Little King of The South Part 6 is the twenty-sixth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Eda Initial Stage. It was originally released on May 17, 2024.
Retrieving their supplies from the damaged and tipped over van, Eda and her group begin to set out to the country's border on foot. Later, Melgar and his group arrive at the scene and look through the damaged van. Paula suggests that they split up and also travel on foot to pursue their enemies because there are only a few foot routes. Though she remembers that the enemy has civilians among them, Melgar claims that the CIA are just businessmen, not the Delta Force or Marines. Paula replies that it should be easy to catch up with them since the enemy has little mobility, to which Melgar responds that their associate will be able to catch them. Addressing his captain, Lobbe informs Melgar that Víbora has found the enemy's tracks, noting that they seem to be heading for the eastern border. Accordingly, the intelligence leader orders them to continue the pursuit, but Víbora suddenly runs up the mountain and leaves on his own.
Worried, Lobbe recalls that there were children among the enemy, to which José responds that they may die of the usual sicknesses. The former remarks that he hopes he will not be responsible for cleaning up the dismembered bodies in the end. Paula rhetorically asks if the military wanted to get rid of the "troublemaker" Víbora, causing Melgar to comment that he is useless for military operations but perfect for hunting. He recalls that he took Víbora from the military specifically for a situation like theirs. Up ahead on the mountain path, everyone in the group pants from exhaustion except for Jaden, who is excited to hike unlike his associates. Turning around, he proclaims that hiking is no problem for him, adding that he received a merit badge in hiking with great praise from the scoutmaster. Jaden states that he did not make it to Eagle Scout but was a good Boy Scout. Confused, Enrique wonders what the "Eagle" refers to, prompting Eda to answer that it is the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America. Jaden confirms that he was an avid Boy Scout, making Eda joke that he at least is not a liability.
Throughout the rest of the day, the five traverse the mountain range. As they gradually ascend, Jaden orders them to hurry up, annoying the other four hikers. When they decide to take a break, Eda offers to light Luciana's cigarette, and they briefly and amicably converse. At night, they finally set up camp near some rocks on a hillside and put all of their food supplies into one pot to cook. Finishing the meal, Jaden hands a cup to Enrique and says that it is a special stew from his troop that can be managed with anything on hand. The boy gives a cup to Mayte while Eda and Luciana admit that the soup is quite delicious. Sulking, Jaden tells them not to speak to him like cooking is his only skill. Luciana compliments the tea's warmness and pulls out a bottle of alcohol from her bag, asking the group if they want a drink. Eda is skeptical about it since they are fugitives, but Luciana teases that she will put it away, making Eda want the alcohol. Jaden politely denies wanting any from Eda whereas Enrique shouts that he wants one. Luciana happily pours him a glass, much to Mayte's worry.
Soon after he drinks some, Enrique exclaims that they should not underestimate the debtor president and never give up. He also yells that he will resume business after the coup is finished, going on a tirade about how he has a few contacts and the military and will not let inhuman soldiers and a non-substance president run his country. Standing up and raising his cup, Enrique affirms to his speechless associates that he will create his kingdom and avoid failure again. He suddenly vomits, prompting Eda to ask if he is all right. She mutters that he is rather reckless, to which Luciana rebuffs her opinion, explaining that he came to their village out of the blue and befriended everyone in town. She mentions that Enrique established business channels, connected the opposition coalition to the guerrillas, and gave momentum to the underfunded guerrillas. Solemnly, Luciana concludes that Enrique perhaps will bring a breath of fresh air to their country. After hearing the story, Eda merely replies that she is expecting too much, repeating that it is merely the hubris of a child. Hearing Jaden claim that he thought she liked him, she remarks that his ambition is fine but has too many problems to tackle all at once.
As Mayte helps Enrique, Eda guesses that he is stuck in the middle and is trying to cling to everything that he has spread out. Looking at the nearby lake, she witnesses Mayte trying to help Enrique, who falls in and struggles, baffling Eda. Immediately, the two children go away from the camp to talk privately. Worried, Mayte says he has been drinking too much alcohol, but Enrique retorts that he is fine. Wiping his mouth and crying, he complains that the others look down on him and treat him like a child. Mayte assures him that no one thinks that, but Enrique clarifies that he can tell by seeing their faces. He comments that Eda keeps saying that his goals are just children's fantasies but asserts that it is not age that matters but rather, whether one has power or not, that is, the power to make one's ambitions come true. Speaking up, Mayte confesses that she is worried about him. To his surprise, she begins to cry and professes that she does not want to lose anyone else, as she has already lost her mother, father, brother and her grandmother. Mayte admits that if something happened to him or her sister, she would not be able to bear it.
Speechless, Enrique hugs her and says that he bears responsibility for not being able to save her grandmother, stating that he cannot regret it even if he wants to. The boy proclaims that he will repay his debts to Casilda and promises to do everything to get Mayte to a safe place. Feeling a little better, the girl asks if they can live together in peace, to which he answers that they will live. Before he can tell her something, Víbora suddenly appears, pushes Enrique away, and grabs Mayte, who screams. Running toward the hunter, Luciana warns him to let go of her younger sister. Hitting Víbora on the head with a large stick, she urges Mayte to run away. Luciana pulls out her pistol, but Víbora quickly grabs her hand and neck. Near him, Eda shoots him in the chest, but Víbora continues to hold onto the guerrilla and uses her as a shield. Before the CIA agent can fire another shot, Lobbe and José come to his aid and shoot at Eda, also chastising Víbora for getting ahead of himself. Angered, Luciana pulls out a knife and swipes it at Víbora, who grabs her left wrist, moves it behind her back, and breaks her arm, injuring her.
As he grabs her head, Enrique jumps onto the large man and tries to blind him. Undeterred, Víbora grabs him and thrusts the boy onto the ground. At the same time, Eda is again forced to take cover as Lobbe and José shoot at her. As she orders Jaden to do suppressive fire, Luciana crawls toward her knife and grabs it. Seeing her, Víbora grins, but she glares and smugly grins back. Luciana charges at him and Enrique attempts to shoot him, though Víbora dodges the latter's attack. With swift speed, the man grabs Luciana's right arm and begins to tighten his grip to break that arm as well. Víbora then catches her knife as it drops and shoves it into her chest, completely shocking her sister and the three associates. Mayte and Enrique both watch her fall to the ground, causing the latter to furiously fire repeatedly at Víbora's accomplices. José tries shooting at the boy, giving Eda the opportunity to successfully shoot him in the head. While Lobbe forces the American woman to take cover, Mayte is frozen and cannot believe what has happened to her sister. Looking over the girl, Víbora glares at her and smiles.