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Lobbe (ロべ Robe) was an intelligence officer who worked for Melgar in the Peruvian government. He and José were handlers of Víbora, a hunter who was able to track down the Intelligence Bureau's targets.


Lobbe was a Hispanic man with a broad build, tan skin, and short black hair. He wore a dark-colored jacket and pants with a light-colored dress shirt, and he carried a Heckler & Koch MP5K submachine gun for a weapon.

Eda Initial Stage history[]

Little King of The South[]

During President Duarte's self-coup, Melgar was ordered by him to prove the worth of the Peruvian government's Intelligence Bureau by successfully finding a connection between the CIA and the left-wing guerrillas. Accordingly, the intelligence leader had Lobbe and other officers accompany him to find a connection.[1] At first, Melgar took advantage of the military's repression of political opponents to interrogate Farias Cordero, the leader of the opposition coalition, learning some information about the CIA's presence. Going to the guerrillas' city hideout, Lobbe and José were assigned to watch Vibora as they carried out their mission to find Eda and Enrique's group. Going to the hideout, he had Víbora break down the door, and they saw no one inside.

Lobbe reported this to Melgar and clarified that the noise that he heard was just the hunter kicking down the door. He then observed Víbora noticing that the enemy had recently left since the cooking pot on the stove was still cooling down. Accordingly, Melgar ordered all of his subordinates to hurry up for departing. Some hour or two later, Paula received a report about the brief gunfight between the enemy and a couple of soldiers. Heading to the mountains in the eastern part of the country, the Intelligence Bureau officers split up into three groups, with Lobbe pairing up with Víbora and José.[2]

Once the officers arrived at the base of the mountains, they came across the car that the CIA agents left behind after their gunfight with Celino and his partner. Nearby, Víbora discovered the enemy's tracks, so he went on ahead much to the others' surprise. Worried about Víbora's strength, Lobbe recalled that there were children among the enemy, to which José responded that they might die of the usual sicknesses anyway. That day, the two officers followed his path and ended up higher in the mountains that night. Finding Eda's group, Víbora went ahead to sneak attack Enrique and Mayte. As soon as Eda shot at Víbora, Lobbe and José shot at her feet in turn to force her to take cover, though they chastised Víbora for getting ahead of himself. As Luciana battled the large hunter, Lobbe continued giving suppressive fire until Enrique distracted José enough that Eda shot the latter in the head.[3]

Surprised that José was killed, Lobbe fired at Eda but had to flee into the adjacent forest when Jaden fired at him to cover the dissidents' escape. Some hour later after their enemies fled the area, he returned to the area where the gunfight occurred and called out for Víbora, who had fallen into the lake after being shot multiple times by Mayte. To his surprise, the hunter suddenly emerged from the water, making Lobbe admit he was impressed at his endurance. Noticing that he was shot several times in the arm and once in his right eye, he asked Víbora if he would be okay. Complimenting him as a monster, Lobbe offered to give him first aid, but the hunter adamantly rejected his help, claiming that the girl looked delicious. Feeling uneasy, Lobbe assessed that his crazy state would nonetheless be useful.

The subsequent day, he called Melgar on his radiophone, reporting that José and one guerrilla were killed, apologizing for the outcome. Hearing that Víbora was "down," Melgar asked if he had to be retired, but Lobbe explained that Víbora was only furious and determined to chase down the enemy. Sitting on the ground, the hunter ripped off his sleeve and wraps it around his head to form a makeshift eyepatch. When Lobbe informed him that they would continue pursuing the enemy, Víbora expressed delight. Afterward, the two men separated so that Lobbe could reconvene with fellow intelligence officers to ambush Eda and make her surrender in the local town. After Eda finished calling for help using a payphone, Melgar and his officers ordered her to come out as the officers readied their weapons. However, before they could do anything, Jaden came to Eda's rescue to drive her away as Enrique used suppressive fire, but Víbora blocked their exit path.[4]

In order to catch up with Víbora as he fought the enemy, Lobbe got into Melgar's van and apologized for being late, but his boss merely ordered him and the driver to hurry up. When the hunter was thrown off the enemy car and onto Celino's car, it made the latter vehicle swerve off the road and off of a cliff. Melgar ordered them to continue the pursuit, causing Lobbe to urge him to at least consider picking Víbora up. Nonetheless, his boss rejected the request since he believed the hunter would be fine on his own. Later, when the officers arrived at the country's eastern border, they stopped and were surprised to see military trucks barring the CIA agents from exiting. As Lobbe wondered what was going on, Paula turned on the officers and shot him and the driver in their heads, killing them instantly. In contrast, Melgar was able to flee from the van and avoid being murdered by Paula, who wanted revenge on him for abandoning her on a previous mission.[5]


  1. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 24: Little King of The South Part 4
  2. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 25: Little King of The South Part 5
  3. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 26: Little King of The South Part 6
  4. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 27: Little King of The South Part 7
  5. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 28: Little King of The South Part 8