Lottie (ロッティ Rotti) is the second daughter of Maynard Sears and the half-sister of Yevdokiya Skachkova. She was the target of a ransom kidnapping plot by Ives and his men.
Lottie is a young Caucasian girl with a skinny build, pale skin, and short wavy blond hair. She wears a dark-colored shirt with women's overall shorts, a light-colored cloth belt, and light-colored sneakers.
Eda Initial Stage history[]
The Spy Who Came in from Cold[]
After one particular school day, Lottie was going to play with her friend Janice, but the latter had to cancel due to an emergency. Subsequently, she traveled to her house on her bicycle, greeting her mother as the latter met Yevdokiya Skachkova. Just outside the door, Lottie relayed to her mother how she came home because her friend Janice was unable to play with her due to an emergency. Noticing Yevdokiya, the baffled girl asked who she was, prompting her mother to tell her not to be rude. Lottie then asked if her father had returned home, which her mother denied. The child noted that there was a car nearby, puzzling the mother since she did not hear Maynard enter the house. Nonetheless, Lottie again asked who the female visitor was, embarrassing the mother. When Yevdokiya tried to introduce herself, two men came up with one pointing his gun at Lottie's head, warning everyone not to move. Lottie screamed for her mother as she was grabbed and restrained as the bearded man informed the woman that if she called the police, then Lottie's life would be ruined. The two men shoved the girl into their car, speeding off with her as their hostage.[1]
In the backseat of her abductors' car, Lottie struggled and yelled at the men to let her go. Putting his pistol to her forehead, the bearded man warned her to shut up, remarking that he was not very patient, ordering her to be quiet if she ever wanted to see her parents again. Shoving the gun's barrel into her mouth, he threatened to shoot her inside the mouth if she did not comply, so Lottie cried and silently agreed to be quiet. Soon, she was taken to a motel and tied up and gagged by the two abductors, who called Maynard to demand a $100,000 ransom for Lottie. He wanted proof that his daughter was alive and safe, so the bearded man took the duct tape off of her lips, allowing her to yell for her father. After telling Maynard to come with the money to Patterson Park by midnight, the man again gagged Lottie, who laid on the bed as the other henchman wondered if the plan would truly work. Mentioning that the kidnapping of Lottie was Ives's plan, he commented that they had no choice but to do it, adding that he was confident about it due to Ives's occupational skills in planning.
At that point, Lottie continued to lay on the bed while the other man went to a nearby diner to get food for themselves and the girl. As the bearded man relaxed after snorting cocaine, Lottie kicked around to gesture that she needed to use the bathroom. Suspicious, the criminal still decided to unbind her limbs so that she could go. As soon as she felt freed, Lottie wrapped her legs around his head and thrust him against a chair, dazing him. She instinctively ran out of the motel room and took the duct tape off of her mouth. Although the henchman almost caught up to her, Yevdokiya suddenly appeared and kicked the man in the face, advising Lottie to enter her car. As soon as the girl got into the passenger seat, the two drove off. In front of them, having returned from the diner, the other criminal saw the two, infuriating him. He exclaimed that the two women would not escape, intentionally crashing his car into theirs.[2]
Scared, Lottie ducked as Yevdokiya kept shooting until she successfully hit the man in his arm. The latter urged the child to follow her, but when they exited the car, the bearded abductor confronted them. Lottie slid toward him and kicked him in the groin, momentarily immobilizing him. As the two women ran away on the street, another car blocked their path and Ives, the man who planned Lottie's abduction, stepped out. Yevdokiya ordered Lottie to follow her in another direction, eventually hiding in a backyard in the suburban neighborhood. Sitting down and laying against a fence, the child asked who she was. The Russian woman answered that she was an acquaintance of her father who asked her to rescue the girl. Smiling, Lottie confidently claimed that her father certainly cared about her given that she had not been kidnapped for long. Knowing that Lottie was Maynard's daughter, Yevdokiya asked about him, to which she said that her father had taught her many things, particularly self-defense. The Russian woman pointed out that she and her family were quite close, confusing Lottie. Omitting the fact that they shared the same father, Yevdokiya confessed that, in contrast, her own father left her and her mother a long time ago. She elaborated that it was just her and her mother except that the latter was in the hospital with little time left.
Although she affirmed that she was ready to accept her mother's passing, Yevdokiya sternly mentioned that she still had one thing left to do concerning "that man," hence she came to the United States. Curious, Lottie asked if she meant meeting her father, which Yevdokiya confirmed in hesitancy. At that point, Ives suddenly kicked through the wooden fence, knocking Yevdokiya onto her front. At the same time, Lottie was restrained by the bearded accomplice. Watching the two adults fight, she was shocked to see Ives subdue Yevdokiya despite her combat training. Lottie called for her, but Ives ignored her and kept the Russian woman tied up in his car trunk while the child was forced to accompany him to Patterson Park for the ransom deal.[3]
At midnight, Lottie was forcibly brought to the middle of the park in Baltimore. Upon seeing her father, she called out for him, causing him to ask if she was safe. Hearing Maynard's excuse for taking the money, Ives leaned next to Lottie and emphasized that he needed to give back the money, whispering the threat into the girl's ear for further intimidation. Standing in trepidation, Lottie waited for the exchange to occur wherein Ives would receive the duffel bag of money. Examining the duffel bag, the henchman began to bring it to Ives when the former was suddenly shot by Eda, startling everyone. Thinking quickly, Lottie turned around and kicked the other henchman in the groin.
When Maynard struggled with Ives for the duffel bag, he shouted at Lottie to get down so that he could shoot the henchman behind her. Her father frantically called for her, so she ran to him but became shocked upon witnessing him being shot in the shoulder. In front of them, Ives glared at them and declared that he would kill both of them, and Lottie remained steadfast but angry. Nearby, Yevdokiya showed up and engaged in a brief gunfight with Ives until she shot him in the abdomen, knocking him down. Crying, Lottie advised her father to get to a hospital as soon as possible. Hearing something, the girl grabbed a gun on the ground and turned around to point it at Yevdokiya.[4]

Lottie learns of her father's connection to Yevdokiya.
Shocked that she was the woman from before, Lottie asked her half-sister what she was doing. Claiming that the grudge was toward him, Maynard advised his younger daughter to put the gun down. Giving her father the gun, Lottie listened to him express his pity that Yevdokiya did not free herself of her mother's grudge. To the girl's surprise, Yevdokiya relayed to them that her mother requested that she kill not only Maynard but his wife and daughter too. Standing in front of her father with her arms extended, Lottie pleaded with Yevdokiya to stop, making the latter freeze due to seeing herself in the girl. Noticing Ives behind the woman, the child warned her, but the man quickly put her into a headlock. Lottie then watched Maynard offer the duffel bag to the gangster in exchange for Yevdokiya's release.
After sarcastically mocking Maynard's feelings, Ives pushed Yevdokiya away, shooting around her feet and grabbing the duffel bag. As he tried to run away, Eda shot him once in the head at close range, killing him. Completely silent, Lottie witnessed Yevdokiya and Eda fight until the latter managed to wound the former. Looking at Maynard, Eda chastised him for messing with her and rhetorically asked if he and his daughter should have called an ambulance instead. Sharing her father's surprise, Lottie heard Eda inform Yevdokiya that her mother, Maynard's ex-wife, passed away three days ago. The girl listened to Yevdokiya ask her father why he did not take her with him when he left the Soviet Union. Recalling the day that he bid goodbye to Yevdokiya, Maynard answered that he did not have the courage to bring her with because she knew nothing about the foreign land. Interrupting them, Eda bluntly opined that Maynard merely thought of himself and no one else. Lottie shouted that it was a terrible thing to say, to which Maynard partially agreed but assessed that it was all in the past. Afterward, the unharmed Lottie returned home with her father whereas Yevdokiya returned to the Russian Federation.[5]
- ↑ Eda Initial Stage Chapter 16: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 1
- ↑ Eda Initial Stage Chapter 17: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 2
- ↑ Eda Initial Stage Chapter 18: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 3
- ↑ Eda Initial Stage Chapter 19: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 4
- ↑ Eda Initial Stage Chapter 20: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 5