberger of the SS to safeguard a WWII-era painting until the supposed resurrection of Nazi Germany.[9]

Lao Jeng[]

Lao Jeng (ラオ・ジェン Rao Jen) was one of Shue Yan's lieutenants who, with Ru Donshi, accompanied his boss to inspect four villages in the Monparyo region.[66]

Lai Faa's mother[]

Lai Faa's mother (麗花リーファの母親 Rī Fa no hahaoya) was the mother of Lai Faa. When her house was attacked by Triad gangsters in a revenge plot, she did not survive the arson, though her daughter and husband did.[69]

Launi Meili[]

Launi Meili (ラウニー・メイリー Raunī Meirī) is an American sport shooter who won a gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.[12]

Le Majeur's younger sister[]

Le Majeur's younger sister (ルマジュールの妹 Rumajūru no imōto) was the younger sister of Le Majeur who is allegedly deceased. Majeur saw her sister in the first L'auriculaire.[68]

Le Pouce's contacts[]

Le Pouce's contacts (ルプスの情報屋と連絡役 Rupusu no jōhō-ya to renraku-yaku) were an informant and a contact for Le Pouce when Les Cinq Doigts arrived in Roanapur, but the former of the two had disappeared.[70][68]

Leigharch's doctor[]

Leigharch's doctor (レガーチの医者 Regāchi no isha) is a medical caretaker who took care of Leigharch after he overdosed on drugs and became comatose.[71]

Lotton's grandmother[]

Lotton's grandmother (ロットンのグランマ Rotton no guranma) is the unnamed grandmother of Lotton, who claimed that her special medicinal tea could cure constipation.[72]

Luc Anum[]

Luc Anum (リュック・アヌム Ryukku Anumu) is one of several African men who were involved in the plotting of the attempted 1989 coup d'état against Blaise Compaoré.[73]

Luciana's lover[]

Luciana's lover (ルシアナの恋人 Rushiana no koibito) was a leftist guerrilla and the former boyfriend of Luciana. He was killed by the Peruvian military during the anti-guerrilla conflict.[28]

Maggie D[]

Maggie D (マッギー・D Maggī Dī) is a cyberhacker and member of the Highwaymen based in Lyon, France. She kept track of Feng Yifei's movements as the latter broke into an avionics company so that Jane and other Highwaymen could expose her as a spy for the People's Liberation Army.[63]

Maite's parents[]

Maite's parents (マイテの親 Maite no oya) were the parents of Maite and her two siblings. They were killed by the military during their campaign against the guerrillas.[74]

Maki's mother[]

Maki's mother (まきの母親 Maki no hahaoya) is the mother of Maki. When her daughter's grades were failing, she chided her for not quitting her job to focus on her schoolwork.[64]

Manuel Marulanda[]

Manuel Marulanda (マヌエル・マルランダ Manueru Maruranda) is the founder and main leader of the Marxist-Leninist FARC-EP. He put out a bounty on Roberta for deserting FARC in the early 1990s, and he later sent the Sumasas Brigade to hunt her down when she visited Roanapur a second time.[18]

Mao Zedong[]

Mao Zedong was a Chinese politician and revolutionary who founded the People's Republic of China, leading the country from 1949 until his death in 1976. He helped found the Chinese Red Army which would later become the People's Liberation Army. Colonel Ma had a portrait of him in his office.[63]

Masami Kōsa's older brother[]

Masami Kōsa's older brother (香砂政巳の兄 Kōsa Masami no ani) was the older brother of Masami Kōsa and the head of the Kōsa Council until the early 1990s. He had a good relationship with the Washimine Group, but when he passed away, his younger brother gradually deteriorated relations with the Washimine yakuza.[75]


Maskaev (マスカエフ Masukaefu) is a Hotel Moscow member who led a Vysotniki unit to unsuccessfully aid the Guadalajara Cartel in the Mexico–U.S. border region. Although his unit achieved localized victories, they had to withdraw due to their enemy's numbers still outpacing them.[61]

Melody Lee[]

Melody Lee (メロディ・リー Merodi Rī) is a getaway specialist who lives in Brunei.[43]


Mendez (メンデス Mendesu) was a DGCIM officer and one of Marcos José Lucientes's five collaborators who helped him arrange the stage security for an MVR rally that was to be bombed by Grey Fox.[42]

Miguel Navarro[]

Miguel Navarro (ミゲル・ナヴァーロ Migeru Navāro) was a high-ranking boss within the Guadalajara Cartel. When he was killed, his cartel and the Nuevo Laredo Cartel began fighting each other in the Mexico–U.S. border region, and his successors were wiped out when Hotel Moscow's forces had to withdraw from the territory.[61]

Monk Burgashvili[]

Monk Burgashvili (僧侶ブルガジビリ Sōryo Burugajibiri), alternatively called Bulgaziviri the Priest in the English version of the anime, is a crime boss within Hotel Moscow. He took over as the Japanese branch leader when Vasili Laptev was cut loose by Pyotr Slevinin and Balalaika.[12] In the anime only, he also spied on the Washimine Group and discovered that Yukio Washimine planned on fleeing to Roanapur to rebuild her yakuza there.[54]

Montero's father[]

Montero's father (モンテロの父親 Montero no chichoya) was a Christian preacher and the father of Montero.[76]


Morales (モラレス Moraresu) was a codename used by Grey Fox to refer to a high-ranking representative of the MVR, a leftist political party in Venezuela. He was assassinated by Grey Fox by a bomb they planted underneath the stage at his political rally.[42]

Mr. Hidalgo[]

Not to be confused with Hidalgo.

Mr. Hidalgo (イダルゴさん Idarugo-san) is a Venezuelan man who became manager of the Lovelace family's mine after it became financially stable.[6]

Nadja's father[]

Nadja's father (ナジャの父親 Naja no chichioya) was a Bosnian diplomat to the United States. During the Bosnian War, he was killed during the Army of Republika Srpska's bombings, leaving behind his daughter Nadja and his wife.[77]


Nico (ニッコ Nikko) is a Cosa Nostra gangster who arranged for Sammy's murder on Ronnie the Jaws' orders.[41]

Nicolae Ceaușescu[]

Nicolae Ceaușescu (ニコラエ・チャウシェスク Nikorae Chaushesuku) was a Romanian dictator and the second and last leader of communist Romania. Early on in his tenure, he authorized Decree 770, which banned abortion in Romania. As a result, parents who could not afford to take care of their newborn children sent them to state-run orphanages, and these orphans grew up in conditions of great abuse, including being sold to the mafia.[43]


Nishikawa is a member of the Washimine Group who was targeted by Hotel Moscow for elimination.[78] His current fate is unknown.


Ōno is a member of the Kōsa Council who was targeted for elimination by Hotel Moscow.[64] It is unknown if he was killed.

Pablo Escobar[]

Pablo Escobar was the founder and leader of the Medellín Cartel, which was allied with FARC. After his murder and the subsequent destruction of his cartel, FARC allied themselves with the Colombian Cartel.[79]

Park Seung's mother[]

Park Seung's mother (パクスンの母親 Pakusun no hahaoya) was a waitress and the mother of Park Seung.[80]

Philip O'Sullivan[]

Philip O'Sullivan (フィリップ・オサリバン Firippu Osariban) is the head of the O'Sullivan Corporation, a billion-dollar shipping company based in San Francisco. He had one daughter, Tricia and was friends with Zeng Shuntian, whose grandson was set to marry Tricia. Because Zeng Shuntian was the leader of the Fujianese crime syndicate Budaibang and had political influence in China, the CIA decided to end the relationship as part of a ploy to get more funding from the U.S. President.[25]

Pierre Umwe[]

Pierre Umwe (ピエール・ウムウェ Piēru Umuwe) is one of several African men who were involved in the plotting of the attempted 1989 coup d'état against Blaise Compaoré.[73]

President of the United States[]

The President of the United States is the head of state of the United States of America who oversees the executive branch of the federal government. Agencies within the executive branch, such as the NSA and the CIA, vie for the President's favor.[81]

Pyotr Slevinin[]

Pyotr Slevinin (ピョートル・スレヴィニン Pyōtoru Surevinin)[54] is a high-ranking boss in Hotel Moscow and the boss of Balalaika. Among different subordinate bosses, he likes Balalaika but was displeased with Vasili Laptev.[12] About a year later after he ordered Balalaika to repair Hotel Moscow's Japanese branch, Slevinin ordered her to maintain the weakening influence of Hotel Moscow in Mexico.[61]


Quan (クアン Kuan) was a member of Luak's pirate gang.[82]

Rafael Caldera[]

Rafael Caldera (ラファエル・カルデラ Rafaeru Karudera) is the current president of Venezuela. In response to his policies in the mid-1990s, the leftist political party MVR challenged him, but not without gaining the ire of the U.S. National Security Agency.[17]

Rashida's parents[]

Rashida's parents (ラシーダの親 Rashīda no oya) are the parents of Rashida, whom they brought to Germany in her childhood because they were exiles from Bosnia in former Yugoslavia.[77]

Ravencroft's family[]

Ravencroft's family consists of the wife and children of Richard Ravencroft who were seen in a photograph in his office.[42]

Reinhard Heydrich[]

Reinhard Heydrich (ラインハルト・ハイドリヒ Rainharuto Haidorihi) was the founder of Nazi Germany's Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service, SD) and a principal architect of the Holocaust. In January 1942, he led the Wannsee Conference to secure cooperation from fellow senior Nazi officials to formalize plans for the deportation and genocide of all Jewish people in Europe.[47]

Richard Helms[]

Richard Helms (リチャード・ヘルムズ Richādo Herumuzu) is a former Director of Central Intelligence who ordered the destruction of all files related to the CIA's MKUltra program when it came under investigation in 1973.[53]


Rickert (リッケルト Rikkeruto) was a neo-Nazi and member of the Aryan Socialist Union. He joined Kruppen Feller's diving team to salvage a painting from the U-234.[55]

Rob's parents[]

Rob's mother and father (ロブの母親と父親 Robu no hahaoya to chichioya) were the parents of Rob. His mother was a prostitute while his father was her pimp.[80]

Rob's victim[]

Rob's victim refers to an unnamed woman whom Rob killed and raped, resulting in Rob serving time in an Arizonan prison for first-degree murder.[41][76]

Roberta's father[]

Roberta's father (ロベルタの父親 Roberuta no chichioya) was Roberta's late father and a close friend of Diego Lovelace.[17]

Rock's family[]

Rock's family (ロックの家族 Rokku no kazoku) includes the older brother and parents of Rock, formerly known as Rokurō Okajima.[83]

Rodney XX[]

Rodney XX (ロドニー・XXダブルエックス Rodonī Daburuekkusu) is a member of the Highwaymen who acts as a point of contact between the hackers and their clients.[84]

Rowan's doctor acquaintance[]

Rowan's doctor acquaintance is an unnamed doctor who Rowan has hired to do breast augmentation surgery for his female employees.[31]

Ru Donshi[]

Ru Donshi (ル・ドンシ) was one of Shue Yan's lieutenants who, with Lao Jeng, accompanied his boss to inspect four villages in the Monparyo region.[66]


Rumi (ルミ) is Chaka's girlfriend. She called him during a Washimine Group meeting to ask him if he wanted Prada items, angering him enough to threaten to injure her mouth.[64]

Running back's fiancée[]

The running back's fiancée (ランニングバックの婚約者 Ranningubakku no kon'yakusha) is the fiancée of the "running back," a gangster who concocted a plan for his "quarterback" brother to steal money from Sawyer the Cleaner.[85]

Ryūhei Yamano[]

Ryūhei Yamano is a member of the Kōsa Council who was targeted for elimination by Hotel Moscow.[64] It is unknown if he is alive or dead.

Ryūzō Washimine[]

Ryuzo Washimine anime

Ryūzō photographed with his wife and daughter

Ryūzō Washimine (鷲峰龍三 Washimine Ryūzō) was the thirteenth head of the Washimine Group. He fostered good relations with the Kōsa Council and was known to be an honorable man, earning the respect and loyalty of Ginji Matsuzaki.[86][75]

Saensak's girlfriend[]

Saensak's girlfriend (セーンサックの彼女 Sēnsakku no kanojo) is the girlfriend of Saensak. In "The Wired Red Wild Card," she was going to spend some time with him, but he could not make it because he had to respond to the firefight that Rob and Revy started.[80]

Sam Berger[]

Sam Berger (サミュエル・バーガー Samyueru Bāgā) is an American attorney and the U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor in the mid-1990s. When a terrorist group bombed the U.S. Embassy in Zaire, he held a press conference at the White House to discuss the matter.[87]

Santa Ana[]

Santa Ana (サンタ・アナ) was a codename used by Grey Fox to refer to a leading representative of the MVR, a leftist political party in Venezuela. He was assassinated by Grey Fox by a bomb they planted underneath the stage at his political rally.[42]


Schultz (シュルツ Shurutsu) was a Kriegsmarine sailor and crew member of the U-234.[9]


Sesma (セスマ Sesuma) was a codename used by Grey Fox to refer to a high-ranking representative of the MVR, a leftist political party in Venezuela. He was assassinated by Grey Fox by a bomb they planted underneath the stage at his political rally.[42]

Shadow Falcon's parents[]

Shadow Falcon's parents (シャドーファルコンの親 Shadōfarukon no oya) are the parents of Shadow Falcon, who used the inheritance money he received from them to travel around Southeast Asia.[88]


Shirley (シャーリー Shārī) is the wife of Raymond McDougal.[17]


Simonovich (シモノウィチ Simonowichi) is the father of Stanislav Kandinsky.[89]

Sommers's wife[]

Sommers's wife (ソマーズの妻 Somāzu no tsuma) is the wife of Sommers. She has leukemia, which made Sommers desperate enough to earn money for her treatments by selling seized drugs.[90]

Spielberger's family[]

Spielberger's family (シュピールベルガーの家族 Shupīruberugā no kazoku) refers to Spielberger's wife and child who lived in Stuttgart, Germany.[9]

Stanislav's uncle[]

Stanislav's uncle (スタンの叔父 Sutan no oji) is the uncle of Stanislav Kandinsky. He taught his nephew how to use a sniper rifle.[89]

Swampgold Smith[]

Swampgold Smith is the alias of a People's Liberation Army official who chastised a former Sigurimi official for mishandling gold ingots used to fund the Albanian secret police.[67]


Sören (ゼーレン Zēren) was a Kriegsmarine corporal and crew member of the U-234.[9]

Tadao Ishino[]

Tadao Ishino is a commander within the Kōsa Council who was targeted for elimination by Hotel Moscow.[64] It is unknown if he survived the anti-yakuza campaign.


Taguchi (田口) was a member of the Washimine Group who was assassinated by Hotel Moscow.[78]

Taigo Wakayama[]

Taigo Wakayama is a member of the Kōsa Council who was targeted for elimination by Hotel Moscow.[64] His current fate is unknown.

Tatiana Novikova's father[]

Tatiana Novikova's father (タチアナ・ノヴィコヴァの父親 Tachiana Novikova no chichioya) was a KGB deputy chairman and the father of Tatiana Novikova. When his son-in-law Vasili Skachkov defected from the Soviet Union in 1985, the scandal caused him to be removed from office, bringing shame onto the Novikov family.[91]

The Undertaker No. 2's family[]

The Undertaker No. 2's family (墓掘り人2号の家族 Hakahori-jin ni-gō no kazoku) is the family of The Undertaker No. 2. She ran away from her family sometime before she became a gravedigger at the Roanapur Public Cemetery.[92]

Theodor Schypke[]

Theodor Schypke (テオドール・シュプケ Teodōru Shupuke), alternatively spelled Theodor Schepke in the English version, was a senior Nazi official who was present at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942.[47]

Thomas Sankara[]

Thomas Sankara (トーマス・サンカラ Tōmasu Sankara) was a Burkinabe military officer and revolutionary who, with several officers including Blaise Compaoré, assembled in Antsirabe, Madagascar and eventually led a coup in the Republic of Upper Volta, becoming the president and renaming the country Burkina Faso. In 1987, he himself was killed in a coup by Compaoré's troops, though Compaoré's comrades who were previously affiliated with Sankara also attempted to overthrow President Compaoré in 1989.[16]


Vargas (バルガス Barugas) is a Cuban Navy commander and associate of Alberto Camarasa. Like his associate, he wanted to re-recruit Roberta for revolutionary guerrilla warfare.[93]

Verrocchio's fixer[]

Verrocchio's fixer (ヴェロッキオの手配師 Verokkio no tehai-shi) was an unnamed fixer who was killed by Hänsel and Gretel.[1]


The waiter (給仕 Kyūji) is an unnamed waiter at the Caribbean Bar who barely survived Hänsel and Gretel's attack on the bar. He testified about what he saw, including the description of the attackers.[1]


Elder Brother Wan (ワン大兄 Wan Taikei) is a crime boss in the Sun Yee On Triad. He commissioned Extra Order on Asahi Industries' behalf to target the Lagoon Company.[94]

Watsap's family[]

Watsap's family (ワトサップの家族 Watosappu no kazoku) refers to the wife and one child of Chief Watsap. They went on vacation together at Ko Samui in "El Baile de la muerte."[8]

Welfare center worker[]

The welfare center worker is an unnamed woman who once oversaw Revy at a childhood welfare center.[39]

Wentzel Ahbe's family[]

Wentzel H. Ahbe's family (アーベの家族 Ābe no kazoku) refers to the wife and two children of Wentzel H. Ahbe. He kept a photograph of them with himself during his oceanic voyages.[95]

Wilhelm Schacht[]

Wilhelm Schacht (ヴィルヘルム・シャハト Viruherumu Shahato) was a senior Nazi official who was present at the Wannsee Conference.[47]

Wrangel Island officers[]

The Wrangel Island officers (ウランゲリ島の警官 Urangeri-tō no keikan) are the instructors at the special training facility on Wrangel Island who trained Balalaika when she was a young soldier.[96]


Xu (Chinese: 徐, pinyin: ) is a Budaibang gangster who tipped off Tricia O'Sullivan's location to his boss Lu Tao.[88]

Yukio's mother[]

Yukio's mother (雪緒の母親 Yukio no hahaoya) was the wife of Ryūzō Washimine and the mother of Yukio Washimine. She died in Yukio's teenage years around the same time that Ryūzō died.[75]

Zamid Dhiyab[]

Zamid Dhiyab

Zamid Dhiyab smiling for a picture.

Zamid Dhiyab (ザミド・ディヤーブ Zamido Diyābu) was a banker for the London Bullion Market Association. He dealt with laundering gold for the Albanian Mafia on Cosa Nostra's behalf until his untimely death, causing a stir among the Italians.[41]

Zamid Dhiyab's mistress[]

Zamid Dhiyab's mistress (ザミドの情婦 Zamido no jōfu) is the mistress of Zamid Dhiyab. She attempted to pilfer Dhiyab's assets immediately after his death but was caught by the London Metropolitan Police.[41]

Zeng Shunjing[]

Zeng Shunjing (Chinese: 曾舜景, pinyin: Zēng Shùnjǐng) is the Secretary of the Communist Party of China's Central Secretariat, the father of Zeng Kemin, and the son of Zeng Shuntian, the leader of the Fujianese crime syndicate Budaibang.[35]

Zeng Shuntian[]

Zeng Shuntian (Chinese: 曾舜天, pinyin: Zēng Shùntiān) is the leader of Budaibang. He grew up in poverty and in his early adulthood fought for the Chinese Red Army in the anti-Japanese front in WWII. As a result of his service, he gained political power which he was eventually stripped of during the Cultural Revolution, but Shuntian regained a powerful position in the Communist Party of China under Deng Xiaoping's reforms. It is unknown at what point Shuntian had become leader of Budaibang, but although retired from his political position, he still maintains connections in the Chinese government thanks to his son Zeng Shunjing's position within the CPC.[35]

Zhuang Dai-Long[]

Zhuang Dai-Long (Chinese: 莊戴龍, pinyin: Zhuāng Dài Lóng)[89] is a Hong Kong Triad boss and the superior of Mister Chang, who was welcomed into the Triad by Dai-Long.[4] Chang usually has to consult his boss for big decisions, but he also acts on his own intuition. Dai-Long briefly accepted Shadow Falcon's services from Chang[89] but decided that he was too difficult to deal with despite his usefulness, so he sent the ninja back to his subordinate.[97]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Chapter 11: Bloodsport Fairy tale Part 1
  2. Chapter 46: El Baile de la muerte Part 3
  3. Episode 06: Moonlit Hunting Grounds
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Chapter 68: El Baile de la muerte Part 25
  5. 5.0 5.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 08: Balkan crisis Part 1
  6. 6.0 6.1 Chapter 49: El Baile de la muerte Part 6
  7. Episode 11: Lock'n Load Revolution
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Chapter 45: El Baile de la muerte Part 2
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Chapter 05: Das Wieder Erstehen Des Adlers Part 1
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Chapter 106: L'homme sombre Part 5
  11. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 11: Ghost Dog
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Episode 21: Two Father's Little Soldier Girls
  13. Chapter 81: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 5
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Chapter 75: El Baile de la muerte Part 32
  15. 15.0 15.1 Chapter 87: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 11
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Chapter 108: L'homme sombre Part 7
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Chapter 44: El Baile de la muerte Part 1
  18. 18.0 18.1 Chapter 57: El Baile de la muerte Part 14
  19. 19.0 19.1 Chapter 21: Goat, Jihad, Rock'N Roll Part 6
  20. 20.0 20.1 Gore Gore Girl Chapter 14: Gloomy Sunday
  21. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 51: Nightmare Before Christmas
  22. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 14: A Savage Place Part 3
  23. Chapter 76: El Baile de la muerte Part 33
  24. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 01: Devastating New Face Part 1
  25. 25.0 25.1 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater)
  26. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater: 6)
  27. Chapter 62: El Baile de la muerte Part 19
  28. 28.0 28.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 22: Little King of The South Part 2
  29. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 49: The Name of the Rose
  30. 30.0 30.1 Chapter 30: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 9
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Chapter 92: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 16
  32. Episode 18: Mr. Benny's Good Fortune
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Chapter 52: El Baile de la muerte Part 9
  34. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 04: MIAMI VICE Part 2
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Lagoon Company: Dutch)
  36. Episode 08: Rasta Blasta
  37. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 02: The Shadow Over Roanapur
  38. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 56: Twilight
  39. 39.0 39.1 Chapter 38: Greenback Jane Part 1
  40. Chapter 39: Greenback Jane Part 2
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 Chapter 86: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 10
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 Episode 25: Collateral Massacre
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Episode 15: Swan Song at Dawn
  44. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 57: Love Me Tender
  45. 45.0 45.1 Episode 28: Oversaturation Kill Box
  46. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 15: A Savage Place Part 4
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 Chapter 08: Das Wieder Erstehen Des Adlers Part 4
  48. Chapter 85: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 9
  49. Chapter 25: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 4
  50. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 41: The Wraith
  51. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater: 5)
  52. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 21: Little King of The South Part 1
  53. 53.0 53.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 07: Wandering Old Case Officer Part 2
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 Episode 24: The Gunslingers
  55. 55.0 55.1 Episode 05: Eagle Hunting and Hunting Eagles
  56. Black Lagoon: Shaitane Badi (Chapter 1)
  57. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 04: Soap Opera
  58. Chapter 43: Greenback Jane Part 6
  59. Chapter 109: L'homme sombre Part 8
  60. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 16: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 1
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 Chapter 117: El réquiem de los Desalmados Part 1
  62. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 23: A Mad Tea-Party
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 Chapter 78: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 2
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 64.4 64.5 64.6 64.7 Episode 20: The Succession
  65. Chapter 34: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 13
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 Chapter 56: El Baile de la muerte Part 13
  67. 67.0 67.1 Chapter 91: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 15
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 Chapter 105: L'homme sombre Part 4
  69. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 38: Vengeance
  70. Chapter 103: L'homme sombre Part 2
  71. Chapter 40: Greenback Jane Part 3
  72. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 01: In the Mouth of Madness
  73. 73.0 73.1 Chapter 102: L'homme sombre Part 1
  74. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 26: Little King of The South Part 6
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 Chapter 32: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 11
  76. 76.0 76.1 Chapter 93: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 17
  77. 77.0 77.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 09: Balkan crisis Part 2
  78. 78.0 78.1 Episode 23: Snow White's Payback
  79. Chapter 53: El Baile de la muerte Part 10
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 Chapter 89: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 13
  81. Episode 29: Codename Paradise, Status MIA
  82. Chapter 01: Chase for ring-ding ships
  83. Episode 19: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise
  84. Chapter 100: The Wired Red Wild Card Part 24
  85. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 55: Bachelor Party
  86. Chapter 23: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 2
  87. Chapter 16: Goat, Jihad, Rock'N Roll Part 1
  88. 88.0 88.1 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Budaibang: Lu Tao)
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.3 Black Lagoon: Shaitane Badi (Chapter 5)
  90. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 05: MIAMI VICE Part 3
  91. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 17: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 2
  92. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 34: Nosferatu
  93. Episode 27: Angels in the Crosshairs
  94. Episode 01: The Black Lagoon
  95. Episode 04: Die Rückkehr des Adlers
  96. Chapter 29: Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise Part 8
  97. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Chang Wai-San: 2)